Blogs from Victoria , Mahé, Seychelles, Africa


Africa » Seychelles » Mahé » Victoria March 29th 2013

As we wandered along the jungle trail passing exotic fruit trees and herbal leaves, we heard the strange sound. It was like a man straining to do hefty work, only not a normal man, a monster man. “Uggghhhhh!” the thing groaned before becoming silent for a few seconds. Angela I stopped and looked at each other, wondering what it could be. “Uggghhhhh!” it went again, a reverberating sound straight from hell. It was louder this time. We moved onwards, careful in case the beast heard us. “What is it..?” I whispered as we passed underneath a bread fruit tree. It was a wonder the massive fruit weren’t shaking from all the noise. “And where’s it coming from? It sounds like a dragon giving birth.” We were in a large herbal garden ... read more
Sunset in Paradise
Colourful finch
Randy reptiles

Africa » Seychelles » Mahé » Victoria June 23rd 2011

“Welcome to Paradise FM!” a chirpy radio-voice announced while I was preparing breakfast. When turning on the tap produced yet again nothing but a faint and distant hissing noise I felt a tinge of frustration in my heart. My hopes for a clean kitchen followed by a refreshing shower were once more dashed. The problem is: there is no water in paradise. It’s the dry season and for weeks there has been no rain. And Seychelles cannot cope. The exclusive tourist resorts are eager to preserve the cocoon of paradisiacal perfection in which they keep their wealthy clients by supplying them with round-the-clock water including their private infinity pools. For the rest of us it means water only for a few hours in the evening (if we are lucky) and with that dirty clothes, piles of ... read more
during the carnival
fishing boat
my home

Africa » Seychelles » Mahé » Victoria February 24th 2011

I remember my first dive as if it was yesterday – the sense of awe and wonder that filled me as I was entering this other world of unexpectedly intense colours, unusual shapes and serene stillness. At the time I did of course see the different fishes around me but only in the way one might perceive flowers in a field or birds in the sky – beautiful and exotic but essentially anonymous. And it has remained that way ever since – until now. Over the past few weeks I’ve learned to identify and name around 120 species of fish. It is a little like being introduced to 120 strangers who you consequently recognise and acknowledge and I cannot dive without thinking out the names of the now familiar fishes –a pair of coral rabbit fish ... read more
our courtyard
the ruins of the former youth village
our home

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