Blogs from Inhambane, Southern, Mozambique, Africa


Africa » Mozambique » Southern » Inhambane February 18th 2018

Sunday 18 February Barra Beach, Inhambane & Monday 19 February Vilanculos Up at 5.20am, breakfast at 6.00am (boiled eggs, toast and cereal) and away by 6.30am. It was still sprinkling with rain and the power had gone off early in the morning, so no air-conditioning. It was cooler, so that didn’t cause any issues. We stopped off at Inhambane for supplies. This gave us a chance to walk around the town, including the markets. It was a little too early (8.00am) on Sunday morning, so the activity hadn’t started. I came across a church where many people were singing and the minister at the front was definitely preaching forcefully. The singing was beautiful. Inhambane was a very typical African minor city with tired looking buildings, some abandoned but some in excellent condition. Most of the retail ... read more
Bazaruto Island (19)
Our apartment at Vilanculos - afternoon drinks on our balcony (1)
Dinner time at Vilanculos (2)

Africa » Mozambique » Southern » Inhambane February 16th 2018

Thursday 15 February Inhambane This was a long driving day through local villages. We saw the rural life of Mozambique which makes up around 80% of the country. The roadside stalls were selling fruit, cashews (very famous in the country) and clothing as well as charcoal and grasses. Inhambane (pronounced in-yam-ban) is in the Jangamo District of Inhambane Province, Mozambique. It is a sleepy historic town some 485 km north of Maputo. It has some great colonial architecture (in a low-key sort of a way) and is considered by many to be one of the prettiest towns in Mozambique. It is situated on a peninsula overlooking a bay, and also serves as a springboard to the coastal resorts around Tofo beach (some 30km due east, along a reasonably good road). The road was relatively good up ... read more
Maputo to Inhambane (1)
Maputo to Inhambane (2)
Maputo to Inhambane (4)

Africa » Mozambique » Southern » Inhambane February 7th 2018

It is indeed a very beautiful country with a landscape that varies all the time lush green to desert beige, and it's not flat lile the Pampa of Argie or the plain of Brazil, nor is it col, well it is in places but more about that later. I left my boutique hotel and went for the coast double checking every now and then so that tracks4Africa in cohorts with Mssrs Garmin would not lead me on a wild goose chase yet again, close to Port Edward I was suppose to take a left which I did and then I thought about a nice cup of coffee and made a U-turn and went back to Port Edward and had a nice cup of coffee when the moneys came. They were looking for food and searched under ... read more

Africa » Mozambique » Southern » Inhambane July 25th 2015

Tofo again on Sunday, but just for the day and a whole lot more stress-free transportation-wise. I brought my book with me and just read it the whole way, essentially ignoring the long wait times and such. Mild irritation at being shoved forward and jammed into the bench in front of us as they loaded too many crates of beer into the back of the chapa (and then couldn’t close the door, they tied it mostly-shut instead), but nothing major. I had packed lunch and snacks before I left and once I got to the beach I struck out for the lighthouse and the tidal pools I played in last time. High tide was about 5 pm, so it was pretty low when I got there at 10:20ish. I walked the beach and after a bit ... read more
Towards the Lighthouse
Lunchtime spot
Post-wandering beer

Africa » Mozambique » Southern » Inhambane July 22nd 2015

I want to take a moment to reflect on a few things that have happened over the last few weeks, particularly since a few people have commented on the grumpy and somewhat negative tone of a few of my last couple of posts. Unrelated to travel, Africa, and my personality quirks, but very much related to life in general and social media, is the idea of the personal, private, and uncurated thoughts and emotions that a person goes through on a daily basis versus the public, often perpetually positive, highly-curated projection that is expected of us. This is nothing new – when immigrants to the US went for pictures to send back home to Europe they put on their finest clothes and projected levels of affluence and wealth that many did not possess in the slightest. ... read more

Africa » Mozambique » Southern » Inhambane July 18th 2015

After my Mukambe feha trip I took three chapas back to CoH and was back by noon on Thursday. Friday wasn’t terribly productive, but it wasn’t terribly unproductive either. THEN CAME SATURDAY. I was damned and determined to get out of CoH and go to the beach, so I had called the night before (actually meaning to stay Fri and Sat night) and had my stuff packed. I finished writing the blog that I posted before I left, and then headed for the chapa out that way. Of course, it’s never without some issues… I get to Inhambane to get a chapa to tofo and there is space – by any standards – and I get in and sit down by the door. The cobrador says that the chapa is full and makes me get out ... read more
The Beach!
Dormitory in Fatima's

Africa » Mozambique » Southern » Inhambane July 9th 2015

Recapping quickly, I’ve been in a crappy mood for the last good chunk of time and haven’t wanted to do anything. Despite being more than a bit sketched out by the idea of sleeping in the wilds of Africa in a stick hut without a door or solid walls (not even Baraka construction), I felt it was necessary to get out to Mukambe feha and spend some time with them. It was necessary because otherwise this whole idea of me teaching the process of making the materials and thinking about the situation in a greater context was useless because all I would be doing is the same thing that every other NGO and government department does, come in, provide a temporary good or service, and leave. Now, I’m not totally crazy or naïve and realize that ... read more
On Our Way 1
On Our Way 2
Group Work 1

Africa » Mozambique » Southern » Inhambane July 9th 2015

So, let’s start from the beginning – Sunday. I had to get out of CoH. I was kind of going crazy… ok, more than kind of. I got up, packed what I could that I wasn’t going to use that night, and faffed about on the internet for a bit before heading out for the wait-then-chapa-then-wait-then-boat routine to Inhambane. The weather was decent and I brought a book so I wasn’t moved by any of this. Actually, the first of two transport-related chuckles I had today was on the boat going to Inhmambane. The boat was basically full, it might have held an extra 6 people from the point when I got on (There was no big boat running, so I had to take the small one), so I sat in the middle of the bench ... read more
Inhamabane Alley
wk 8 general04
Cemetery Gates

Africa » Mozambique » Southern » Inhambane July 4th 2015

28 Jun – 4 Jul Sunday, slow day. I spent the day on the computer working and was “forced” to go into town in the afternoon since I had eaten everything consumable in the kitchen as a result of not leaving CoH for a few days. Café food and grocery store accomplished, I headed back to CoH. When we were waiting for the chapa to leave I sat there listening as the cobrador for the chapa next to us as he changed the destination of his chapa and started telling people his was going the same place ours was (Nhamaxaxa, which is further than Chicuque, but on the same route). A few women got into the other chapa, and then as it became evident that the chapa I was in was going where they wanted to ... read more
Chapa stop 2
Train Station
Transportation Logo

Africa » Mozambique » Southern » Inhambane June 27th 2015

Highlights! My Sunday was lazy, mostly because we had no power in Chicuque for most of the day, a hold over from the night before. I got up, turned the computer on briefly and used up all the battery life it had, then put it away and worked on non-tech stuff for a bit, but reluctantly had to put clothes on. I ventured into town and went to Pastelaria Universal, which had power of course, and had food, wrote, and used the cards I made to storyboard some more comics. The best part of all that was when I went to get on my computer a young girl came over and asked to play with the cards that I had put away. When I gave them to her, she took them back to her mom and ... read more
Students and Activists Working
Working Versions

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