Blogs from North, Tanzania, Africa


Africa » Tanzania » North » Ngorongoro Conservation Area December 6th 2023

After lunch at Safariland, we drove a couple of hours through the beautiful countryside, soon coming upon the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. At the entrance to the crater, Abdul went to get our tickets. In the meantime, avoiding the many baboons, we went to the nice little visitor center. You can see a model of the crater area (which I loved) and there are standing displays of the natural area surrounding it, such as human history, plant life, and of course the many types of animals we may expect to encounter. The visitor's center was quite nice and you could easily spend 30 minutes here. Plenty of valuable information to be read. We then got into our truck and continued the drive up the steep slope - it was very steep to drive and there were very ... read more
View from our room over crater!
Ngorogoro Crater
Ngorogoro Crater

Africa » Tanzania » North December 5th 2023

Our hotel above Lake Manyara, Luxury Escarpment Lodge, was probably our favorite of the three and I would have loved to spend 2-3 nights here to get the full experience of it. In addition to the beautiful setting and the amazing pool, they had a list of optional excursions you could do, such as hiking, biking, canoeing bird watching, Masai village tour, treetop tours, and even Balloon safari. In the morning, we finished our yummy breakfast and headed out to see Abdul for the next safari! He said that this would be a very different experience; the previous day at Tarangire, we had seen a lot of animals over vast distances, but today would be more of a jungle setting so we would not see as many animals, but the experiences we would have would be ... read more
Close up elephant encounters!
Masai 'black' giraffe
Lake Manyara NP

Africa » Tanzania » North » Tarangire National Park December 4th 2023

We were picked up at 7:30 am to make the 3-hour drive to Tarangire National Park, our first safari of the trip! Abdul was our guide and driver, who had 20 years of experience (his favorite safari is the Serengeti, fyi). It was just the three of us, with a full safari land cruiser and surprisingly comfortable seats. There were some drinks in a cooler in the back, and the hotel had made each of us a small packed lunch, which was nice to snack on since we had a quick basic breakfast. This lunch turned out to be the second best of the three, and I absolutely loved the gingham bags they were put in. We made our way from one side of Arusha to the other, which took about an hour as it appeared ... read more
Tarangire National Park
Escarpment Luxury Lodge
Tarangire National Park

Africa » Tanzania » North » Arusha December 3rd 2023

To celebrate our (planned) conquer of Mt Kilimanjaro, I had planned a "luxury" safari trip for three days - also to celebrate her PhD and new job. Despite my abandoned attempt, my friend A did conquer it! It was miserable apparently - ice crystals blowing sideways up the slope, no views above or below of anything but grey cloud, a frozen sign as it was -20C, and many of them throwing up a few times. Out of our group of 8, 6 summited, so she did amazing! Though yeah, I would most likely not have made it, and even if I did, it would have been miserable. So, I was happy with my decision. I was initially taken to the Brubru hotel for one night then onto the Weru Weru River Lodge for the next few ... read more
Ngare Sero Mountain Lodge
Weru Weru River Lodge
Ngare Sero Mountain Lodge

Africa » Tanzania » North » Mount Kilimanjaro December 2nd 2023

My friend and I planned this trip for months, since about April and we were looking forward to it. I knew I would have availability in December and it would not be during peak season. We knew it was at the tail end of the 'short' rainy season, meaning the length of the season was short and the duration of rainfall during the day was short (we were later told it was usually a couple hours every couple days). The main rainy season is during April, which is a definitely no-go! I was so looking forward to this trip. My friend, A, is a trail runner and physically she could have done it months ago. She had never tried high altitude before, but she took a few trips in California to try some higher parks. On ... read more
Sunrise at Barranca camp
Sunrise at Shira II camp
Day 1 hike to Shira I camp

Africa » Tanzania » North » Mount Kilimanjaro January 5th 2023

From the Female Traveler: A solo trip is about you and what you need or want to do for yourself. The best solo vacations give you a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment and help you grow as a person. Regardless of whether or not you have done this, always remember that traveling alone can be a defining moment. The fact that you can travel alone is a gift and privilege, and you should use it to the maximum of your ability. Above all, don’t forget to have fun! Over the last few years of solo travel, I have met more and more fellow solo travelers. The common traits are: independence, confidence, inner peace, and good planning. On my last trip to Europe, I met some interesting travelers, since it was winter, and not the tourist season. ... read more
A lonely road?

Africa » Tanzania » North » Tarangire National Park November 12th 2022

The sun rose directly into my window. For a few minutes, I watched it while lying in bed – a first! I jumped up, grabbed my camera, and sat on the patio for the rest of the display. My reward was in the form of a dik-dik strolling unconcernedly across the grass, about twenty feet from where I sat mesmerized. Our destinations in Tarangire Park were a water course of the Tarangire River and a distant swamp fed by the river. Before we were out of the lodge parking lot, Lucas was showing us wildlife. The large baobab tree at the entrance had a Strangler Fig as a parasite. The fig was so much smaller than the giants in Cambodia, I didn’t even recognize it. In the parking lot of the Park entrance, he saw us ... read more
Zebra taking a quick dust bath
Waterbuck in the Tarangire River
Leopard defeated

Africa » Tanzania » North » Tarangire National Park November 12th 2022

After lunch we went to the Silale Swamp, where the river moved through green marsh grasses. Thousands of birds picked through the plentiful waters. A pair of African Fish Eagles surveyed the scene from tree tops; the juvenile birds perched at a little distance. Catfish swam in the river. Pelicans flew in like twinkling lights, so graceful in the air. Egrets shone white in the murky green of the plants. Saddle-billed storks strutted about, while Marabou Storks stood tall and still – both waiting for opportunities. All along the edge of the river, like a living fringe, Whistling Ducks moved in slight waves. Farther out, white flamingos held sentinel. Even a few hippos were humped like rocks in the distance, not coming up for air while I was watching. A Secretary Bird made a big noise, ... read more
Eland on the move
Elephant unhappy with us
Zebras dust bathing

Africa » Tanzania » North » Tarangire National Park November 11th 2022

Happiness met us for a guided cultural walk in her town, Mto Wa Mbu . She is part of Cultural Tourism Enterprises, a community organization that encourages and supports local businesses through tours and experiences for tourists. She said that in the town’s population of 18,000 there are a hundred different tribes, and they all work together. She was accompanied by Feliciter (fe lees tah) and a trainee. We met her beside the local banana beer pub, our first cultural stop. Seated inside, I peered with trepidation at a large plastic beaker holding some sort of banana brew. In fact, on the top of the liquid was the sprouted millet used to ferment the beer in a separate room. Happiness passed around samples of the miniscule millet seeds, the sprouted seeds, and powdered crushed millet. On ... read more
Happiness introducing the Mtakuja Art Group
Cooking on the wood-fired stove

Africa » Tanzania » North » Karatu November 10th 2022

We had a late start at 8:30. Our route took us through Karatu, a busy market town that draws people from as far away as Ngorongoro, a forty-minute drive. The streets were busy, shops open, and customers bustling amongst the outdoor vendors. I was happy to see a lot of Flame trees with their canopy of red flowers. As we came down from the Ngorongoro hills, we could see Lake Manyara in the distance, and we were in the Rift Valley again. A baboon family ignored us as we passed the entrance to the Lake Manyara National Park . We drove through through the town of Mto Wa Mbu (River for Mosquitos), which is filled with guest houses and lodges for visitors to the Park. However, our destination was Losirwa Primary School . To star... read more
Mary, headteacher, Losirwa Primary School
Grade1 at Losirwa Primary School
Maasai headman, wives and children

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