Annica O


Annica O

South America Again!!!

Central America Caribbean » Cuba June 8th 2010

Finally I got the chance to visit this highly praised country in the middle of the Carribean. So many people had told me it is a fantastic country, that I persuaded my favorite travel partners to come and join me: my brother Peter and his g-friend Karin. And in any case, it is almost like being a part of a live experiment of a different government form... Like many other people we were curious about learning how Castro's Cuba is working. Actually, Castro never does public appearances. A guy from Havana I spoke to told me that he was 46 years and had only seen him once, a very long time ago. Because of the security risk he does not meet his citizens. Nowadays nobody knows where he or his family lives, if he still lives... ... read more
American 50's car and run down house in Havana
Boat refugees on our way to Casablanca
Can you imagine his job?

South America » Colombia » Bogota June 4th 2010

Everything has an end, and it is almost always too soon!!! My last days in Colombia were in good friend's company around Bogotá. I had not yet seen the lake of Guatavita, that is supposed to be the lake from the legend of El Dorado where the Música people sacrificed gold to the Gods, so Valentino accomanied me there. The lake is not that big, but several attempts have been made to catch all of the gold thought to be on the bottom, even several attempts to drain the lake has been made, but none of the attempts were profitable due to the very small amount of gold found. I ended my stay in Colombia, just the way I started it - ie with a big party at Andre Carnes de Res!!! This time I was ... read more
Lagona de Guatavita
Miss Colombia herself...
...with matching toenails ;o)

South America » Colombia June 4th 2010

El Cocuy was like nothing I could have expected... First of all, it took a full day driving there from San Gil, even though, according to the map, it should be possible to get there in an instant! It was not only the length, or the conditions of the routes that clearly are not the most frequented roads in this country, that surprised me, but also the change of temperatures, vegetation, people and architecture along the road. Seriously, during one particular part of the way, when the frailejons started showing up - some strange plant that partly looks like a cactus, partly like a plant that only lives in very cold, unfriendly places, I urged Valentino to stop like every 200m to take a photo! And then even more when the frailejons started carrying flowers!!! And ... read more
Transport of goods in the countryside
Halfway to Cocuy
Village on the way to Cocuy

South America » Colombia » San Gil June 4th 2010

I decided to spend my last time in Colombia with my very good friend Valentino, going extreme... We took our (or rather Valentino's) little car, which I named cocuyito, probably a volkswagen???, and started driving north east from Bogota, towards adventures! Our first stop was San Gil, supposed to be the capital of extreme sports in Colombia. Said and done - we had the time to do caving - walking, jumping, normal crawling, and having to crawl (or sometimes roll sideways and get very very dirty ;o) on your toes/knees and elbows, and at one point even having to hold on to a line in the water, tilt your head upways to stick your nose out of the water and pass where there was only about 5cm of air between the water and the roof of ... read more
Seriously, ants are delicious!
Cascadas de Juan Curi

South America » Colombia » Mompox February 19th 2010

My guidebook told me that the travel to Mompox was long and exhausting, but I read on the Internet that there was a new road, so I thought it would not be too bad and since I really wanted to see Mompox... I talked another kitesurf babe into coming with me ("there will be no wind anyway, the weather forecast is lousy..." ;o) The trip there was really long, and really exhausting. Partly because you have to take a bus, then a boat and then a car. But mostly because of the heat. Cartagena is a very warm and humid place, but since it is close to the ocean, at least sometimes there is a sea breeze, and you can always jump into the warm ocean. In Mompox, there is no wind, and the "playa" of ... read more
People waiting outside of the church...
Yeah, supposed to be grown up sized rocking chair... ;o)

South America » Colombia » Barranquilla February 15th 2010

Some pictures from el Carnaval de Barranquilla, supposedly the biggest carneval in South America, after Brazil. It sure was a lot of fun, and tons and tons and tons of crazy people; parades; parties...... read more
Dressed up people
La Gran Parada

South America » Colombia » Medellin January 31st 2010

Wow, what can I say? I don't know where to start, because I am bustling with emotions and positive words when I think about Medellin. The city probably mostly known for Pablo Escobar has so much to offer: Sensual Tango, Excellent Parties, International Food, Gorgeous People, Great Shopping, Much Culture, Clean City, Beautiful Surroundings... Pretty much all you can ask for. I should probably start with the Tango. It is a wonderful dance, so different from all other dances I have ever danced. Since I was in the capital of Tango (if you don't count Buenos Aires) I decided to take some private lessons to see what the dance had to offer me (no way I would be in a class with rythmless airheads... :o) I did have a lot of fun, but it was also ... read more
Pueblito Paisa
Pueblito Paisa 2
Metro Cable

South America » Colombia » Quindío » Salento January 23rd 2010

Go to Salento if you like nature, a tranquilo town and nice coffee! I arrived on a Friday evening to the town and had a tour of the town with some other guests of the hostel. The town is very very small and centers around the main plaza where locals sell fresh juices and local food, mostly trout, and of course, lots of beer. If you have energy enough you can pass through Calle 6, which is the commercial street, and climb the 348 stairs up to the viewpoint and see the whole town on one side and stunning landscapes on the other. The town lies in the middle of the coffee triangle and survives mainly on farming and coffee production. It is full of really nice and cozy coffee houses with fires where you can ... read more
Jesus Martin Bedoya
Drying Coffee Beans
Roasted Coffee Beans

South America » Colombia » Cali January 21st 2010

I went back to lovely Family Quiros and got fed (rice and coke and lemon because I couldn't eat anything else... hahah) and had a nice night's sleep and felt surrounded by nice people. The day after Paola, Marcela's sister, and two of her friends, Andres and Jose, decided to take me to Lago Calima, one of the best kitesurfing spots in Colombia. We started quite early in the day, packing the motorbikes full of camping gear (and really, I have never seen motorbikes with that much packing). On the way we passed by Buga and the cathedral, having a fresh fruit juice on the main square and then lunch with Paola's family. } Then finally we continued up into the mountains and on to the small road that goes around the huge manmade lake of ... read more
Team MC to Lago Calima

South America » Colombia » Popayan January 18th 2010

Continuing my travel, my next stop was Popayan, also nicknamed as the white town. And as soon as you enter the centre you understand why - every building is white. Very pretty. I went on a bike tour to the thermal springs in Coconuco and had a lovely exploration of the countryside, accompanied by local specialities like tamale and hot chocolate with cheese. I went with three French girls and wow, did I have to struggle to keep French and Spanish separated!!! After Popayan I decided to go to Pance to discover the National Park of Farallones the Cali, and maybe climb one of the peaks in the surroundings. Unfortunately, it is little bit off the beaten track and since there are almost no tourists (well, foreign tourists willing to pay a guide to suffer climbing ... read more
River in Las Farallones de Cali
Farallones de Cali
Farallones de Cali

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