Blogs from Mount Kilimanjaro, North, Tanzania, Africa - page 3


Africa » Tanzania » North » Mount Kilimanjaro January 28th 2018

Our journey to Africa departing 22.30 on Saturday 27 January 2018 Tom dropped 2 excited people off at the Brisbane International Airport and came into the terminal to wave us goodbye. I wished he was coming with us, but it was great to have Adam with me. We found a bar to have a ‘departure drink’. The plane was on time and we were on our way. I was a little excited and we were both hoping we had done enough training and preparation for the Kilimanjaro climb. Adam was certainly fit but as I was not running any more I was unsure of the amount of training I had done. We had both had 6 sessions over 2 weeks in the altitude training chamber in Milton, Brisbane. We were taken to a maximum of 5400m ... read more
Lemosho Gate 2250m - our 7 intrepid trekkers
Lemosho Gate 2250m (6)
Flying to Abu Dabe

Africa » Tanzania » North » Mount Kilimanjaro November 5th 2015

Day 8 (Nov 7) Kilimanjaro l - As expected the rain picked up just as we woke up for our big trek. Timothy picked us up again, with the crew including 2 guides, a cook, and 2 porters. We drove 2 hours with 8 of us crammed into the safari jeep with all our luggage and gear. Found out along the way that we'll be grabbing 6 more porters at the gate, which we didn't have sufficient tipping funds for, so we stopped at a bank and luckily took out enough money on the second try. So, after waiting for an hour at the gate during registration and gear weighing, talking with a few other folks hiking the same route with other guides, we set out on our way. 8 porters, 2 guides and a cook ... read more
Tanzania (438)
Tanzania (459)
Tanzania (481)

Africa » Tanzania » North » Mount Kilimanjaro January 24th 2015

As most of you know, last week I went to Tanzania to climb the mount Kilimanjaro. I went up through the Machama route, it is a 6 day trek, one of the most beautiful and also a great one to get used to the altitude. I was very lucky to not suffer of mountain sickness and so enjoyed very much the 5 first days of walk going through beautiful sceneries, and as I was on my own with the guide, we had a good pace and most of the time were by ourselves enjoying the quietness of this magical mountain. My guide Speight or Matata (his surname) was amazing, he had very good knowledge of the mountain, the birds and the plants. He was great company and so I highly recommend the company for who he ... read more
First base camp Machame
Fours base camp Barafu
Getting closer !

Africa » Tanzania » North » Mount Kilimanjaro October 10th 2014

Kilimanjaro; our waiting is over. On route to the biggest challenge of our lives. On the road not far Arusha we pass a dead body lying in the road when we pass traffic police a few miles down our driver alerted them of the dead body. We try not to take this as an omen of things to come. Our Team Kilimanjaro guides consists of 21 members, a head guide, assistant guide, cook and the rest will carry our belongings and tent. Surprisingly they all have English names, to round out the group of climbers is 2 young men and 3 fools (Angie, Francine,Karen). We registered at Marango gate and began walking thru the rain forest and fields of crops. The walk was tiring as we started late in the day and it's dark when we ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Mount Kilimanjaro September 6th 2014

Base Camp--the destination for the day. We would reach an altitude a little over 15,000 and would attempt to "sleep" around 6/7pm and wake up at 1130pm to start the trek to the summit around midnight. This trek isn't so bad, but it's the sleeping that's going to really do me in. This trek to Barafu Camp, our base camp, wasn't particularly difficult, memorable, or even that beautiful. But it did leave a feeling of anxiousness amongst many of us on the team. This was it. At this next camp, I'm going to attempt to achieve something I spent months training for. I am going to try and reach an altitude higher than my brother has reached (ha!!). I am hoping to report back to so many friends and family who have followed our team on ... read more
Dad and Dink Ready to Climb!
Dad--Showing his Strength!!

Africa » Tanzania » North » Mount Kilimanjaro September 5th 2014

A misty and chilly morning, with the challenge of getting one step closer to the summit. Today our goal was to make it up the Barranco Wall. A beautiful scramble that will bring us to our next camp. After this camp, we hike to base! Incredible. Not too much to say about this, except this is where I really felt the teamwork, and got to get to know some of the guides more. I also felt the altitude more. We waited until some of the other teams went up the wall, and then it was our turn. The best way to describe the wall is intimidating from afar, but doable once you get closer. Standing from Barranco Camp, you could see these tiny ant figures from afar, and could watch the other teams slowly but surely ... read more
Isn't it majestic?
The clouds below--there's some perspective.
The journey continues.

Africa » Tanzania » North » Mount Kilimanjaro September 3rd 2014

Here I am in our RMI tent drinking tea after getting a personal history of some of the land with our guides Eric and Charles. It feels like our team is so spoiled by everyone here on the mountain. Every night we have multi-course meals in this tent, and today we even had a hot lunch of macaroni! Hot macaroni on a cold day in a tent...never thought it was possible. The altitude really got the best of us today. We went from the Machame Camp at 10,000 to Shira Camp at 12, 570. It's officially the highest point I've reached. While it was only 2.75 miles of hiking, it felt intense with the new elevation. Yesterday I took the first round of Diamox (altitude sickness pills) and was still a bit weirded out about my ... read more
Team work.
Building a "rock house" with Eric and Charles!
Our new friends.

Africa » Tanzania » North » Mount Kilimanjaro September 1st 2014

On the mountain! Hard to believe. It feels so good to be here. Sitting in camp with dad now. The drive in to Kili took two hours. I think I have a whole new outlook on things and the way I view the world. Scratch that. I KNOW I have a new view. The villages and towns were tough to drive by. 70% unemployment in Tanzania. And you can tell. 45 year life expectancy. Many were just standing around as you drove by. The eye contact made was almost heartbreaking at times. Here I was with all my expensive mountain gear. Here were others with barely any water for day. The women would carry buckets on their heads, and the children (who should have been in school) were running around, or just sitting still and staring ... read more
The RMI Royal Treatment.
Our first morning at camp!

Africa » Tanzania » North » Mount Kilimanjaro July 26th 2014

This was written a while ago if you were interested in how the trip went. *** So it's been one week since I've been back from Tanzania. All that training, all that hard work and now I'm sitting back home and trying to remember the feeling while I was there. I told some people to really live in the moment while we were there because I knew how it would feel when I returned, been there done that. Kilimanjaro was an unexplainable accomplishment that you can only understand if you have done it. We met the last of our group in Amsterdam and had a great time searching for Hywel! Everyone targeted single men walking around--too funny. Luckily, I knew what Hywel looked like :) The climate in Tanzania was surprisingly mild in September, not humid. ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Mount Kilimanjaro February 24th 2014

People often asked me why I had decided to climb Mt Kilimanjaro. I would reply with "I don't know, it would be kinda cool I guess." It was part of a volunteer excursion so I thought "how hard could it be, just a bush walk, right?" Wrong. Summiting Kili was the most incredible and ridiculous thing I've ever done and would recommend it to everyone. Would I ever do it again? Not a chance. I took the Machame route. It's said to be physically one of the hardest routes due to its steepness but don't let that put you off. Machame has one of the highest success rates for summiting due to the way you're able to acclimatise. Machame is also one of the most picturesque routes. I would absolutely recommend Machame purely based on it's ... read more

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