Blogs from Volta, Ghana, Africa


Africa » Ghana » Volta » Wli July 7th 2023

Wli (pronounced Vlee, like glee) is in the highlands on the border with Togo, 137mi/212km north of Accra. Getting There The 2pm bus left Accra’s Tudu bus station half an hour late and we passed our airport hotel an hour and a half after that, so I was relieved when the traffic subsided and we hit the open road. This was short-lived, though, as there were more potholes than asphalt on the road to Hohoe, presumably caused by heavy rains, that the two rotating bus drivers somehow navigated without breaking an axle, which made for one of the worst long journeys I’ve ever been on. We finally made it to Hohoe at 9:30 p.m. and then found a taxi to take us the rest of the way to Wli. Accommodations We spent 3 nights in Wli ... read more
Lower Falls

Africa » Ghana » Volta October 27th 2018

Look at a map of Ghana and you’ll soon spot a spiky body of water towards the east that seems to reach its fingers back west and north, as if probing the country for Ashanti gold. This is Lake Volta, the largest manmade body of water (by surface area anyway) in the world. And it was proving remarkably hard to find. After a couple of days in the lively and colourful Accra, I headed east to the hills that form the border with modern-day Togo. My immediate destination was the Wli Falls, thought to be the highest waterfalls in West Africa. The road there led close to the Lake, or so it appeared from the map, but neither during that journey nor on my unexpectedly arduous six-hour scramble up to (and, more wobblily, back down from) ... read more
Lake Volta from the Accra-Tamale flight
patience is an African way of life
a welcome break in the greenery

Africa » Ghana » Volta » Lake Volta October 29th 2016

Two days of flying and we are in Accra. It's dark, hot and humid. We are greeted by Armstrong, brightly dressed, helpful and smiling. The hotel is cool, the bed soft. In the morning we are greeted by more smiling, helpful people. In the hotel, in the street, in the market. We wander through the city to the coast - no real beach in Accra, just a rocky shore. Everywhere ladies sit on the roadside selling food, stationery, hardware, clothes. Ancient minibuses rattle past, hooting and belching diesel smoke. It is over 30 degrees and the humidity is near 100%. We don't so much sweat as melt. The next day we are off to the Millet Festival at Odumase. We arrive just as the parade of chiefs is starting. First come the lowest ranking chiefs, walking ... read more
Kodor's son
Chiefs' parade

Africa » Ghana » Volta » Ho March 25th 2014

For our adventure this weekend, we chose to go to Wli Falls. Wli is the highest waterfall in Ghana (about 70 meters drop!) and is a part of the Agumatsa River. Wli Falls are located about 15 kilometers south east from the city of Hohoe (in the Volta Region). But first some quick definitions: Tro-Tro: Get as many people as possible into a van with a broken speedometer and charge them some change to go anywhere around Ghana. Taxis: Taxis in Ghana are more like buses, you go to a station, you get into the car which probably shouldn't be on the road and you share it with other people (sometimes animals), and you hold on for dear life. Obruni: What Ghana-ens call white people. So to start our journey which should of taken five hours, ... read more
Wli Falls 2
Wli Falls 3

Africa » Ghana » Volta » Ho July 21st 2013

Friday afternoon, we left for the weekend trip. 13 of us went, and a few stayed behind as they wanted to chill and go to the pool rather than join us hiking. We were staying at a place called Roots Yard, which was a Rastafarian run vegan restaurant and hostel, up in the Volta region, in a place called Peki. The trip there in the Tro-tro took about 3.5 hours, as we were stuck in really bad traffic jams on the way. That wasn't too bad though, as Hawkers weave their way through the lines of traffic, selling stuff. Some of it is just what you want, e.g. water and snacks. Other things are the most random things you just wouldn't expect, such as plug sockets, toy dolls on strange little bicycles (quite freaky), and shoes. ... read more

Africa » Ghana » Volta » Ho August 12th 2012

Austin was intrumental in arranging transport at the break of dawn with a driver known as paddy K. We headed north on a five hour journey that took us through Ho and then through Hahoe. The school had forbid us from going to that area due to a previous conflict but I don't think they realized who they were dealing with. Finally we arrived in his village to view one of the most impressive waterfalls this country had to offer. Upon our arrival we were met by Austin's father who escorted us to meet village chief and his entourage. We entered the home first and were seated and then they entered and greeted all of us. We were asked what our mission was and we explained that we were nursing students working at a hospital in ... read more
Wli Falls
Good Friends
The Chief!

Africa » Ghana » Volta August 6th 2012

Here's a compilation of our final week at Sacred Heart Hospital. While we returned for a night at the Sitsope lodge, our rooms on the actual compound were finally completed and ready to move into. This would make our lives slightly easier to be on the compound most of the time. - Hartropp and Rosalind resuscitating a baby. Once saved they named him Brian Benjamin, although his Apgar score was initially zero, several relexes have yet to return. - Outreach to a small nearby village, more intimate setting with far less people, we weighed the babies and checked vaccination records. - Consulting room with Ebeneezer going through cases ranging from minor trauma, fibroids, malaria, typhoid, pneumonia, fungus, diabetes, hypertension, etc. His diagnostic skills were really impressive and he allowed me to participate in many assessments. - ... read more
Duke weighing

Africa » Ghana » Volta » Aflao August 5th 2012

Some photos since the last time... Photos include our trips to Accra/ Aburi at the end of week 2, and to Cape Coast and Elmina at the end of week 3. 'Our' being the French volunteers, Alice, Emily, Judith, Noemi and Renaud, and myself.... read more
It's raining, It's pouring

Africa » Ghana » Volta August 2nd 2012

We walked to the hospital in the morning and saw some very cool village scenes. On we arrived, rounds involved following up on the patient with the chest tube and we taught patient and staff members how to properly use an incentive spirometer. Then Rachel and myself proceeded to the consulting room where Dr. Kugbey seemed to be seeing an endless hoard of people who had piled into the OPD clinic and then awaited consults for a variety of potential medical issues. When one person was finished being seen and walked out, the next would immediately enter. This went on for some time and we got to see cases of pneumonia, bowel obstructions, malaria, etc. The doc did his best to help explain certain diagnosis he made with rationales. After this we got some toothbrushes out ... read more
Scrubbed In

Africa » Ghana » Volta » Aflao July 31st 2012

One thing, amongst many, that I have enjoyed in Ghana is learning people’s names. I have met girls named ‘Patient’, ‘Wonder’, ‘Blessing’, ‘Comfort’ and my favourite, ‘Thank-God’. I have met boys named ‘Ebeneezer’, ‘Zerobabel’, ‘Godsway’ and my favourite, ‘Godknows’…. ‘Hi, what’s your name?’ ‘God knows’ – I just think that’s a great way to introduce yourself. Among the many people I have met, last week I met Nelson Mandela. Unfortunately, not the Nobel Prize winning granddad of the world, but a slightly overweight IT man from Aflao who came to fix the modem so I can update the blog again, yippee! In the last few weeks there have been some surreal moments. We started with a crisis – the school exams were to start this week but our printer had broken down. Over the next few ... read more

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