Penguins and cheese

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Africa » South Africa » Western Cape » Simon's Town
August 25th 2019
Published: August 25th 2019
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Today was the day I was waiting for, the day of the PENGUINS! I can't say anyone else was too excited by them, but I for one, find them adorable and charming.

We drove from Cape Town to Simon's Town where Boulder Beach is located and the home of the Penguins.

The Cape penguin is relatively small. They are black and white with a little patch of pink near their eyes. They waddle and they shake off the water when they come out from swimming and I could have sat watching them all day. There were two dancing the mating dance. She stood there mostly aloof while he bowed and twirled all around her. From time to time their heads came together and it looked as if they were kissing. It was beautiful.

Then we saw the nests where one of the parents (African penguins are monogamous) were sitting on the chicks guarding them. The chicks are little brown furry things. As they get older they shed the brown fur and become black and white adults.

As we left the boardwalk where we observed them, we came across a loner who seemed a bit lost but gave us a great photo opportunity.

Needless to say, I bought a few penguin items in the gift shop 😊.

From there we went into wine country. We called one winery, Backsberg, who we read has kosher wine, but they told us to go to Fairview instead. So, Fairview it was. Fairview has wine and cheese. The cheeses were kosher, the wine was not. We ate salad and cheese, and had cappuccino (2 of them each! the coffee in Africa has not been the best but the cappuccino was quite good).

We started back, enjoying the scenery of green, mountain backdrops, and grape vines as far as the eye can see. Shortly, we made a stop at the alpaca loom. The kids watched the alpacas and I bought fingerless mittens from alpaca yarn.

It was a very nice, more relaxing day. We are back in the hotel and might actually watch a movie (the first time since we arrived) that I downloaded. Adam and Shaya went to buy dinner at one of the kosher restaurants. Probably the last meat meal until we get home.

Tomorrow we leave Cape Town and start our adventures on the Garden Route.

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