Blogs from Tsavo NP, Coast Province, Kenya, Africa


Africa » Kenya » Coast Province » Tsavo NP April 14th 2018

Do you recall the movie – “The Ghost and the Darkness?” Some like it some don’t. It’s about the man-eating lions in Tsavo. I know, I know, - the movie was not made in Kenya…probably in South Africa or somewhere else. Like many others. But that’s not my point. The movie was made to tell the story of the vast sub-Saharan Tsavo plain that was once famous for the notorious man-eating lions. When the Mombasa-Uganda railway line was being built in the early 1900, the line passed through the vast Tsavo plain. Many Indian and sub-continental workers were killed by the man-eaters. Many years have passed since then, but I wanted to witness the historic Tsavo National Park, hoping to see some of the lions, may not be man-eaters like their predecessors, but at least they ... read more
Sikh temple in Makindu- anotehr view
Overnight stay in Gurdwara
Driving through Tsavo

Africa » Kenya » Coast Province » Tsavo NP November 23rd 2011

Aus besonderem Anlass, besuche ich den grössten Nationalpark von Kenya zum zweiten Mal. Habe einen speziellen Gast hier zu Besuch: meinen Vater. Unter anderem gehört ein Safari zu unseren Vorhaben… Der Tsavo National Park ist in zwei Teilen geteilt: Tsavo East und Tsavo West. Der Nairobi-Mombasa Highway trennt die beiden Parks. Der Besuch beginnt gleich mit einem Highlight, nämlich der Sichtung eines Löwen. Weiter treffen wir auf Elefanten, Giraffen, Antilopen, Affen, Zebras, Sträusse, usw. Das herrliche am Tsavo East NP ist die vielfältige und abwechslungsreiche Landschaft. So durchqueren wir Gebiete, welche hauptsächlich durch rote Erde auffallen, danach ist man plötzlich im Grünen. Pure Abwechslung zwischen Halbwüsten und Grassavannen. Übrigens werden wegen dieser roten Erde, welche sich die Elefanten auf der Haut verteilen oder beim Schlammbad auf der Haut hängen ... read more

Africa » Kenya » Coast Province » Tsavo NP January 2nd 2010

Fuer mich sind die letzten zwei Wochen in Kenia angebrochen. Fuer meine restliche Zeit hier habe ich mir noch ziemich viel vorgenommen... Angefangen habe ich kurz nach Weihnachten mit einer lang ersehnten Safari in den Tsavo Nationalpark. Das ist der groesste Nationalpark Afrikas und hat ziemlich viel an Tieren und Landschaften zu bieten. Los ging es morgens um halb sechs in Mombasa. Auf der Reise waren zwei weitere Gaeste dabei. Unser Fahrer war ein Inder, das Gefaehrt war ein Minibus und unser Ziel waren die Big Five (Loewe, Leopard, Elefant, Bueffel und Nashorn). Nach zwei Stunden Fahrt waren wir im Park und die ersten Tiere, die ich gesehen habe, waren tausende von bunten Schmetterlingen. Da es erst kuerzlich geregnet hat, stand das Gras saftig und gruen in voller Bluete und ueberall waren die Schmetterlinge. Unser Fahrer ... read more

Africa » Kenya » Coast Province » Tsavo NP August 11th 2008

So after a hard week at work, culminating in some very stressful hand and feet painting on friday, I boarded the mutatu to Mombasa to meet up with the guys before our safari saturday morning. Obviously we went for one drink, obviously this ended up with me in the casino, and finally crashing on the sofa of the volunteer house about an hour before we had to leave! Sensible Janiney... But if you are going to have a stinking hangover, you might as well suffer whilst basking in the beauty of the savannah. We headed out as stupid o'clock saturday morning to Tsavo east national park, with our expert guide Jay aka hawkeye leading the way. First animal spot- leopard. Amazing. He was just laying in the tree chilling in the midday sun. It took a ... read more

Africa » Kenya » Coast Province » Tsavo NP March 10th 2008

Saw the big 5.. (check out the cheetah video too!)... read more
just waiting for us actually
purple chested roller

Africa » Kenya » Coast Province » Tsavo NP March 9th 2008

360degree view from up here...... read more

Africa » Kenya » Coast Province » Tsavo NP October 10th 2007

Tsavo National park was next on the agenda. We had to form a convoy with armed guards to travel from Amboseli to Tsavo in case of bandits. After an uneventful journey we were supposed to camp in the general camp ground which boarded the park. The only problem was that there was no fence between the camp site and the park. The guide suggested we go to a hotel as the Tsavo elephants are known to be the most aggressive and the Tsavo lions have tasted human flesh! Unfortunately the hotel turned out to be equivalent to a jail cell including the bars! The Tsavo Elephants behaved true to form with one young male showing his aggression towards the safari van, with ears flapping and trumpeting his annoyance. The guide had the van running and in ... read more

Africa » Kenya » Coast Province » Tsavo NP March 15th 2007

On Safari Africa » Kenya » Tsavo National Parks E W By Mad GreekMarch 15th 2007Nicholas John Nakis My folks arrived around 4:00 AM on a Wednesday morning, and we only had three days to show them Kenya. We started in Chelly's original hometown of Voi. Voi is a foothills town in the Taita Taveta corner of Coast Province--noted for its access to Tsavo East and Tsavo West, which together compose the largest wildlife park in Africa. After introducing all the parents to one-another and giving them the better part of a day to rest, we headed out into that park for the Nakis family's first Safari. We were grossly over-charged at the gate and we ended ... read more
Big lizard in my backyard
Pretty critter
Mom's favorite bird

Africa » Kenya » Coast Province » Tsavo NP May 5th 2006

We had arranged a two night trip to Tsavo East and West National Parks. Every one was excited about seeing African wildlife. I just wanted too see the place where the man eating lions went on their killing spree from the film The Ghost And The Darkness. We had a bit of a hiccup on the first morning. Even though everything was booked for the weekend the way we wanted it, the contact at the tour company thought it was the following day that we started. We quickly made alternative transport arrangements and off we went… 8 Hours Later we entered Tsavo East National Park already for a safari. At first every one did the classic ‘Oh look every one! There’s an elephant.” Pointing to a spot on the horizon and “What’s that? It’s an impala” ... read more
On The Way In...
A Baboon
I've forgotten what these are called

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