Road trip! Garden Route

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Africa » South Africa » Western Cape » Plettenberg Bay
August 26th 2019
Published: August 26th 2019
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This morning we said goodbye to Cape Town. We didn’t see much of the inner city, just the coast and the area we stayed in. As we drove out two things struck me; 1- how beautiful the modern city buildings looked with a mountain backdrop, and 2- how disturbing the difference in economic class is. The kids (and adults) were oohing and ahhing over the Lamborghinis, Ferraris and Porches they saw. And on the same road, homeless people, beggars, and men selling stuff at red lights were abound. On our way out of the city we passed what looked like a refugee camp that continued for miles.
Our whale boat tour was cancelled due to the weather so we decided to try and see some for ourselves in Hermanus, a one and a half hour drive. We found a gorgeous coastline, but no whales in the rough ocean. We did see one pop in and out of the water yesterday after we saw the penguins, so in my book that’s a check next to whale watching ?.
We stopped at the craft market in Hermanus and purchased a couple of beautiful wood sculptures to put on our non-existent bookshelf (we do plan to build one eventually, and have been purchasing many beautiful things from Africa to fill it up).
The rest of the day was just driving through the Garden Route till we reached our destination, Plettenberg Bay. It took about 5+ hours. We ate meat sandwiches from the kosher restaurant in Cape Town for lunch in the car.
The South Africans are very serious about security on the roads. Along the highway we saw signs such as “If you speed, you’re a Killer” and “If you drink and drive, you’re a Killer”. We got pulled over and fined for doing 114 in a 100 zone. The shame.
We thought we got lucky when our hostess told us there’s a kosher restaurant in Plett, but we went looking for it and found that it was no longer there. But if a bummer. The supermarkets close at 5pm so we’ll have to make sure to get back tomorrow in time to buy some stuff.
The plan for tomorrow- an exciting day in Tsitsikamma!

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