ATTS's Guestbook

27th October 2018

Glimpse of Ethiopia
We hope to make it there some day. Thanks for sharing your observations and adventure.
10th November 2018

Glimpse of Ethiopia
Stunning what I saw I will be spending much more time there and in Africa in 2019
19th October 2018

Tulu Gudo
What a fascinating monastery...on a concrete plinth with a corrugated roof and adorned with the paintings on the exterior. Were there paintings also inside in say inner concentric corridors? The original Ark of the Covenant is reputedly in Axum so I find Tulu Godo's claim interesting. Maybe they meant a replica which many monasteries claim. Your comments regarding political power issues were interesting as well.
10th November 2018

Tulu Godo
The Ark "was" there for a time before being moved further north - I couldn't get into the monastery as it was closed on the day we visited
15th October 2018
Kul Sharif Mosque

Beautiful architecture.
From Blog: World Cup Fever
10th October 2018

The amazing Pamir Highway
We were there a year ago and your blog has brought back amazing memories. The river has such power. The people are so friendly. The road trip of a lifetime. Thanks for taking us along.
From Blog: The Pamir
10th October 2018
Watch tower

Gross National Happiness
We loved our time in Bhutan. One of those special places. I'm glad they are controlling the tourism so it does not end up like Nepal. MJ
10th October 2018

Stunning views
When I see photo of Oman I'm always surprised by the beauty. Sorry to hear about your speeding ticket.
From Blog: Desert Castles
8th October 2018

The Pamir
Wow. If t'was not for the names of the places and the wonderful vistas in your photos, I would have had no idea you followed the same trail and met some of the same folk we did in August last year. I regard the scenery as breathtaking and exhilarating. You seemed to like it too. However from your writing our experiences were so, so different. You make it sound like an unpleasant ordeal. Your descriptions of the accommodation that was basic and the food albeit bland was as if you expected 5 star. There were three on our trip that had similar expectations. We found the generosity of the people who offered all they had transcended all lack of comforts. This is one of the harshest climates in winter in the World. Summer is a warm window of opportunity. Our foray into the Pamirs was such that our spirits soared at the wonder of the place. If I travel remote I want to experience remote. Everyone's experience is different. T'was an interesting read to experience yours. Yours is a warning that if one expects comforts then the Pamir is not the place to be. That feedback is valuable for readers who need to know that.
From Blog: The Pamir
6th October 2018

As much as I enjoyed reading about your days in Bhutan and your photos, my favorite was reading about your concern for animals and you helping the lady rescue that poor cow! Wish everyone felt that animals were more than just commodities.
6th October 2018

Gross National Happiness
Thank you for that I see heart braking things on my travels and it just reinforces things for me western countries hide a lot of this type of abuse and pain
1st October 2018

Great pics. I have posted some in the 'Cathedrals, grand churches, mosques and places of public worship' thread in the Photography Forum. Check 'em out.
From Blog: The Bosphoros
28th September 2018
Mastaba of Mereruku

Rich in history and beauty.
28th September 2018

Hair pin turns
I hate those switchbacks with no guard rails. Thanks for taking us along. MJ
From Blog: Italy in Africa
23rd September 2018
Heydar Aliyev Cultural Centre

Amazing architecture
From Blog: Azerbaijan
23rd September 2018

Rich in history.
23rd September 2018

Nice skyline.
From Blog: Changing Arabia
21st September 2018
Sophia Cathedral

We were in Kiev and never made it out of the airport. This is lovely. Next time we will have to stay longer!
From Blog: The Journey west
21st September 2018

Sounds fantastic... good food and good sights.
From Blog: Return to Skopje
19th September 2018
Painted ceiling

Breath taking
I imagine it was amazing to see in person.
From Blog: Soviet Nostalgia
3rd March 2018
Old town

This is a fascinating part of the world. Thanks for taking us along on your explorations.
From Blog: Troubled Waters
19th February 2018
Old Harbour

Love this view
We are longing to go to Dubrovnik.
From Blog: The Red Keep
18th February 2018
Macedonian peak

Stunning mountains
What a great shot.
From Blog: Ohrid and beyond
20th February 2018
Macedonian peak

Stanning mountains
Wasnt to bad considering it was from a moving car
From Blog: Ohrid and beyond

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