Page 5 of ATTS Travel Blog Posts

South America » Chile » Atacama » Copiapó September 25th 2016

We spent much of Monday wandering around Santiago unfortunately it is a holiday and most places including the museums are closed which made acquiring medication for my sick wife a difficult exercise. The Lastarria district was pleasant to wander through on our way to the Plaza De Armas the central square where many off the more stunning colonial buildings and museums are found. We then made our way up to the district of Bellevista where many of the cities bars and restaurants can be found for a chorrillana vegetariana and a huge Escudo cerveza. The rest of the day we chilled at the hostel before enduring a night from hell as everybody in the place got pissed and screamed their heads off at 4am. I asked the night manager to quiten things down to no avail, ... read more
Plaza Caupolican
Lastarria Church

South America » Chile » Easter Island » Hanga Roa September 18th 2016

A short trip to the airport and we were on our way to Easter Island and for once in relative comfort on a modern aircraft. It was clear on departure from the plane that we had entered the chaos of a pacific island airport, a tiny entry hall, a single small luggage carousel inadequate for the large number of tourists and rude Chinese who seem to be everywhere now days. Eventually after being pushed around by Chinese women I managed to get our bags out the doors into the milling crowd where there was no taxis although I did manage to get one eventually. Our accommodation was about five minutes away from the little airport and after dropping off an American girl who Ruth felt sorry for we arrived at our hotel. There was no one ... read more
Small off the coast of Rapanui
Rano Kau crater

South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Valparaíso September 14th 2016

After another unpleasantly long flight across the international dateline we finally landed on our fifth continent in the South American nation of Chile. Exiting the airport we easily found the airport bus which delivered us to the Parajahitas Metro Station where we changed to a coach for the 90 minute trip to World Heritage site and major port Valparaiso. We arrived late in the day checking into the Ibis hotel down on the waterfront, the hotel is modern and comfortable but choice of food is limited. We crashed out at 5pm not waking again till 3am when we watched a creepy pseudo-documentary about serial killers before going back to sleep till 7am. On waking we went down to a buffet breakfast before heading out to explore this strange city which is the home of the Chilean ... read more
Ascensor Concepcion
The nuts and bolts of the crucifixion

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Adelaide March 17th 2016

I woke up feeling like I had a massive hang over except my whole body ached. I new something was seriously wrong as I have rarely been this sick on the road and the symptoms were pointing to Dengue Fever. I had been so careful in using my repellant but the mosquitos have been particularly bad. I decided that my best option was to check into a more expensive and comfortable hotel and to summon a doctor, the doctor confirmed Dengue and hotel staff went and filled the script. The last two days I have hardly left my room, I am beginning to feel a little better, the ache is just in my head now and rash that covered my whole body is probably a little less severe I am not looking forward to the three ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Sulawesi » Menado March 15th 2016

Four nights in Paradise? Well perhaps not paradise but pleasant none the less, there is a mosque opposite the island which is a little annoying at 430am, the lack of running water and power during the day kind of sucked and the steamy mosquito filled nights were terrible but for $25 a night full board who am I to complain. The first full day we visited Malenge Island hoping to see some wildlife, there aparrently is some there we just didn't see any, the jungle hike was extremely hot and comfortable although the guide cracked a few coconuts open so we could have a drink. Finally we reached the other side of the island and popped out at an eco Resort where we had lunch and a lot of h2o. We then headed out to Hotel ... read more
Local transport
Just chillin
Island sunset

Asia » Indonesia » Sulawesi » Togean Islands March 10th 2016

Departing Tentana at 630am was inspired even if it did rain, as traffic was light as we climbed down out of the mountains, the roads were much better along the coast and the views were often stunning. We arrived at Marina Cottages around 11am and checked in before arranging our ongoing boat travel to the Togean Islands. The day was hot and muggy and I spent the afternoon having a nap and reading a book about Nazis before having Nasi surya goreng for dinner washed down by many Bintang besar. I slept well before being dragged out of sleep at 430am by the call to prayer which went for a full 40 minutes, the faithful must have had trouble getting up this morning. Vegetable omelette for breakfast and then the full solar eclipse began, unlike yesterday ... read more
The covered bridge
A night time guest
Great bridge

Asia » Indonesia » Sulawesi » Tana Toraja March 7th 2016

Eggs on toast for breakfast then off to Ke'te Kesu for some very impressive traditional homes,granaries, a white buffallo, a friendly dog and ofcourse more human bones. Next we visited a number of other similar sites at Sangalla, Tampangallo and Suaya villages before visiting the Kambirra baby graves. Now that was a macabre site they carve a hole into the side of a fast growing breadfruit tree and place still borns and infants in the hole then cover the hole with burlap, eventually the tree grows and the hole seals. We then returned to Rantepao for lunch I have to eat at westerner cafes to get a vegetarian meal which is more expensive. Tonight I may have seafood pizza before bed. Today is our last day in Tana Toraja so we visited the market which runs ... read more
Rice barns
Cliff graves

Asia » Indonesia » Sulawesi » Tana Toraja March 2nd 2016

Sulawesi is one of the four Greater Sunda Islands, and the world's eleventh largest island, it is situated between Borneo and the Maluku Islandsand has a population of roughly 20 million people. I had not intended discussing the flights to Makassar but the Melbourne Bali leg was a shocker, not because it was uncomfortable or the food or service were bad, but because our co-travelers were the dregs of bogan society. After five hours of screaming ferals and five more drinking Bintang in the sultry Bali heat our final short flight to Makassar was stress free if incredibly full. We arrived on a dark rainy evening and I was feeling exhausted and after the arg... read more
Fort Rotterdam
Dutch Church
Monument to Christianity

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Burra October 4th 2015

Six years I have been walking the trail and I am not half way to the end yet, still as I get further away from Adelaide logistics get more difficult. Today we completed a section of the trail heading north out of Burra, a town we have come to know so well and love having used it as a base a number of times in recent years. Ruth and I left home at 6 am driving around two 2 hours, placing a vehicle at each end of the trail we would traverse that day. The sixteen kilometre walk from the Wandallah Homestead in to historical town of Burra was tough due to the unexpectedly hot weather and the many hill climbs that we would have to complete that day. Initially we headed south a long a ... read more
Climbing one of the many hills
Local flora
Stupid sheep

Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Ladakh » Hemis March 23rd 2015

Last night we transferred all unnecessary gear into one case and left it at the hotel in Delhi, we entered the car taking us to the airport at 4 am packed breakfast in one hand extreme cold sleeping bags in the other, we arrived at the airport in plenty of time for our early morning flight. The flight to the Himalayan city of Leh took a little over an hour and a half, the views of the mountain peaks projecting through the clouds were truly breathtaking. We were met at the city's tiny airport by Tharpa our guide who showed us to our hotel, the temperature is -8 degrees but the sky was clear and there was no wind so the cold was not too bad. Leh has a particular Tibetan feel about it, clean fresh ... read more
Hotel surrounded by mountains
Quiet but pretty
Jama Masjid

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