Amanda S's Guestbook

2nd July 2018

Kazbegi is so beautiful!
I was there in May and took the long bus ride from Tbilisi to Kazbegi and back the same day. Once we reached Stephantsminda (restaurant and town) we boarded another vehicle to see another church built by monks. It was the rockiest, scariest ride ever. Honestly, I'm still amazed by the bus ride up there - having to slow down and almost stop at the roughest sections of "highway" I've ever been on before. I do miss the Georgian lemonade though. I wish I could get that here in the US.
From Blog: Kazbegi
2nd July 2018

Hi Amanda, we were obviously in the region around the same time - surprising we didn't run into each other! I've enjoyed reading your blogs. You are doing it quite different that me, travelling independently by public transport whereas I was on a comfortable tour, but there again, I'm probably old enough to be your father. My style of writing blogs is a bit different from yours, but if you are interested to read them, I'm under 'Nomad-Old-Farts'. If not, I'm sure you'll recognise and enjoy some of my pics. Cheers, Neil
From Blog: Yerevan
3rd July 2018

HI Neil, Thanks for your comment,I had a look at your blog, seems that we covered a lot of the same places, we are just ending our journey in the next couple of days, my blog is quite a bit behind reality. We loved Armenia. Happy travels, Amanda
From Blog: Yerevan
1st July 2018
Trinity Church with mountain behind

Position position position
Crazy how good the view must have been up there Amanda. Would loved to have seen more pics of the church with the mountain smiling at it from way up there.
From Blog: Kazbegi
17th July 2017

Good views you seem to be enjoying the scenery
and a lot history. Have safe journey
From Blog: Mostar
16th July 2017

So picturesque!
I can't get over the beautiful pictures you have taken! It must be a feast for the eyes!
6th July 2017
View from Sidr Mountain as the sun sets

Beautiful view
From Blog: Dubrovnic
10th July 2015

Thanks for your notes
Keeping up to date is really are very clear. Hope you are drinking lots of water. Love Dad
26th June 2015

Many thanks for your notes and photos all came over very clear
appears very interesting. hope you have a great time and have recovered from the journey Love Mum and Dad
From Blog: Marrakesh
22nd September 2013

Szentendre and Balaton
Had the to see that they look much the samee great pleasure of visiting both these places myself in the eighties. Nice to see that they look so unspoilt
From Blog: Lake Balaton
18th August 2011

What a great idea
to have a blog like this. Nice to have a record of your intrepid travelling, which friends and family can share. Best, Mara
15th July 2011

Happy holidays
Have a great holiday and enjoy Borneo I am sure you will find lots of wildlife if you can get off the beaten track a bit. Have just got home from our last day at school and off to the UK on Sunday. Will follow your blog as and when I can.
18th August 2010

Hi Amanda. Greetings from grey, wet Auckland. I am really enjoying your blogs-I have never hear of half the places you're visiting so it's all new and interesting to me. Looking forward to the next entry.
10th August 2010

This sounds wonderful xxx
From Blog: Kalahari
8th August 2010

The real thing
Sounds great. Of course we saw the real thing with a lot less effort at Disneys Animal Kingdom!! Including gorillas, tigers, elephants, hippos, dinosaurs and even a yeti...all in one day! Only some of them seemed to be made in china.x
From Blog: Kalahari
31st July 2010

Myself and husband spent 2 glorious days at the wonderful Cheetah Conservation Fund. Dr.Marker who founded it is a geneticist, and she and her staff ( and volunteers) do an excellent job of caring for the orphaned and unreleasable cheetahs. We helped feed 50 cheetahs and were introduced to 3 nine month old Ambassadors who proceeded to lick us! The CCF are saving cheetahs in the wild through their research, guard dog breeding, training farmers, teaching students....and so much more. Namibia too is beautiful and so varied....I hope to return one day.
30th July 2010

Glad you enjoyed your visit at CCF
Thanks for posting this nice comment about your visit with us at the Cheetah Conservation Fund in Namibia. We hope you will stay in touch with us via our web site or subscribing to our newsletters.
30th July 2010

Read in amazement
Great to read. Passing on a hard copy to Nan.
From Blog: Victoria Falls
24th July 2010

24 july
Wildlife sounds superb! Lot of large beasts here in Florida too. Most of them to be seen eating pizza and large cheeseburgers. Quite a sight in the swimming pool!
From Blog: Etosha
24th July 2010

No worries
You were anxious about whether it would work. Yes., it does. Following with interest. Lesley xx
From Blog: Etosha
21st July 2010

Hi Great to learn from you the blog is easy access. and good to read your notes. We are in a very warm place in Florida called Port St Lucie and everything about it is great for us. Just what we needed to be away from the UK. We will see Nick and Co. on Friday so I imagine the next two weeks will be hectic. I look forward to more note as you continue your journey. Keep safe Love Dad
From Blog: Swakopmund area
11th July 2010

Have a fantastic trip! Safe journey. Love Nick, Jo, Holly & Jack xx
From Blog: Introduction

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