Blogs from Aweil, South Sudan, Africa


Africa » South Sudan » Aweil February 2nd 2011

Hello to all my friends. I am already on my next mission, this time as hospital manager in Amman, Jordan. But I wanted to catch you up with my work on the last mission in Southern Sudan. I was there for 6 months and it was a great experience. This will be in multiple installments, beginning this blog with my daily life. I hope you enjoy it - here it comes: It’s 6:30 and I may as well get up. I didn’t get much sleep…. again. There’s so much noise at night. The packs of dogs that roam the street and every other dog in the city bark at various times, and when one starts to howl, they all join in. And the donkeys bray. And a time-challenged rooster starts to crow at 3:30, and most ... read more
Our shower (L) and latrine (R)
My daily tukul visitor
My bucket gardens

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