Anastasia78's Guestbook

18th February 2022

HI :)
19th September 2019

my comment
Hello I enjoyed your blog so much Just a question, don't you want to travel to Iran country? ยท
27th January 2018

Missile Alert
When we heard the missile warning to Hawaii from Oz we found it difficult to believe the World could be heading to nuclear disaster in 2018 which was a constant fear when my younger brother was growing up during the Cold War decades before. Yet when we heard the retraction and apology that on a shift change someone had pressed the wrong button to send the alert, we were sceptical, cynical, full of disbelief that it was so simple. I still feel it beggers belief that with the extensive safeguards to ensure this could not happen, that it was simply someone inadvertently pressing the wrong button. Whether there is an investigation or not, I remain skeptical and doubt the truth will ever come out. It reminds me of the drills done in previous children's lives in schools in the USA to keep the population alert as to nuclear attack. Maybe it was to justify military buildup. I empathise with your family's moments of terror during this alert. Do you or your children still live those minutes of uncertainty?
26th January 2018

Sad story
So sorry to hear of Angel... sending you a hug across the miles. Your story is unimaginable. This will stick with you for a lifetime. You will re-evaluate choices. It may change the path for your children. So sorry you went through this.
26th January 2018

This is not a drill
Andrea! I can't believe you were in Hawaii for that! Scary. We get Tsunami alerts quite often where I live but that would freak me the hell out! Also, sad to hear the news about Angel. Condolences. How tragic that a beautiful 13 year old takes her own life, she didn't even really live. I will definitely visit the website. I deal with suicides everyday in my line of work but I still can't get over it when a young person slips through without warning and leaves grieving family and friends behind. Surely we can have a warning system for that! Hey. All the best for 2018, Otra A!
26th January 2018

Welcome back
I'm still trying to digest what that must have been like for you in Hawaii xx
25th January 2018

You are an excellent writer.....
25th January 2018

What A Story
Thank you for sharing!
25th January 2018

While many of us sail through life mostly unscathed, it's a proper jungle out there for so many others. So glad it was a false alarm and you and your little ones were safe xx
25th January 2018

You haven't posted very often since 2013...
but when you do, your blogs are so profound. Thanks for sharing your Hawaii experience with the tragedy of your friend. We all need to be aware of signs.
25th January 2018

I was close to Pearl Harbor (which I assume would be the target) when the alert came. I thought through my options and realized there was no surviving this where I was. I was amazed how quickly I accepted my fate. I, too, have a passport full of stamps and I've done lots of good in my life. So, no regrets, no panic. :-)
13th August 2016

I love NZ
We were a month in NZ and it wasn't long enough neither! We did a lot of driving then so I'm not sure how you managed in 12 days - but when that's all you have, then that's all you have! :) I also think it's one of the (if not THE) most beautiful countries in the world and your photos on this blog are really nice.
1st May 2016

Wow, it is really spectacular isn't it?!! I can't believe you screamed through it in 12 days! Good on you, but I think I'll go there when I have more time to meander...its just too gorgeous.
25th April 2016

'Blink of an Eye' Visit to NZ
Here I was sitting in my small piece of Paradise in the Far North of NZ, totally unaware of your presence as you RUSHED through our beautiful least you did hit a few highlights and kept LEFT!! Hopefully it has given you the lust to come back and savour some more of our scenery and our hospitality......Cheers, Rosco
25th April 2016
New Zealand

Magical, mystery marathon tour!
Very impressed that you did it all, especially driving on that left side of the road! And while you may not have had much time for reflection or remember exactly where that amazing spot was, that beauty and wonder will always live in you. It looks idyllic!
25th April 2016

Stepping into a painting
When I saw the photo of you standing, looking out over the valley, I honestly thought maybe you had Photoshopped your way into a painting. I've never been to New Zealand, but it has now moved up on my list. And for goodness sakes, slow down! The mountains aren't going anywhere.
25th April 2016
New Zealand

The most beautiful place
25th April 2016

2 visits to New Zealand
We agree that N.Z. is one of the most beautiful countries on earth. I've been twice and stayed 4 weeks each time and neither trip was long enough. Sometimes you just have to screw the schedule. Great photos.
25th April 2016

New Zealand - The most beautiful place on earth
Another delightfully written piece - but why only twelve days? I guess that's standard holiday time in your neck of the woods. Five weeks makes more sense, but then, we're retired and you are already packing it in across the oceans. It's hard for us not to think of the many places we visited in North America as being the most beautiful, though we sure didn't get to Illinois! There's beauty everywhere if you care to chase it down, but it's usually only in the eye of the beholder. I'll keep the Taj Mahal at the top of my list - along with there glorious scenery of Norway. Keep on writing. David - The Grey Haired Nomads
25th April 2016

It's good to see you back in writing. I enjoyed your earlier ones! You are so right, I am with you on that we need to reflect the beauties sometimes when traveling.
25th April 2016

And I thought seeing both islands in two weeks in October 2012 was an accomplishment...
I think we both need to slow down a bit; especially when traveling to such beautiful countries.
27th February 2016

Your article
Hi, I read your story and I like your style. By adding conversations inside a story-telling, it cuts down the monotony. I follow similar style. I am new here, but bumped into one of your front page photograph and checked your profile and read your stories. They have rhythm. Don't stop writing, they are lovely - Tab
12th February 2015

What a beautiful story. I hope you never lost your best friend!!?
3rd February 2015

Wow. You really captured how fragile friendships can be . . . and, at the same time, so strong to withstand the tide of time and distance -- what an amazing friendship the girls have! And, behind the scenes, there's that amazing mother's love catalyzing the reunion. Marvelous story. Thank you~~
31st January 2015

Never let go
I'm touched but the beauty and emotion of this blog. Thank you for sharing something so personal and wonderful. The lump in my throat continues to quiver as I wipe away a tear of joy. True friendship found and not lost. Life is good. Your mother is an amazing woman to have taken you on this trip. Life is to be treasured and experienced.

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