Blogs from Nakuru, Rift Valley Province, Kenya, Africa


Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Nakuru March 5th 2024

My previous blog submit turned into posted in a hurry due to the fact a worm the period of my middle finger flew thru the window carelessly, leaving Alice shivering like a little toddler on the couch even as Erick, the 4-yr-antique at Sure 24, eagerly chased the worm and tried to hit it with several pencils. I become afraid it would devour its way through the paper or sting me thru the paper, but I subsequently controlled to capture it in a jar and included it with a bit of paper! It seems that the day past, a 12-year-old boy killed one and captured it in a tissue (reputedly reappearing in big quantities). The purpose for the put off in blogging is because I do not have much or costly net get admission to; however, ... read more

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Nakuru March 1st 2024

As a part of our college journey today, Alice and I led a religious education lesson approximately the delivery of Jesus, sang Silent Night in March (do not worry, it changed into just for mastering), assisted with a spelling bee, and watched out the school room door as a substantial, near-knit hearth broke out within the dry grass. Making spag bol for the lads for dinner became Katharine and Jojo's smart concept, however it ended up being a LONG day of laboring over a fireplace in a completely smokey kitchen! However, it was a triumph; the men loved the same old meal. All we required to feed fifty humans for approximately 10 pounds.....Jamie Oliver, take a bow, those women have perfected mass cooking! It became wonderful to watch the lads revel in themselves so much that ... read more

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Nakuru February 29th 2024

Thе concеpt that this was all startеd with an A was that Alicе had takеn a trip to Asia an' Africa; at this point and I might havе to add AMAZING. In lеss than a wееk and I'vе bееn at Surе 24 and an' I'vе sееn so much. Thе lads and from thе 4 yеar old to thе oldеr onеs and arе all amazin' and incrеdibly joyful and an' lеgеnds in thеir own right! Highlights for mе pеrsonally includе pеrsuadin' a four yеar old who is too cutе to say no to еxclaim "dirty and dirty and dirty and dirty..." an' thеn tеllin' him to "do it likе a dudе"! askеd how many childrеn I havе? I was quеstionеd if I would bеcomе black an' all my frеcklеs would join togеthеr if I stayеd in Kеnya ... read more

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Nakuru July 30th 2019

Der Tag verlief ziemlich anders als geplant. Nah dem Frühstück wollte ich die Sehenswürdigkeiten der Gegend abarbeiten. Crater war der erste Punkt, So etwa 20 Km außerhalb der Stadt. Als ich dann zu der Abzweigung kam, von der Teertrasse weg, musste ich passen. Roter, nasser Lehm, der wie Schmierseife ist, tiefe, ausgewaschene Erosionsrillen. Also versuchte ich Crater View, gleicher Krater aber andere Stelle. Der Straßenzustand war wie oben, nur auch noch sehr steil. Ich hab's gelassen. Andere 70 jährige Frauen sitzen daheim und koordinieren ihre Arzttermine. Da darf ich mir dann manchmal etwas Feigheit leisten. Man kann es auch Vernunft nennen. Langes Motorradpalaver am Straßenrand. Die Männer sind überall gleich. Was hier am meisten verblüfft ist die Tatsache, dass ich von Kaufpreis, Benzinverbrauch und Motorleistung her auch ein Auto haben könnte. Völliges Unverständnis. Dies pass... read more
Hillux Museum

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Nakuru March 9th 2019

After covering Masaimara in the last two video blogs, this is my third episode of the slideshow. This time my destination was Lake Nakuru and Lake Bogoria. Unlike Masaimara where we stayed in tents for two nights, we made day trips in both Lake Nakuru and Lake Bogoria. I made my base in Nakuru, so it was easy to cover them both in two separate day trips. But don’t underestimate the wild life of Lake Nakuru although the area is smaller as compared to Masaimara. True, it’s not a vast landscape like Mara, but there is no shortage of wild life in Lake Nakuru, - zebra, giraffe, impala, rhino, baboon, you name it. If you just want to experience wild life and a day of enjoying safari, a quick and easy way is to head out ... read more
This is my favourit!
We measured each other for over an hour
March of the flamingos

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Nakuru July 10th 2014

I'll write details later, but I've already added some photos below.... read more
Baboons and insects
High Waters
Some flamingos

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Nakuru June 18th 2014

17 June: Nakuru to Eldoret, Kenya After a morning shower, we had a warm breakfast. Because so many people were up early, they decided to make breakfast early so my bacon was cold since I was in the shower. But I also ended up having some rice cakes with peanut butter and jelly which was quite nice. After packing up, we drove off to our last campsite in Kenya. Along the way, we stopped at the super market far a couple hours where we picked up a few items and then went and relaxed at the coffee shop enjoying wifi, mochas, and Samantha got chocolate cake and I some French fries. Then we were back on the road. Along the drives we have taken, it has been interesting to see the different villages and people we ... read more

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Nakuru June 16th 2014

16 June: Nakuru, Kenya Our morning started at 5AM with getting ready and having a quick breakfast which for me consisted of rice cakes. We then were picked up at 6AM by two vans to go on a full day safari. Samantha and I ended up in the van with Tamar (originally from Cali but now has been living in Australia for 13 years) and Dave (from Australia), Emily and boyfriend Mark (from London), Nichole (from Australia) and Mark (Julie's husband from Australia). It turned out to be a great safari. Within the first five minuets of entering the park we got to see three female lions eating their buffalo feast. Later we even saw a young male lion relaxing in the shade about ten meters from the road. We also got to see three white ... read more

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Nakuru October 22nd 2013

Being back in australia is so surreal! All I can think about is my next trip and I've been back for only a few hours! It was so sad saying goodbye to everyone at Ronaken. The teachers worked all morning putting together an assembly to say goodbye to me. Each class had a little act, singing or reading and presenting me with a hand print of one child from each class with a little message to go with it so I had a 'little representation of everyone in the school' as one of the teachers tony put it. The whole school was taught a song that basically said 'goodbye dear dear mollie we love you so much' over and over again, there's a video of them singing it on Facebook, it was the most amazing thing ... read more

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Nakuru October 4th 2013

My second last week in Nakuru and at Ronaken has disappeared in no time at all! The weekend was spent with Laura exploring the three big lakes, Lake Nakuru and Lake Bogoria and Baringo. Saturday morning, Jumah, a volunteer with the local Red Cross, showed us the area around the outside of Lake Nakuru National Park, and the suburb (which is just next to Langa Langa where I work) where he was born and grew up. He also managed to sweet talk the lady at the gate to let us in for a quick look, saving us the 4000ksh entry fee! Lake Bogoria is where the famous flocks of flamingos are living at the moment so it was pretty spectacular, the photos do it no justice! Our amazing driver Zac got the price for entry to ... read more

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