Blogs from Masai Mara NP, Rift Valley Province, Kenya, Africa


Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Masai Mara NP January 15th 2024

And honestly, we’re a bit done with it as well. But watching animals waits for no man, so we don our trusty ponchos and toughen up…and sit in the jeep. The drive from Mara camp was long and muddy and we got a bit of African makeup but we were happy to arrive and have some rest time before lunch and some more rest time. Off on our first game drive at Lion camp in the Olare Motorogi conservancy. Even though they’re only 2 hours drive away (which, given the state of the roads is probably only about 40k), the country surrounding Mara and Lion camps could not be more different. While still very green and underwater, Lion camp was characterised by open fields and rolling hills. The grass was particularly long due to the lack ... read more
Love your mum
Ladies on the go
Beautiful cubs

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Masai Mara NP January 13th 2024

We were all filled with a bit of sadness over leaving Rhino Camp and our awesome guides Fred and John. But as we bumped across the plains towards the airport and something in the suspension snapped, the sadness was slowly replaced by nerves. Never to let a loose car part get in the way of progress, we limped towards the park gate before a replacement truck picked us up and delivered us to the airport. An hour flight and we were in our new home for the next two days - Porini Mara camp in the Ol Kinyei conservancy. We couldn’t get over how green the surrounds were and as we headed towards the camp, it quickly became obvious why, with lots of water on the ground. The seasonal rains were not so seasonal! A quick ... read more
Some love from mum…or aunty
It’s tiring watching these kids
It’s tiring being the boss

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Masai Mara NP August 25th 2023

"I had a farm in Africa, at the foot of the Ngong Hills." This is the famous opening line of Karen Blixen's (pen name Isak Dinesen) book Out of Africa, made even more famous by the lush and romantic film adaptation starring Meryl Streep and Robert Redford. Kenya also has a romantic allure for anyone, such as myself, who has read the short stories of Ernest Hemingway, a fervent lover of Africa. Having already traveled to the African countries of Morocco and South Africa, I finally arrived in Kenya in mid-August 2023 for a private 10-day safari (which means "journey" in Swahili) that was organized by the travel company Adventure Life. The first stop on the itinerary was at Karen, a well-to-do suburb of Nairobi where Blixen's farm was located. Her home and some land around ... read more
Hot Air Balloons at Dawn
Lion Family

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Masai Mara NP November 3rd 2022

Unusually for me, I voluntarily got up at 5:30, but since I went to bed at 9:30, it wasn’t too bad. My tent has only a few faint lights that have forced me to use my flashlight to find things. After each full day, I undo the day, arrange for the next day, and find bed welcome. This morning the attraction was watching the sun rise above the escarpment on the other side of the Mara River valley. At 6:10 my backpack was ready for the day, and I walked to the designated sunrise viewing location. A group of Swedish students were there already. I took some pictures from the edge of the group, until the chaperone generously pointed out a chair free at the front. I immediately took advantage. The Maasai Mara spread wide far ... read more
Mara Conservancy
Nile Crocodiles and hippos

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Masai Mara NP November 3rd 2022

20221103 Maasai Mara Part 2 Thursday About mid-day, we pulled up in a scruffy barren area. I was wondering why when someone exclaimed that a small concrete monument marked the border between Kenya and Tanzania. Shaken out of our somnolence, we leapt out of the vehicles. A solemn plaque forbade entry into Tanzania, although Lucas assured us that a twenty-metre grace was allowed; beyond that anyone, particularly poachers and smugglers, could be prosecuted if found by rangers. We took silly photos across the imaginary line. Large birds stalked across the landscape, presumably finding insects and grasses to their taste. Sometimes the ostriches pecked almost continuously, and sometimes they just strolled aimlessly. Seen in the wild, their incongruous shape seems quite natural. From a distance, the full feathered body could be mistaken for a termite mound. The ... read more
Cheetah cubs
Lions in the shade

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Masai Mara NP November 2nd 2022

This morning we left to drive the required circuitous route that mainly led south and west. Not far from the city of Lake Naivasha, Steve pointed out two not-quite-clouds. They were two large thermal springs used to make electricity for the area. Soon afterwards, we joined the Rift Valley, and the hundreds of trucks on the Trans African Highway. Along the way were a smaller and then a larger truck stop that accommodate the needs of drivers and their vehicles. Unfortunately, all such truck stops along the highway are notorious for the spread of HIV, from men to sex-workers to other men and to their families, a major cause of HIV among married women and their newborn children. Lucas described this, although I was familiar with the issues from my reading. The truck stops were almost ... read more
Sand diggers
Re-entering Rift Valley
Cattle drive on road

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Masai Mara NP November 2nd 2022

Back on the road after lunch, we moved more slowly as we entered the private North Mara Conservancy, where fenced farms were not allowed. (Conservancies allow unfenced farms; National Parks do not allow any farms.) Lots of zebras were immediately obvious, then warthogs, distant rhinos, gazelles, and many more Topi. Far towards the horizon, giraffes became apparent, sometimes resembling sticks because they were so far away. To my surprise, I began to catch sight of the animals on my own. Thomson’s Gazelles were easily identified from the distinctive curved black line on their sides. We were slowly climbing a towering escarpment out of the Rift Valley. The road led to the lowest end, steadily rose, then took a sharp turn to go all the way up. The Mara West Camp parking lot was busy when we ... read more
Dusk Mara West
Mara West Camp
Lunch just off the roadside

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Masai Mara NP November 9th 2021

We have arrived in the fabulous Maasai Mara! Last night I woke up about 3 am and looked outside our room to see if there were any hippos grazing on the lawn, and I saw two! It was pretty amazing. We enjoyed a nice breakfast at the Lodge, then headed out at 8 am for our 5 hour drive to the Maasai Mara. The road was paved, and so much smoother than the drive yesterday! It was an enjoyable, very scenic drive. We had a nice view of a Mount Longonot (a volcanic mountain), and there were many lovely vistas to admire along the way. At the start of the drive there were lots of trucks and at one point we saw the aftermath of a bad accident, with two trucks on their sides in the ... read more
Our fabulous camp - Ilkeliani
Bridge from where the jeeps are parked to the camp
Our beautiful tent

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Masai Mara NP February 18th 2020

Up a bit earlier today and leaving camp with Wilson at 6:50am to get to the park gates soon after 7am for a full day in the Mara. We spent much of the morning driving to and fro across the Mara following sightings of a leopard. The first we missed so had a brief detour to the river where we saw a baby crocodile and the stone marking the boundary with Tanzania (we didn’t stop for a photo as leopard!) - then shot off back to the other side of the Mara where a leopard had recently made a kill (wild dog Simba said). We passed lots of vans going the other way so were a bit worried it would have gone but there was still one van there who pointed out to us the bush ... read more
Nile monitor
At the river

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Masai Mara NP February 17th 2020

Slept very well, up & ready to leave for the Maasai Mara at 7:30am with a packed lunch and joined by Wilson who was going to help Simba find us a leopard! On the way out of camp we passed a dik-dik and once in the park we saw: Black rhino Elephants (incl. more babies) Cheetahs (a single one in the grass then a group of 5 in the shade under a tree) Vultures Great bustard Secretary bird Shrike Warthogs Ostrich Baboons Buffalo Impalla Topi Gazelles (Grant’s & Thompson’s) Hartebeest Hippos Lilac-breasted roller Maasi giraffe Vervet monkey Although I think Chavaunne spotted more than out two guides! Lunch was eaten under the shade of an acacia tree keeping a close eye on a nearby herd of elephants in case they decided to come our way! ... read more
Black rhino
Black rhino
Maasai Mara

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