Kristoffer Rasmussen


Kristoffer Rasmussen

Europe » Norway » Eastern Norway » Oslo December 21st 2013

Today I left England for Norway and I knew it was going to be cold I was just unsure how cold. The weather report said avg of -3℃ so that's not bad I can deal. Landed and everyone was pulling jackets and scarves and hats out of their bags. Reminded me of people from So-Cal when it hits 50℉ just layer upon layer. So I was a bit worried I under planned for the cold with only my leather jacket and hat. But as I walked off the plane onto the runway and the cold was about want I expected and it was a bit nippy but nothing with worrying about. I had a plan to take the train up to Oslo but the hourly shuttle had just left so I found a bus that goes ... read more
Viking Ship

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » Regent's Park December 21st 2013

I began my trip in a little airport in Treviso, Italy and I mean small this place was like a crop dusting sized airport. But I made it through security and customs fine and that’s just dandy. Now this being my first flight with Ryan air I didn't know what to expect as I boarded the plane. I noticed there was no seat number on my ticket. It's a free for all sit where you please, it was pretty cool. Upon arrival in England I went to customs border people and these people asked me everything from how much money I have on me and available to me, to wanting to see my return trip and hostel reservation on my emails. Freaking insane it was very odd as every other time I've gone through customs it's ... read more

Europe » Italy » Veneto » Vicenza October 27th 2013

Today is the final day of my trip, it has been quite the adventure and it’s going to be hard to go back to the mundane boredom of being in the Army. This morning I woke up quite hung-over and proceeded to gather my things. I said my thanks the people whose couch I had slept on last night and made my way to my bike. When I got to my bike I noticed that my bike keys were under the bike on the ground and I was like oh crap how did I forget my keys when I parked? But it was still there so I suppose it’s all good. After I loaded my things on the bike and began to leave the owner of the parking garage yelled at me for having the bike ... read more
How I found my bike

Europe » Austria » Styria » Graz August 16th 2013

I left Nove Zamky today and headed off to Graz, Austria and it was a nice day until I got about 30 miles out of Bratislava and it started pouring buckets of rain. It was insane worst rain I had encountered along my whole trip and I really wanted to stop in Bratislava and see the city but the rain was so bad I didn’t want to go around navigating in it because it is a pain in the butt when you have no clear place to go just wandering around. So I decided to just carry on with my ride to Graz and now I have an excuse to come back to Slovakia. I took a pretty nice ride along the way it was very scenic and that is what I was looking for so ... read more

Europe » Slovakia » Nitra Region » Nové Zámky August 16th 2013

Today I left Prague and it was not good, I started riding and the bike felt like it was underpowered. I don’t know what was wrong with it but all I could think was oh crap I hope it doesn’t break down. But I inspected it and it seemed good so I carried on and it was all good. I rode to Nové Zámky, Slovakia; it was about a 6 hour ride so I just chilled out on the motorway. Shortly after I crossed into Slovakia I decided to take the side roads and that was a good idea it was nice weather and the road I took had a lot of trees that were bloomed and it was really nice riding. I didn’t know much about Slovakia besides it was in Eastern Europe and all ... read more
Danube River

Europe » Czech Republic » Prague » Old Town July 14th 2013

Today I rode from Berlin to Prague; it was a nice ride pretty scenic and all that. I hit reserve for the second time on this leg of my travels but in 29 days and 12 countries I only hit reserve twice so I will stick with those numbers. I had heard that gas was cheaper in CZ so I was waiting until I crossed the border to buy gas. Then after I crossed the border I remembered they don’t use the Euro and I had no cash for gas and I hate using my card because of the stupid international fees crap. So I rode along and tried to find a cash machine and nothing finally I was like whatever ill just suck it up and use my card and gas was like 39Kč and ... read more
The Lennon Wall
Eiffel Tower
Charles Bridge

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin July 5th 2013

Riding from Hamburg to Berlin was nice and short but still I made it take longer by going slow, except this one time… I was riding along doing a nice 120km/hr when there is no speed limit. Now I am in the right lane where the slower cars travel and this Mercedes comes up behind me fast and wants me to move lanes because he doesn’t want to. Naturally I have no intention of doing this. So I just stay there and slow a little to about 110 now this seems to piss of the Mercedes because he gets all up my ass. I still don’t care and just cruse along because he can pass me whenever he wants there is nobody around. So finally he gets a clue and goes into the other lane and ... read more
Wall Parts
Berlin Wall

Europe » Germany » Hamburg » Hamburg July 5th 2013

It began as any other morning I awoke in a drunken haze and proceeded to gather my things and prepare to check out of the hostel. Now Lucky Lake Hostel as mentioned has an awesome breakfast and when I checked in they gave a recipe for poffertjes that I still have not tried to make but I have it for when I will someday. Anywho I just wanted to mention again how totally great this hostel was before continuing this thing. I began my ride to Hamburg and decided to take the main road because if I took the side roads it would take me about 11 hours and that was just unacceptable to me. The motorway was nice riding, to my surprise so I continued along all happily and enjoying the views. Now when I ... read more
Map to Hamburg

Europe » Netherlands » North Holland » Amsterdam June 30th 2013

I rode from north France to Amsterdam today it was a nice ride little cloudy but no rain and smooth riding. I was following my GPS as always and it told me my destination was like 1/2 mile short of where I was going so I had to do the whole lost tourist drive. But it was a small back road so there was nobody behind me so that made it less stressful. I found the Hostel and parked my bike and checked in. Now this was my first hostel experience so I had no idea what to expect, like NO idea. But it was cool they had a full kitchen area so you could go buy groceries and make your own meals. And during breakfast time they have the stuff out so you could make ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » Soho June 30th 2013

This being my last publish about London I will combine everything that happened for like 4 days in whatever order I feel like just because I can. I love Soho it is like the average mans town area I think. It has the cheap pubs, good pubs, theaters, and lots of shops. So I would spend a lot of time in Soho just wandering around. On one particular day I was out wandering during breakfast time and found a cool looking place called the Breakfast Club. Naturally that being one of the greatest movies ever I had to check it out. Very little to do with the movie but a little. Anywho it was a nice little place to get breakfast and I got myself a full English breakfast, and I tell you what it was ... read more

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