Page 3 of Anastasia78 Travel Blog Posts

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica November 27th 2011

Stop hitting your brother! Don't run with scissors! Clean your room! Eat everything on your plate! Think of the starving children in China! Always listen to your mother! Don't talk to strangers! Those commands we've heard repeatedly throughout childhood. I'm 33 now and I have mostly mastered those things. I stopped hitting my brother, running with scissors and I think incessantly of the poor children in China, India and Africa (and everywhere else in the world for that matter). Yes, mom, I have listened to you. The one thing I can't seem to control: Talking to strangers. The people of the Latin American culture are so darn friendly that I find it impossible to not stop and mumble something in Spanish to every single one of them. For a woman of this disposition I was in ... read more
First steps down the aisle
Mom and baby

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » Puntarenas November 19th 2011

All I wanted was a private place to change into my jersey; a bathroom, a dark corner, an empty alley. I'm not picky or overly modest. This shouldn't be so difficult. I bought this jersey from a guy on the street and was so excited to put it on and just blend in, as if it were possible for a blanch white American girl in a pony tail to blend into streets crowded with hundreds of hot, perspiring, faux-hawked, die-hard soccer fans. Everyone was streaming to the same place--the stadium in Puntarenas, Costa Rica. My third grade level Spanish and sweet smile were getting me nowhere. No shop owners would let me in to change. Finally a waitress took pity on me and said I could use their bathroom. The game was going to start any ... read more
Puntarenas vs.  Sorpresa
Yeah, it was hot
Really white fans

North America » United States » Illinois » Chicago October 30th 2011

Every parent thinks their child is a genius. If I had a nickel for every time I heard a new mom or dad say, "Look at little Johnny and how alert he is. He's so smart! Look how he stares at his toys. He's so smart! Look how he screams when I leave the room. He's so smart!" All of us forced to listen nod our heads in agreement. Its an unwritten, yet all together well known rule of thumb that you never contradict a proud parent gloating about their baby's beauty or brilliance. We all agree and then compliment little Johnny's outfit. My daughter must of had her outfit complimented quite a bit because I was one of those parents. This chubby, bald, screaming, insomniac of a baby really was the most beautiful and brilliant ... read more
Navy Pier Swings
Navy Pier

"You want to take me on a cruise? Are you kidding me? Next thing I know you'll want to take me to Hawaii or lord forbid VEGAS!" "Just calm down Andrea," he says. "I thought you might actually benefit from a vacation. You know, something relaxing, self indulgent....easy." Those are the last three words that come to mind when I plan a trip. I thought to myself, "I'm a traveler, not a vacationer." Travelers come home completely wiped out from exhaution due to bad beds in cheap hotels. Travelers come home depressed because their adventure is over and they're faced with their reality. Travelers come home sick from eating street food too tempting to resist. They come home with a backpack stuffed with filthy t-shirts and socks worn inside out. They come home feeling accomplished, more ... read more
Me in Miami

North America » United States » California March 9th 2011

“Oh excuse me, miss, your son is eating a…pad of butter.” At hour 28 into this train ride I raised my head off the dining room table and said, “Who cares. Its free.” She cleared her throat and sat down with her young daughter to join Owen and I for dinner; communal dining on this train. Owen takes his butter laden fingers out of his mouth and grabs his DS. “Look what I’ve got!” he says to the little girl. “Wow! I brung my DS too!” she replies. “You mean, brought, your DS,” the mother interjects. Oh gee, I think, this is who I get to eat my overpriced train food with? They scoot into their seats, mother and daughter immaculately dressed with matching Tiffany bracelets. Ah, how sweet. So sweet I could puke. I haven’t ... read more
Yours Truly
Coffee en route

North America » United States » California March 3rd 2011

Thirty-two hours on a train with a five year old! I always tell myself, "Its not about the destination, but the journey." Oh Gosh. This train is creeping along the west coast. We're already behind schedule due to a mudslide and been rerouted on a bus. Our journey started in Seattle and our destination is Burbank, California. Yeah, that's like 3 inches on the map. Now we're currently just outside Portland, Oregon. I keep looking forward to the beautiful scenery. The ocean, the mountains, but so far we've passed about six psychics, four junk yards, three saw mills and ten christmas tree farms. I'm itching to talk to someone...anyone. I tend to make friends with the person in line next to me at the grocery store, so you can imagine all the possibilities on a train ... read more
Seattle train station

North America » United States » Florida » Orlando » Disney World November 20th 2010

Sarah and I will try about anything. This time we went to Disney World. If you can brave the heat, screaming/fit throwing kids, long lines and prices on the verge of extortion here then there's not much you can't handle in terms of travel. Its like a travellers boot camp. Here are some photos from our latest expedition. ... read more
Sarah and I
Me! Eaten Alive!
Sarah and I in Morocco

South America » Peru November 13th 2010

Lima is brutal. Rough. Dirty. If you're not worried about having your bag ripped off your shoulders then you're certain you'll fall into one of the millions of giant potholes. The pollution is unlike anything I've ever experienced. I could just taste the fumes. Its enough to make you feel lightheaded just taking a walk. Lima is typically the gateway to Cuzco though which is the gateway to Machu Picchu. Machu Picchu is just as amazing as you'd think it would be. Wear sunscreen though and slather on the bug spray. I'd been dreaming about Machu Picchu for years and it was truly fabulous but the best part of my trip to Peru was meeting Kecia. We actually met in a bar in the Miami airport. And, really, aren't those the best places to meet people? ... read more
My favorite photo from Peru :)
Lima, Peru
I'll always remember her.

Asia » India » Uttar Pradesh » Agra November 10th 2010

Asia » India » Tamil Nadu November 8th 2010

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