Blogs from North Eastern Province, Kenya, Africa


Africa » Kenya » North Eastern Province August 20th 2014

Stigao sam oko 16:30 do Moyalea i krenuo ravno prema granici uz kratko zaustavljanje kod prvog čovjeka koji mi je ponudio promijeniti novce. Naime crno tržište je jedini način za mijenjati Birre u Kenijske šilinge. No granica je već bila zatvorena i sad sam bio prisiljen prespavati i u Moyaleu. Na granici se sam se ukazao i njenog prije otvaranja. Konačno mi je službenik krmeljavih očiju udario izlazni pečat i krenuo sam preko dugačkog mosta prema Keniji. Na Kenijskoj strani je stajala šačica do zuba naoružanih vojnika, ali me uopće nisu doživjeli, već mi je samo jedan kimnuo da odem prema kućici za imigraciju. Tamo je sjedio krupni čovjek u odjelu i derao se na nekog mladića da ubuduće ne smije prelaziti granicu s bratovom osobnom. Mene je dočekao s velikim osmjehom, poželio mi dobrodošlicu u ... read more

Africa » Kenya » North Eastern Province December 18th 2013

I’d been a little wary of leaving Uganda ever since we realised we’d accidentally smuggled Sam’s car into the country illicitly. The car shall henceforth be referred to as Niko (Nikololika is her full title… a Zulu name inherited from the previous owner). The Carnet de Passage document that allows Niko to move freely around Africa, a kind of car passport, is dependent upon a deposit that was paid when she left South Africa, to ensure she wouldn’t be sold in a different country. Everywhere in Africa honours this scheme, apart from Uganda (well done, Uganda… there’s always one), where the company apparently folded. The border police were seemingly unaware of this when we crossed from Tanzania. They merrily stamped the documents and sent us on our way, despite the sign pinned to the office wall ... read more

Africa » Kenya » North Eastern Province April 30th 2010

April 30th I woke up pretty early, despite not having an alarm, must have been my biological clock that woke me up thinking I had slept in too long. The plan was to get up at a decent time to get some photos of the town before I left, and also get some souvenir shopping done. Before that was possible I had to return a couple beer bottles to get my deposit back, that’s how it works out here, like in Latin America, when you buy a bottle of beer you have to pay a small deposit and when you return the bottle you get your money back. It’s not a bad scheme and it really helps out with trash and cost of recycling if you think about it. After that mini mission was accomplished I ... read more
2-Lamu streets
3-Lamu streets
4-Lamu streets

Africa » Kenya » North Eastern Province February 6th 2010

Hi, just a short story...we went through Africa in our own 4x4. We crossed into Kenya through Ethiopia's Omo Valley. There are no fuel stations and eventually we ran out of diesel....iin Baragoi, ca. 1 1/2 hrs from Maralal. We met Richard Loowa (aka "Big Fish") who was a priest and apparently a nice guy. He helped us chasing up diesel there. I walked through town with him while Andrea watched the car. We paid double the price and gave Richard a little for his efforts. As he was a nice guy we exchanged contacts. Well, now, a year later it all started - 50x calling a day, perverted messages in which he harasses and insults my partner Andrea, he even sent disgusting naked photos to her. He tries to blackmail us, said he wants 10.000 ... read more

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