Blogs from Pemba, Northern, Mozambique, Africa


Africa » Mozambique » Northern » Pemba May 10th 2018

After travelling all the way up from the south of Mozambique to almost the most northern part we reached the Quirimbas Archipelago. We met a friendly bunch of travellers at a nice lodge where we camped in Pemba and organised a 4X4 to bring us through knee-deep puddles and mud to Quisanga, the drop-off point for the islands. After a little haggling a captain wanted to bring us to Ibo Island where we got a basic but comfortable roundhouse for a bargain. We explored the island for a few days and we hired a local sailing dhow for a day. This day trip was above all expectations as we got to snorkel with a large school of dolphins, we went snorkelling over a huge wreck and we were dropped at a very tropical white sandy deserted ... read more
On our way to paradise
On our way to paradise
On our way to paradise

Africa » Mozambique » Northern » Pemba March 21st 2013

Resumo: Pessoas tentando passar a perna, 11hs em um caminhão de carga, dormindo no chão do hotel, quase 30hrs para chegar ao meu destino, estou bem. Vou comentar apenas o que ocorreu após cruzar a fronteira de Malawi para Moçambique. Comecei bem .. pessoas sorrindo, dizendo “Boa Tarde” “Boa Viagem” (Aqui as pessoas falam Portugues!), carona de moto da fronteira até próxima cidade. E daqui começou a ‘palhaçada’ (na sequencia): · * Em torno de 15 homens me cercaram ao tentar trocar o restante de Katcha (MWL-Malawi) para Meticais (MZN-Moçambique), a confusão era tanta que eles tentaram me dar MZN 1070 ao invés de 1700. Enquanto eu refazia a conta na calculadora, eles “sumiram” com 5,000 MWK e diziam que eu tinha que dar mais dinheiro. Sorte a minha que o meu “Nao vou dar mais ... read more
caminhoes atolados
USD 7 para dormir no chao
nice bus .. quebrado tb

Africa » Mozambique » Northern » Pemba August 20th 2012

Though Pemba is the gateway to the Quirimbas Archipelego, those islands are still a ways away. We decided to spend all our beach time in Pemba and not go to Ibo, or any of the other islands of the Quirimbas Archipelego. From our hotel room, we had a beautiful view of the Indian Ocean and the nightly sunsets were gorgeous. We went into town only once, to change money, as the hotel only took Meticais or Visa and not US dollars. Other than that small excursion, we spent all our time exploring the shore line near our hotel. The inter-tidal zone was quite interesting. We saw star fish, multi-coloured coral, sea anemone, moray eels, sea urchins, and many other interesting creatures. Swimming in the sea was also fun.... read more
Tidal Stream
Flipping Flip Flops

Africa » Mozambique » Northern » Pemba August 16th 2012

Eduardo, the taxi driver, claimed he was sick and couldn't show up at 08:00. Our hotel arranged for another driver, but at a much higher price than we'd arranged with Eduardo, yesterday. The most important thing was, we had to get to Pemba, as we fly out from Pemba to Dar-es-Salaam from where we head home to Doha. It was too late for the bus which had left at 05:00, and chapas would have been too much hassle for this distance (about 400 km). On the road, we realized this new driver was the friend Eduardo had taken the car jack from. Oh ... So, ... this made things interesting ... but, ... we had to get to Pemba. The road was being worked on in sections, but our driver was doing 120-130 km a lot ... read more

Africa » Mozambique » Northern » Pemba January 18th 2012

Today was prison ministry; Megan, me and about 10 others gathered together to go on a trip to go to the local prison. This is a ministry that Iris do once a week on a Tuesday, run by a guy who used to be in the prison himself, called Ezekiel. We all jumped into the back of a truck to take us on a 20 minute drive before we arrived at the prison. We arrived in the grounds of the prison where we took our ‘valuables’ out of our pockets before we went in to the confined prison building. This was quite annoying as I wanted to take pictures but perhaps you will just have to imagine it… …We entered through the main gate into the prison building itself and straight in front of us was ... read more

Africa » Mozambique » Northern » Pemba January 11th 2012

I was talking about, in our last blog, how we helped prepare 3 ½ tonnes of beans into 10kg sacks ready to be distributed; well maize and rice had also been sacked up in 5kg bags (before we had arrive) and were already to be given to the widows and disabled in the community. On Monday 9th of January, hundreds of men and women came to the Iris base, collected a ticket and queued up ready to collect their free food for the next 2 weeks. We had 4 stations ready to receive 1 person at a time, to load them up with food to take home to their families. They laid down their multipurpose material flat on the floor and we would poor rice in and then put a bag of beans and a bag ... read more

Africa » Mozambique » Northern » Pemba January 6th 2012

We got off the plane in Pemba, Mozambique and entered into the smallest airport I have ever been in, got our bags and entered into the open air off Mozambique. It was hot, humid and no one could speak English; we were frustrated, tired and stuck not knowing the language. We got a taxi to take us to the ministries we were staying at for the next month, arrived at the gate but we were unsure if we arrived in the right place. We put on our bags and walked up the dirt track and eventually saw some other white people, so assumed we were in the right place. It was not built up, basic and had lots of kids about… it was like being back in Uganda. It wasn’t in a city like Kampala, where ... read more

Africa » Mozambique » Northern » Pemba November 8th 2010

1st – 2nd November 2010 Kampala – Nairobi - Pemba Leaving Kampala.......Well most of the goodbyes had been said and the promises made to return to Kampala one day. Our last night in Lions Motel was heralded by the firing up of the generator outside my room which was left on for most of the night which meant that when the alarm went off early in the morning I’d had very little sleep. Our bus left at 7.15am so after managing to get a takeaway coffee from Café Javas we boarded our Queens Coach and actually left ON TIME!!! After getting over the shock Kath and I settled in for our 12 hour drive to Nairobi. The trip itself was only memorable for the fact that nothing happened and the drive was relatively smooth except for ... read more
Pemba outdoor movie theatre
Pemba sunset
Stuck on the side of the road

Africa » Mozambique » Northern » Pemba July 13th 2010

Mozambique - Pemba & Guludo, Quirimbas National Park - May 2010 Mozambique is a very poor African country which suffered greatly during the civil war (1977-1992). But it is also a beautiful country with wonderful diving spots. We went on a diving holiday to the north of Mozambique, stopping in Pemba as well as the Quirimbas National Park. Highlights - Diving in Pemba with Sarah & Francis, and Brenda from Pemba Bush Camp. Saw the giant fan corals and lots of fish we'd never seen before (see pictures). - Honeymoon lodge of Guludo - extremely romantic but with a very pedantic dive master! - Pod of dolphins followed us during a dive - it never loses its magic. - Learning about Nemo charity which builds schools and digs wells in poor villages. Lowlights - Having to ... read more
Halgerda (Nudibranch)

Africa » Mozambique » Northern » Pemba January 18th 2008

So I know it had been a while since I last wrote, and maybe the one or two of you who read this are a little curious to know what the hell has been happening to me over the last month. I will get to that, but first, I want to tell you all a story of courage, bravery, and a person succeeding despite bumbs in the road, and against all odds. So, if you have skipped ahead to look at my pictures in true 1st grader fashion, you will already know that I shaved my hair into a mohawk style for our swearing in ceremony on December 7. I did it and a bunch of other guys did it as well. Make comments if you wish about it being a bit immature and something maybe ... read more
The Country Director and an idiot
More idiots with mohawks
My family

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