Blogs from Thiès, Thiès Region, Senegal, Africa


Africa » Senegal » Thiès Region » Thiès February 25th 2018

22 février Debout dans la foule de la Gate 311, située dans un recoin de l'aéroport, j'attend mon tour pour entrer dans le shuttle bus qui me déposera à l'entrée de mon avion, tout là-bas, à la dernière des pistes de décollage de l'Atatürk (Turquie). Après son atterrissage au Sénégal, l'avion où je prendrai place repartira aussitôt pour Nouakchott, capitale de la méconnue Mauritanie. Voilà qui explique la présence de tout ces berbères zénaga qui m'encerclent donc, suant en grappe une désagréable odeur de friture au travers de leurs boubous et de leurs turbans d'hommes des sables. Je suis le noyau blanc dans l'attroupement. Les Mauritaniens discutent bruyamment. Il y a de la nervosité dans l'air. De toute évidences, les voyageurs en toges sont beaucoup plus à l'aise sur un chameau que dans un avion. ... ... read more
Réglisse et Baobabs

Africa » Senegal » Thiès Region » Thiès January 31st 2012

Part VI Editorial how is that i am no longer so quick to condemn every forced, child marriage? here are the thoughts still in conflict for me: this 12-year-old now has "security", not just her husband, but entire family, entire herds of animals. several water wells. land. she has role, purpose in life. and she knows her role. albeit, prescribed. she has an in-residence, familial physical and psychological support system. she now has a better chance of realizing her right to food, to water, and the right to personal safety...freedoms and rights not so sure for many others. ...of course, this bride is lucky, she has been "forced" into a loving family. what is the typical human rights argument against this type of marriage? she could be said to lack the ability to grow given her ... read more
barren or fertile?
sisters in everything
the future? a respectable living?

Africa » Senegal » Thiès Region » Thiès January 30th 2012

Part V "ride home" and the day(s) after the ride home in post-wedding dizzy, we get lost on our "ride home", though our route home not a ride at all but rather a walk...M. heads back to the city, but G. and i had agreed with the family to camp out in the bush, within a somewhat safe distance of their compound (they of course thought that we were totally out of our minds). staggering "home" to our tent, we are a bit lost in the forest. the night outlines of baobabs all starting to look the same. where was "our" tree? we find our way and bunker down in the brush savannah...already curious to see what "the day after" brings...which turns out quite fruitful in observations, and generating Part V Editorial... but first... the day(s) ... read more
these strong women
tathers of wedding get-up

Africa » Senegal » Thiès Region » Thiès January 29th 2012

Part IV Wedding day: band, food, guests, the bride emerges goody bag while lulling about waiting to see what curious thing would happen next, i fall asleep in the hairdresser's hut (yes, i have turned Sénégalese, able to fall into deep sleep in a small hut where 12 other people are, a hairdresser at work, a radio playing, babies crying, people talking...) i wake up drowsily, immediately set my eyes upon G. to remember where we are, and he shoots me a warning look, nodding towards where my friend M. sits with his wife. while i was asleep, M. was presented with a wedding goody bag so to say. just two feet away from me, neatly balanced next to M's wife's fancy shoes, are the aforementioned butchered cow's hooves...and head. lecker. i roll over and catch ... read more
step into my cauldron
griot in action
making her rounds, the new bride!

Africa » Senegal » Thiès Region » Thiès January 28th 2012

Part III Wedding day: overview, venue, outfits the wedding day overview every wedding needs a wedding organizer, right? and we had one extraordinaire on our hands! though the final wedding date was not confirmed until 1 week before the event, this should not reflect on his months of preparation. from the taxi onwards, we have idea what is transpiring around us. we spend the whole day in the confines of the family compound, watching people meander between huts, "the kitchen", shade trees. we let ourselves be dragged here and there. we see the groom running from hut to hut, looking pretty nervous. one of the first places we are coaxed to is a bit outside the main family compound. to a pool of blood. we are fortunate, they say, to catch the end of the cow ... read more
the icing on the cow
senegalese fashion
heeey boubou

Africa » Senegal » Thiès Region » Thiès January 27th 2012

Part II Cluephone cluephone, it's for you it is only in the taxi on the way to the wedding, bumping along the dusty, baobab-lined dirt path to the remote village of N., do i bother to ask my friend M. ... the questions 1. who is the bride, anyways? 2. how old is this groom? 3. how old is the bride? the answers 1. she comes from a village down in the southeast of the country 2. somewhere around 20 3. 12 *gulp* G. and i look at one another out of the corner of our eyes. i feel his grip tighten a bit on my side. what were we about to be part of? ...a pretty laid back (read: dragged out), run-of-the-mill Peul wedding, that's what. what all felt, somehow normal. we observe, and partake ... read more
getting in (height) order
the venue
uninvited guest

Africa » Senegal » Thiès Region » Thiès January 26th 2012

Part I Preface i have been putting off posting this final blog from February 2012 for various reasons - though the main one being, i am somehow still in conflict with myself about the issue of forced and/or "child" marriage. excuse this serious introduction, to a blog that i promise does hold some light commentary and fun fotos... onwards... the recent child raping and forced child marriage in the north of Mali have finally made me post this - though i first started writing in July after seeing a concert of Kareyce Fotso's at Rudolstadt World Folk Music Festival...Kareyce is from Cameroon, but had practiced some german phrases... Kareyce's most dramatic song argues unequivocally that forced marriage "ist nicht gut"...(is not good)... listen here: ...this song got the germans to loosen their vo... read more
unlucky ducks
our limo
the sunset was never so anticipated

Africa » Senegal » Thiès Region » Thiès March 13th 2011

Op 8 maart was er internationale vrouwendag. Ook in Senegal lieten de vrouwen dit gebeuren niet zomaar passeren. Toespraken werden er afgewisseld met muziek en dans. ... read more
de vrouwenorganisaties van Pout
BeBe Derwich aan het woord

Africa » Senegal » Thiès Region » Thiès March 13th 2011

En dan de laatste dag: vrijdag 11 maart. De kers op de taart: hét memorandum. Werken, werken, ... tot op het laatste moment werd het document gepolijst onder meer door onze fantastische secretaris Walter. De samenwerking tussen KeMoPoDi en LoWaZoNe is nu een feit! Ons logo werd in de vorm van een zandschilderij cadeau gegeven aan alle betrokken gemeenten van Senegal en Vlaanderen.... read more
Photo 3
Photo 4

Africa » Senegal » Thiès Region » Thiès March 13th 2011

Het leven is vooral een gebeuren op straat. Je ontmoet er mens en dier.... read more

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