Blogs from Yei , South Sudan, Africa


Africa » South Sudan » Yei November 11th 2013

We had a busy morning, which was good because it kept our minds off the prospect of saying good bye to so many people we met this trip and previous ones. Today we again spent time with "old" friends Diantha Hodges, a missionary whom my church helps support, Libby Dearing, the creator of Grace Home for Children, and Drs. Lynn and Sharon Fogleman, the husband and wife team who are the recipients of most of the eyeglasses I brought (some were left behind in Terekeka). Along with a team of twelve volunteers from Ginghamsburg United Methodist Church (the home church of Michael Slaughter, the author of "Christmas Is Not Your Birthday" and several other thought provoking books), we did a health screening of 130 nursery school students at Dar es Salaam UMC school in Yei. In ... read more

Africa » South Sudan » Yei November 10th 2013

When was the last time a doctor made a house call to your home? I remember my last time: when I was a freshman in high school, I caught pneumonia and the family doctor came to see me. When was the last time you were told how much the cost of the medicine and doctor consult was and you said, "That is way too low!" I had to come to a small (by U.S. Standards) town in a country that is only two years old to have both those experiences. The doctor at His House of Hope came to see me today in between delivering numerous babies (three sets of twins in 24 hours) and when I asked how much the medicine cost, the price was less than the equivalent of $8! Without insurance! We all ... read more

Africa » South Sudan » Yei November 9th 2013

Today Karen, Ellen and I completed our plan for sharing our experience with teachers at Terekeka and Yei compounds. Because some of the teachers here in Yei attended the workshop I did in February, we retooled our presentation so that the first part was a review of strategies described then to a more participatory approach with those from last year helping those who were not there. This is one of the principles of cooperative learning--having students (in this case, the teachers) explain in their words what the teacher just said. We did nine Kagan strategies and six active learning strategies, and then demonstrated the use of eight graphic organizers. Having substituted in several of their classes yesterday really helped because we were able to tell how we had actually used some of those strategies and organizers ... read more

Africa » South Sudan » Yei November 8th 2013

Our plan for today was to show Karen the UMCOR compound and various projects in the Yei area. The month of November is supposed to be part of the two seasons here: dry and rainy (November being part of the dry). Those two seemingly unrelated statements are indeed connected. Last night proved that the rainy season was not quite finished--it rained at various levels for the entire night. The roads that had been difficult to drive on all week became impossible to drive on this morning without a Land Cruiser type vehicle,and since none was available, our plans were canceled. As we were sitting in our nice, dry guest house contemplating how to spend the day, Mourice, Harvesters' administrator, came to our door and let us know that there were only three teachers at the school, ... read more

Africa » South Sudan » Yei November 7th 2013

When Ellen, Karen and I made plans for this adventure, our only limit was that Karen could only be away from work for two weeks. So we divided up our time, planning to do classroom observations, teacher training and then follow up for one week in Harvesters at Terekeka and the following week at Harvesters in Yei. In early October we learned that the school in Yei was having exams this week, so we couldn't do any observations. Since I was kinda sorta the one in charge of the training phase, I panicked! What would we possibly do here in Yei for three days? So I frantically sent emails, numerous times, to the contacts that I had here and stressed, stressed, stressed! Then, lo and behold, Ellen, who was already in South Sudan, sent me an ... read more

Africa » South Sudan » Yei November 6th 2013

The title of this entry is a wonderful theological truth, bit it also is an acronym for Grace Home for Children, the name of the home/orphanage we visited today. Conceived by Libby Dearing, this is a family home for orphans that is comprised of four houses that have a "Mama" and up to six children of various ages (just like a family). Libby had originally hoped and prayed for start up funding of $85,000, but a church in Knoxville, TN, that knew Libby's husband, Fred (currently the District Superintendent of the United Methodist Churches in Yei) heard about Libby's dream and decided to take up a Christmas offering (called "for his birthday, Jesus wants you to build an orphanage in South Sudan); Libby was astonished to receive over $300,000, enough to do the construction and pay ... read more

Africa » South Sudan » Yei February 9th 2012

Danke an alle Spender Liebe Spender, mit Eurer Hilfe sind fast 6000,- Euro, ca. 8000,- US Dollar zusammengekommen! Ein herzliches Dankeschoen dafuer!!! Und ich verspreche, dass jeder Cent dieses Geldes bei meinen Frauen angekommen ist. Eine Auflistung: 20 Naehmaschinen: 1800,- US 2 Getreidemuehlen: 3600,- USD 2 Mechaniker + Lehrer zum Aufstellen und Unterrichten zum Gebrauch der Muehlen, sowie der Reparaturen in den naechsten 6 Monaten + Materialien:1200,- USD Mechaniker zum Zusammenbau der Naehmaschinen u. Reparaturen i.d. naechsten 6 Monaten:400,- US Gebuehren an der Grenze Uganda/Sudan:120,- USD Zuschuss zum Gehalt der Schneiderlehrerin aufgrund von Inflation: 200,- USD Ich habe jetzt noch etwa 700,- US Dollar u... read more

Africa » South Sudan » Yei February 7th 2012

Alles hat ein Ende… Dieser letzte Eintrag ist all den Eintraegen gewidmet, die ich seit Ewigkeiten erledigen wollte, was ich dann aber nie getan habe... Asche auf mein Haupt! In der naechsten Zeit werde ich mich besonders folgenden Themen zuwenden: Dank all den Spendern und Bericht ueber die Verwendung der Spenden Separation und juengste Nation der Welt Und noch ein paar Kurzartikel zu verschiedenen Themen. Ich hoffe Ihr habt noch einmal Spass daran! Und dann moechte ich mich verabschieden. Ende Februar sind tatsaechlich meine 2 Jahre im Sudan schon herum und im April komme ich dann tatsaechlich zurueck. Ich bin dankbar fuer eine volle, erlebnisreiche, lehrreiche Zeit. Ich habe ein Land in den Anfaengen erlebt und historische Momente mitmachen und –feiern duerfen. Ich habe die verschiedensartigs... read more

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