Blogs from Douz, Tunisia, Africa


Africa » Tunisia » Douz March 24th 2024

After exploring the coast of Tunisia I headed into the central part of the country which is where Tunisia connects to the Sahara Desert. The southern part of the county is very sparsely occupied as it is a primarily desert. My first stop was to stay in a cave in a mountain community of Chenini. The mountain village dates back to the 12th century when the Berbers took refuge to escape the invasion of the Caliph Fatmide al-Mistansir. The striking white mosque called the Seveln Sleepers was constructed at the same time. The occupants built their homes in caves in the side of the mountain to have protection from the harsh temperatures. In the summer it can get to 60C (140F) but the temperature inside of the cave stays significantly cooler. I had a tour from ... read more
Cave Hotel
Cave Hotel
Cave Hotel

Africa » Tunisia » Douz May 19th 2019

We got on a bus at 5:50AM on Friday, May 3rd to join a tour to the south of Tunisia. We had been trying for quite a few weeks to line up a tour, but weren’t having much luck. Finally we found someone that was able to tell us about this 2 day trip and we jumped at the chance. We typically aren’t ones to join large bus tour groups but we knew that if we wanted to see the area in a short period of time as well as have an English speaking guide this was our best bet. We had a little bit of a concern when we signed up, but now that we are just back from the trip we would highly recommend it! The bus that we were on was a very ... read more
An Overview of Our 2 Days of Travels
Made Stops At Numerous Hotels to Pick Up
Drove By Many Olive Orchards (there are 65,000 here)

Africa » Tunisia » Douz May 13th 2017

Or: A provincial town revolts, again I went to see the Sahara with my mobile home. Then an incident. Because of this I really get to know the country. If you find the story odd, then it is because the facts are odd and the times are odd. Sorry for the length. A German version with photos is at Since long I dream of driving around the Mediterranean sea. It would be a really beautiful trip: From Morocco to Egypt, Israel, Jordan and so on. But with the troubles of the Arab Spring it is just impossible. Cross Libya, even Syria? A little adventure is ok, but I do not need risk to have fun. So I developped a plan to drive to Timbuktu, also a mythical destination. The legendary library, the legendary gold-rich king ... read more
Ferry hall
Tunis harbor

Africa » Tunisia » Douz April 20th 2015

We spent last night in Tozeur which is a large oasis that is famous for its date palm plantations. Palm trees are everywhere! (See picture) We left Tozeur and drove south through the largest salt lake bed in North Africa and we passed through a minor sand storm on the way (see picture). We arrived in Douz, the Gateway to the Sahara. Yesterday I stood next to a camel sign. Today I stood next to a camel. In fact, I rode the camel out into the Sahara Desert. (See pictures) Uncle Jim and I were two of the three intrepid adventurers from our nine-person group who signed up to ride a camel. The local guide led us out into the desert for twenty minutes and then back in again. Riding a camel is something like riding ... read more

Africa » Tunisia » Douz April 12th 2013

(aus Viktors Sicht) Nach insgesamt nur knapp zwei Stunden Autofahrt erreichten wir schließlich Douz, die alte Karavanenstadt, in der heute die Touristen in Karavanen einfallen. Bei meinem letzten Besuch war ich zwar aufgrund einer knackigen Magen-Darm-Infektion nicht ganz zurechnungsfähig. Doch ich erinnerte mich noch genau an die Busladungen, die direkt an den Ortsrand, den Rand der Sandwüste, gefahren wurden. Alle bekamen eine Art gestreiften Bademantel übergeworfen (lokale Tracht...) und wurden auf Kamele gesetzt. Für die weniger Kameltauglichen stand eine Kutsche bereit. Dann ging es in der großen Gruppe ein paar Meter in den Sand, und dann kamen auch schon die Verkäufer angerast, die hinter der nächsten Düne warteten. Seit vielen Jahren berühmt ist auch ein großes weißes Dromedar mit würdevollem Reiter (Photo=1 Dinar) und ein exotischer Wüstenheld auf einem wilden Araberheng... read more

Africa » Tunisia » Douz May 25th 2011

We planned a good part of our trip around the Thursday morning market in Douz. Our hope was to be among the local camel herders and their big herds of dromedaries. It did not quite work out that way, but we had an incredible experience anyway. I almost dreaded trying to write this entry because I knew I could never capture the energy, excitement, sounds (and smells!) of the livestock market in Douz. Sure, the camel herders were missing, but it seemed like everyone else in this tiny community showed up that early morning. You could purchase goats, sheep, chickens, rabbits, burros, horses, cattle, lizards and even Sahara Fox! Or, if you were not in the market for any additions to your herd, you could just buy a cup of tea, sit back and take it ... read more
Checking out the merchandise
Quite the obedient little herd
All business at the market in Douz

Africa » Tunisia » Douz May 19th 2011

Those of you who work with or live with my dad may not want to read this blog entry...his head is swelling as I type! In Algeria, we all got a great chuckle out of the 40 year old business man approaching dad because he believed, with sincerity, that dad was the star of "The Hunt for Red October." He was sure he was a submarine captain and so embarrassed when we informed him he was inaccurate. At lunch yesterday we were laughing even louder. We are in Douz, a tiny little oasis town on the edge of the Sahara Desert where tourists gather only for expeditions into the sand dunes. In the afternoon, the town becomes quiet and void of activity. Dad and I wandered into a little restaurant that seemed to be manned by ... read more

Africa » Tunisia » Douz December 28th 2010

Dear All Greetings from the Sahara Desert! This is truly an amazing place to be writing from, and despite only being around 3 hours’ flight from the UK, this is my first visit to the place and I must say I’m just so impressed, having a great time. I’m currently writing from the Southern Tunisian oasis town of Douz, after having spent the last few days traveling from oasis to oasis across the south from Jerba, and will tell more of this adventure here. First off, Christmas on Jerba island! Decided to spend Christmas Eve in a bit of luxury, so caught a taxi from my 12 pound a night hotel in the central market town of Houmt Souq on the island, towards the Zone Touristique around 15km away, situated on an extremely fine strip of ... read more
The campfire
The Beach, Jerba

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