Blogs from Tsavo East National Park, Eastern Province, Kenya, Africa


It was a full moon night,- I think it was Supermoon. And it was my second night in Tsavo staking outside the lodge for the elusive leopard. Last night I waited until midnight. The animal didn’t show up. Tonight, I am giving my last shot before I leave Tsavo tomorrow morning. It was past 10 pm and most in the lodge have gone back to their rooms. The attendants turned off the lights and headed to their rooms also. Only I was hiding in the shadow behind a post with my camera. I was keeping an eye on the rack of lamb hanging from the makeshift wooden post just outside the perimeter of the porch. It was bait. From where I took cover, I could see the moonlit landscape of the Tsavo plain far below on ... read more
Elephants destroyed my hope for the leopard with the bait
Earth is red in Tsavo
Endless plains of Tsavo

This was our last stretch of the journey for the day. As the sun was leaning to the west, I was getting a bit concerned. “We have to find a place to stay,” I told Hardev. Given the landscape around, I didn’t have any appetite to drive around in the dark. It’s not like Mara. Here we were driving through the bushes, trees, lava rocks and unpaved dusty roads; driving through the ditches were common and unless you have good joints in your bones, I bet some would come loose after the trip. I didn’t even know if the Rover would survive at the end of the day as it was dancing through the boulders most of the time. There were hardly any tourists around. True, we haven’t seen many big wild lives yet, my sense ... read more
A view from our balcony - elephants come from there
Endless plains of Tsavo
Always alert!

Africa » Kenya » Eastern Province » Tsavo East National Park January 25th 2014

It's now over a year since I wrote (I've had to change that sentence several times as it took longer and longer to finish this entry) . And although I thought about my blog, I assumed it would fade away into the lasting graveyard that the Internet is and no one would mind. Well. I've received several messages from followers and others who stumbled across my blog and have finally arrived at this moment. I have written and apologised to those who wrote months ago and made a promise to finish off last year's trip. It's been quite humbling and flattering to think some care enough to want to see the trip through to the end. So yes, I am alive (to the person who asked, thanks for checking!) and am still somewhat struggling to fit ... read more
Giraffe crossing
Home sweet home
Here they come!

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