Blogs from Amboseli NP, Rift Valley Province, Kenya, Africa


Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Amboseli NP January 26th 2021

We are back at home after few weeks on the road. I know, this sentence may look very special in 2021! What a world we are living today! Hopefully by the end of this year all this will be a far gone nightmare for the world. I just had a look at few other travel bloggers posting...I'm impressed by the resources, able to blog about times long gone, just to celebrate the fact that one day not too far from now, the world will be once again a small place. There is today an ethical point about traveling or not. If you are sitting in Europe, it's pretty simple....either you moved away months ago...or you sit nicely at home. Everything else doesn't make much sense. Europe today is a no go....Asia is closed to outsiders....if you ... read more
We saw a total of 10 lions during our 17 hours driving around...
The super famous Amboseli view...
Love this one!

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Amboseli NP December 29th 2017

En hel safaridag i Amboseli bød på alt fra Store mængder af elefanter mange med små unger til løver og kæmpende gnuer. Om morgenen var det muligt at se Kilimanjaro igennem disen. Så det var muligt at få det ikoniske billede af elefanter med bjerget i baggrunden. Et par gnuer havde besluttet sig for at udkæmpe en kamp lige foran os og med Kilimanjaro som baggrund. En af turene bød på synet af en stor løve flok som lå og ventede på at det skulle blive lidt køligere så du kunne komme ud og jage. Aberne holder til omkring vores Lodge. Her var der en som holdt vagt ved indkørslen.... read more

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Amboseli NP December 28th 2017

Endelig blev det tid til at tage af sted på den første safari i Abmoseli National Park. Efter en lang flyvetur og en overnatning i Nairobi, var det skønt at komme af sted og se nogle dyr. Amboseli er kend for at man kan se Kilimanjaro i horisonten og at der dermed er muligt at fotografere især elefanter med bjerget i baggrunden. Det kræver dog at der ikke ligger et tæt lag af skyer over toppen. Hvilket der desværre gjorde da vi kom af sted på safarituren. Store mængder af elefanter fik vi set også en del der hav´de små unger. Parken er meget støvet så vi og bilen befandt sig ofte i en tæt sky af støv. Ud af støvet fandt vi to løver som lå og hvilede. Men efter lidt tid gik det op ... read more

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Amboseli NP July 28th 2014

We set off from Nairobi in our 4 wheel drive vehicles. Drove out through the busy Nairobi traffic and were grateful that we don't have to drive ourselves as there do not appear to be any rules particularly on roundabouts. Kevin decided that the rule is " who dares wins". We headed towards the area where the Masai live and with about 80 ks to go, we hit the corrugated road which we followed to the park. We started seeing the Masai tending their cattle on the side of the roads. They dress in the colour red supposedly so that the lions can recognise them. They each leave each other alone. We started seeing wildlife as the landscape changed to the plains. Zebras, giraffes, elephants and wildebeest. Arrived at Ol Tukai (Swahili for palm) lodge , ... read more
Python devouring a gazelle
Monkeys hanging around
Mum and bub elephants

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Amboseli NP January 6th 2012

Greetings from Kigali, Rwanda but that is a story for another day. Last Monday (2 January 2012) we said goodbye to Mon's family and friends (Christian had already set out for his Kili climb) and took off for Nairobi, Kenya and Amboseli National Park - the land of Blixen and Finch Hatton (of Out of Africa fame for those who don't know those names), David and Daphne Sheldrick (orphaned elephant rescuers), the best views of Kilimanjaro, Cynthia Moss (elephant researcher extraordinaire) but most of all, elis, elis and more elis. With some travel delay but our wits (and luggage) intact, we arrived at dusk and took a roundabout route to our lovely hotel, seeing a bit of the city as we went. In a city that is considered rather unsafe (it has the unfortunate nickname 'Nairobbery'), ... read more
Amboseli 'International' Airport
Mount Kilimanjaro
Amboseli Elephants

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Amboseli NP May 28th 2011

Today was amazing! After breakfast, a visit to a Masai village or Boma. First, I don't believe in many Masai customs, and Seth aluded to female circumcision as a topic we all agree upon, so it wasn't touched upon. I am reading "Facing the Lion, Growing Up Masai" which delves into the reasons why Masai do as they do. But it can't explain it until you see it. It is so primitive, yet such a lively culture. The physical adornments, the bead work, the colorful clothing gleaming in the sun. This group lives in the shadow of Kilimanjaro, herding cattle. The children are precious. Only the very young were in the boma today, the older children were in the school supported by the Serena for this and another village. There was a demonstration of how they ... read more

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Amboseli NP August 13th 2009

7/28 Tuesday Today we let Okundis house outside of Homa Bay. Everyone was so joyous, taking pictures and handing out gifts (lots of Obama buttons and stickers) but the day of course was tinged with the sadness of leaving. I was still not feeling well so I wasn’t as merry as the rest but it was still just as hard to leave everyone. Zilpah and all the children kept asking when I was coming back, which I’ve learned to respond “I hope to come back one day God willing” because they understand more that I really don’t have huge control over when I come back. I would be back next summer if I could but there are more issues to returning than they can imagine, especially because the children think of mzungus as all being very ... read more

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Amboseli NP August 7th 2009

After some kerfuffle, I finally got the all clear from the doctor that all was okay to travel and thankfully we made it to Africa! We met up with lovely Fiona on Thursday night who picked us up at the Nairobi airport, and then the next morning we were immediately off to one of the Kenyan Wildlife Services Park - Amboseli. We took the two 4WDs, boys (Paul and James) in one car, the girls in the 'hungry hippo car'. The terrain in Africa is immediately identifiable as we travelled along the road; the thorny acacia trees; massive termite mounds; red soil and Masai tribe villages with thatched rooftops. We stopped off at Namunga and then we hit the shall we say, more 'interesting' roads which involved more of a roller-coaster ride at some points and ... read more
Elephants aka Tembo!
Frisky lions
The deed is done

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Amboseli NP September 6th 2008

After a catching a few hours sun inbetween the typhoons and Vic having a diving lesson we decided to get out and explore a little more, and in true Matt n Vic style decided on a 2000km trip around Kenya through Tsavo East and West and into Amboseli, Lake Nakuru, Masai Mara, Serengetti national parks, and then onto Nairobi, come on bring it on... We arrived in Amboseli at around 14.30pm after a 9 hour drive, and wow just on the way to the tented camp we saw in abundance giraffes, wilderbeast, wart hogs, gazelles, monkeys, elephants, and birds with so many colours it was unbelievable. Once we arrived at the tented camp we were greeted with a much welcomed hot flannel and cold drink. The camp was amazing situated right in the middle of the ... read more
New Species Spotted in Amboseli
Sunset Amboseli

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Amboseli NP August 6th 2008

Leaving behind the comfort and luxury enjoyed in Africa thus far, we set out on our budget camping safari and fell back to earth with a great thud in dusty Amboseli. Maybe we are just getting soft in our old age, but in hindsight we probably would have done ourselves a favour to experience the budget safari experience PRIOR to the luxury version. As previously mentioned Carissa and I had opted for a budget camping safari to round out our final week in Africa. The tour encompassed Masai Mara, Lake Nakuru and finally Amboseli National Parks. Six of us set out from Nairobi: the driver Nixon (not his real name) and cook Mugu, two Swedish sisters Matilda & Josephine (I don't know what it is with the tours we do and Swedish backpackers?? However, it is ... read more
Tented camping safari V.1
Tented camping safari V.2
Amboseli sunrise

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