Blogs from Saint-Louis Region, Senegal, Africa


Africa » Senegal » Saint-Louis Region November 10th 2022

Senegal 11. – 25. Nov. 2022 Freitag, 11.11.2022 Anreise nach Senegal Flug nach Dakar über Lissabon. Hier überbrücken wir die 5 Stunden Wartezeit mit einer U-Bahn Fahrt in die Altstadt „Baixa“. Die hat sich seit unserem letzten Besuch vor 15 Jahren mächtig mit Fußgängerzone, Restaurants etc. herausgeputzt. Die 4 Stunden Flug nach Dakar ziehen sich in der unbequemen TAP-Maschine. Das Essen ist grauslich und die Getränkeversorgung spärlich. Ankunft nach 2 Uhr morgens. Wir warten lange aufs Gepäck und dann stellen wir uns noch langwierig bei der Passkontrolle an. Entgegen den Ankündigungen gibt es keinerlei Corona-Kontrollen. Der Bus und unser Reiseleiter Mamadu Ndiaye erwarten uns schon. Er sollte sich als ein sehr erfahrener und umsichtiger Mann herausstellen, der natürlich mit allen Wassern gewaschen ist, um die Unbilden einer Reise durch diesen urigen Teil Afrikas pro... read more

Africa » Senegal » Saint-Louis Region » Saint-Louis December 31st 2019

E' ormai sempre piu' comune da parte dei viaggiatori via terra lungo la costa occidentale dell'Africa, cercare di evitare la famigerata frontiera tra Mauritania e Senegal posta nella citta' di Rosso: qui i cordiali doganieri mauritani, che ti hanno accolto col sorriso e a braccia aperte entrando dal Marocco, si trasformano in veri e propri vampiri assetati di sangue, in questo caso dei vostri soldi; faranno di tutto per estorcervi le ultime Ouguiya rimaste nel vostro portafogli inventandosi ogni piu' ridicola scusa. Caldo, traffico e confusione non fanno che aumentare il disagio ed il tempo necessario per superare quelst'ultimo ostacolo prima di poter uscire finalmente dal paese. La soluzione? Usare il valico alternativo di Diama. Si tratta di un piccolo villaggio sperduto in mezzo alle paludi non raggiungibile direttamente dalla capitale Nouakchott, e qui sorge dunque ... read more
Toubab Dialaw: la spiaggia dei pescatori
Saint-Louis: il porto
Toubab Dialaw: vista sul mare

Africa » Senegal » Saint-Louis Region » Lompoul Desert March 7th 2018

5-6 mars (Toujours à Saint-Louis) "L'Occident à la montre, l'Afrique à le temps" Proverbe Africain Je prévois rejoindre bientôt Dakar, pour ensuite partir vers le sud, vers le Sine-Saloum. Mais avant de retourner sur la capitale, j'aurais bien aimé me pauser pour une nuit dans ce campement du désert de Lompoul, à mi-chemin entre Saint-Louis et Dakar, dont mon guide en papier fait mention. Par contre, ma recherche d'excursion ici demeure infructueuse pour le campement de Lompoul. Le tourisme est en déclin au Sénégal, et hors des tours opérateurs, les routards se font tout de même rares en Afrique de l'ouest. Si je veux bien mener à terme mon plan donc, je n'aurai pas d'autre choix que de me rendre au campement par moi-même. "Pas compliqué" que me répondra Babacar la courtepointe en me griffonnant des ... read more

Africa » Senegal » Saint-Louis Region » Saint-Louis March 5th 2018

2 mars Je suis de retour sur Dakar maintenant, après avoir quitté l'île de Gorée, étape par étape. À mon arrivée chez Martine, il n'y a de présent qu'Adeline (la gouvernante), Praline le vieux chien et un agent de sécurité fixé à sa guérite, 24 sur 24. Martine, elle, est toujours au Kenya pour le travail. Mon hôtesse m'a gentiment remit une clé de la maison lors de son départ. "Évite les hôtels sur Dakar. Tu dépenseras ton argent sur autres choses" qu'elle m'avait dit à mon arrivée au Sénégal. C'est que le Pays est une destination plutôt dispendieuse pour les voyageurs à budget. À date, je n'ai pas pu payer sous le 15 000 francs CFA (+ ou - 35$ canadien) pour mes chambres d'auberge, aussi franchement basiques étaient-elles, et puis les auberges à dortoirs ... read more
La sieste du taximan

Africa » Senegal » Saint-Louis Region » Saint-Louis January 7th 2018

Balconies en masse We might as well beging by admitting that we cheat a little bit this time. Some of the text, which isn't much in the first place, we have simply copied from a couple of blogs we wrote a few years ago. But we spend so much time writing all the other blog entries that we think that once in a while we can allow ourselves to put together one entry where we don't have to write quite as much as we normally do. Also, when we started this blog in 2006 the main purpose was to make it possible for us to upload photos and make them available to our friends and relatives. It was publishing the photos that was the main purpose, not actually writing the text which accompanies the pictures. We ... read more

Africa » Senegal » Saint-Louis Region January 5th 2018

Senegalese wildlife - mainly birds and goats If you are a nature buff and want to see wildlife in Senegal your best bet would be to go for bird watching. There are several national parks around famous for the abundant birdlife. If you want to see other wildlife than birds in Senegal there is at least one wildlife park, Fathala Reserve, where you can see typical African animals such as elephants, giraffes, zebras and lions. When we read about that park we got the feeling that it is small park, so small that it might feel a bit like a zoo. Also the animals there have been relocated to Fathala Reserve from other parts of Africa because in West Africa they have not been roaming around in the wild for many decades. We have seen all ... read more
Abundant birdlife
Pelican in Djoudj National Bird Sanctuary

Africa » Senegal » Saint-Louis Region » Saint-Louis March 27th 2014

Ok so when last you saw me it was in Senegal, at night, on the side of the road, in questionable company, hitch hiking to St Louis with about an hour to go....Definitely not what was intended!As fate would have it our angel of mercy appeared in the form of a fly 20 something year old with fresh haircut (so full of complicated razored intersecting lines and angles as to confound even Pythagorus) in shiny black car, reverberating with pumping bass, sporting multiple air fresheners and juju beads hanging in a cluster from the rear view mirror. He and his equally slick traveling companion took pity on us, flew us to St Louis in record time, and deposited us gratis in what was probably the closest to Hades that I've ever been and ever hope to ... read more
Beautiful New Additional Wife
Kind Mama Amina
St Louis Warf

Africa » Senegal » Saint-Louis Region » Saint-Louis March 26th 2014

Last year in Senegal I decided to leave the safe bustling compound of my family and being an independent (budget) adventurer, chose to travel by public (shared) taxi from the depot in downtown Dakar to St Louis in the north, 6 hours away by car; there(theoretically ) I would once again meet up with my sister and The Truck. There are many nuances to this mode of travel that are revealed only as the journey unfolds. First of all one has to wait until the taxi is full before leaving the depot...this can take quite a while as there are not exactly hoards of people making this journey on a random weekday morning. The next problem is that if you want a window rather than a middle seat where you run the risk of being sandwiched ... read more
Repacking luggage
Beautiful second wife
Fishing village

Africa » Senegal » Saint-Louis Region » Saint-Louis September 17th 2013

As part of a seaside holiday in Senegal or Senegalese tour visiting the romantic city of Saint Louis is a must! I also have opened me to a day in the beautiful old town. The former pearl of West Africa Saint Louis is located at the mouth of the Senegal River Basin, about 265 kilometers north of Dakar. Located near the border with Mauritania City until 1902 was the capital of the colony of French West Africa, which included among other things, Mauritania, Niger, Mali, Guinea and the Ivory Coast. The city is now the capital of the region of Saint Louis and has about 170,000 inhabitants, who live mainly by fishing and agriculture. Referred to in the Wolof language "Ndar" city is a cultural center of Senegal and attracts with its bustling everyday life. I ... read more

Africa » Senegal » Saint-Louis Region » Saint-Louis January 29th 2013

We are now in the very north of Senegal in Saint Louis, an island town in the middle of the broad Senegal river. There is just one bridge in from the mainland and we immediately realised how small the island is, just over a mile long and quarter of a mile wide. From this little place, France ruled Senegal, Mali, Mauritania and the Ivory Coast – more than five-times the size of France. Today, it is a sleepy and dusty town of old colonial buildings in various states of disrepair. Although sand now covers the streets, it is easy to picture this as a thriving city, controlling the river from the grand buildings. Old warehouses face the main street with impressive façades and balconies. At their rear are the quays where huge cranes wait ready to ... read more
Sunu Keur, our guest house
Our view across the river
Riding through streets

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