Blogs from Mount Kilimanjaro, North, Tanzania, Africa - page 4


Africa » Tanzania » North » Mount Kilimanjaro December 31st 2013

Kilimanjaro beklimmen: Stap voor stap, meter voor meter, pole pole Dag 1 Ergens ben ik wel zenuwachtig: wat als ik niet tegen de hoogte kan, is mijn rugzak wel goed afgesteld, ben ik wel fit genoeg. 5.895 meter is enorm hoog, dit is een serieuze klim. Dan denk ik aan het goede advies van moeder en Pie: geniet gewoon van elke meter die je klimt. En ik besluit dat ik gewoon ga lopen, stap voor stap, meter voor meter, pole pole (langzaam, langzaam). Ik zie wel waar dit eindigt. Het brengt me de 1e dag door het regenwoud, waar we overigens onder een flink aantal bomen een heerlijke lunch gebruiken. Het brengt mij van 1.800 meter naar 3000 meter. Het brengt me naar het 1e kamp. De omgeving van het kamp is prachtig. We lopen wat ... read more
2013-12-03 14.46.19
2013-12-04 10.00.57

Africa » Tanzania » North » Mount Kilimanjaro August 4th 2013

It'll be no problem I said, not much training needed I said, its not so steep I said, a person with average fitness could make it I said. I say a lot of things, they are invariably wrong. Stood before us was 5895 metres of volcano, the worlds tallest free standing mountain in the world,the highest you can climb without the need for oxygen tanks-although some did. We needed to walk the length of 47 miles in 5 relentless days, 23 miles on summit day alone, wear the same clothes, struggle to sleep in draughty huts, go without showers or 'proper' toilets, summit in sub zero conditions at midnight, combat physical and mental fatigue plus battle altitude sickness,all to stand at the top for only 10 minutes...why did I sign up for this again? I pondered ... read more
Above the clouds, day 2

Africa » Tanzania » North » Mount Kilimanjaro May 5th 2013

Anything so beautiful comes at a price...and we have the scars to prove our payment. It has taken nearly 6 days to find both internet and a camera card reader in the same place, and i write this from the relative comfort of our hotel lobby in Dar es Salaam, where Mt.Kilimanjaro is just a whisper of a dream I think I once had. Let's start off with the fact that it is the wet season here in Eastern Africa, rainy and cloudy, dank and dingy like a leftover sock stuck to the side of the washing machine for maybe 1-2 days after spin cycle. Mix that with more altitude that you can shake a stick at, and we have a recipe for a week long Steve and Liz mountain adventure. You will see many pictures ... read more
Ready to go!
Mountain Monsters
First scenic view of the area

Africa » Tanzania » North » Mount Kilimanjaro February 20th 2013

Day 1 - To the Rongai Gate Our expedition was about to begin. At 5895 metres, Mount Kilimanjaro is Africa's highest peak, and the tallest freestanding mountain in the world. This was gonna be awesome! We left Marangu hotel and were off on an hour and a half journey to the Rongai gate, right along the Kenyan border. Oscar, a Finnish traveling vagabond, would join us on our seven day climb. We decided to do it in seven days to ensure we'd have adequate time to acclimatize, because at nearly 6000m it would be the highest any of us had ever climbed. We met two of the main guides for our group, Santorin and Joseph, both riding along with us in our vehicle. We witnessed more amazing Tanzanian scenery with small villages peppered along the way. ... read more
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Alpine Desert
Danny at the Top

Africa » Tanzania » North » Mount Kilimanjaro January 14th 2013

After much cajoling I finally succeeded in persuading Tarryn that a climb up Kilimanjaro would be a once-in-a-lifetime (ok, well not too much persuading needed there), inspiring and magical thing to do to cap off our trip to Africa. I have to say I almost had second thoughts too when I started getting price quotes from various UK-based and local trekking companies. This was not going to be cheap, no back-to-basics carry everything yourself style hike like I'd done with Lukas in Peru. But in many ways I was glad, since not all memories were fond lugging a 20kg pack over the Andes. The clincher for Tarryn was getting her (our) own private toilet which I begrudingly agreed upon. Many days later perched on said toilet in Barafu camp with the wind gently flapping the tent ... read more
Weird trees descending to Barranco
On the summit with the team 5.35am and cold
Pre-trek preparations

Africa » Tanzania » North » Mount Kilimanjaro December 22nd 2012

Day 1: Drive from Moshi to Machame Gate (4,890 feet) / Hike from Machame Gate to Machame Camp (9,780 feet) ​Anne's perspective: We met our guide, Living, at the hotel and then we were off for our first hike. It took about 7 hours in the rain forest, following pre-made paths, but overall it was easy-peasy. ​Tyson's perspective: Hell... ​Note: We also discovered that, at camp, we got our own dining tent (for just the two of us) and also our own bathroom tent. It was some guy's job to carry a portable toilet and tent cover to follow us throughout our trek. Amazing!!! We were also served all our meals in our dining tent (or mess hall as it was called.) ​ ​Day 2: Hike from Machame Camp to Shira Camp (12,600 feet) ​Anne's perspective: ... read more
View of summit from first camp
Day 2 trekking in the rain
Dining tent

Africa » Tanzania » North » Mount Kilimanjaro November 2nd 2012

TANZANIA 22 SEPTEMBER 2012 TM 13 OKTOBER 2012 beklimming KILIMANJARO safari LAKE MANYARA – SERENGETI – NGORONGORO KRATER ZANZIBAR Zaterdag 22 september 2012. De wekker loopt om 5.30 uur af. Om 10.05 uur stijgen we vanaf schiphol op met KLM 569 en na een zeer rustige vlucht landen we 7 uur en 55 minuten later op Kilimanjaro Airport. Via de trap zetten we voet op Tanzaniaanse bodem. Het is 19.00 uur, donker en 28 graden. We worden opgehaald en de auto staat tussen de palmbomen geparkeerd. Ons hotel, San Salinero, staat in Moshi ongeveer 45 minuten rijden. Het is bijna 1 rechte weg die helemaal doorgaat naar Kenia. Het is een leuk hotel met allemaal rondavels, een zwembad en bar in de buitenlucht met zitjes eromheen. We krijgen nog wat te eten en drinken aan de ... read more
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Africa » Tanzania » North » Mount Kilimanjaro June 29th 2012

I went to Mt. Kilimanjaro to have some sort of holy and spiritual experience. I planned to come back all enlightened and probably going by a new name or something. I did learn a lot, but nothing I expected. The following is my first travel blog. Pole, pole (pronounced pole-ay, pole-ay) "Pole, pole" is Swahili for "slowly, slowly". While technically referring to the speed we climb the mountain, it's also an extremely accurate metaphor for how the Tanzanian people live. The best example of this happened within my first few hours in Africa. If you can imagine: I am a young girl, traveling alone, in a foreign, third world country of which I do not speak the language and have almost no knowledge. I'm continually asked where my mother and father are. I haven't slept in ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Mount Kilimanjaro May 8th 2012

Well this has certainly taken a great deal longer than I had anticipated. With the lack of internet and busy on the mine sites, this has been quite the endeavor. It is not completely finished but it will have to suffice as it is long winded enough as it is. This was written over a long span of time so please forgive any improper date references etc etc as I just want to post this. Your best best is to look at my flickr page Unfortunately my life has been too eventful over the past several months to find much time to update my blog, so thank you for your patience. Here is a brief update about any new developments in my life: 1) I have accepted a job with Golder Associates as a Hydrogeologist and ... read more
The first siteing
The trial begins
View of Mowimbsy Peak

Africa » Tanzania » North » Mount Kilimanjaro February 22nd 2012

Flight to Kilimanjaro on time. Nice weather and good view of the mountain today.... read more

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