Blogs from Somali Region, Ethiopia, Africa


Africa » Ethiopia » Somali Region » Jijiga March 27th 2012

The alarms were set for 4 a.m. to get the bus from Addis Ababa to Jijiga and we were in a taxi at 4.30 a.m., with our bus leaving at 5.30 a.m. This Selam Bus was the first proper coach I had taken in Ethiopia and was as good as the ones in Sudan. The road was also fairly good all along the way, which made reading possible and we even had a break for lunch. The scenery on the stretch from Harar to Jijiga was incredible, with lots of strange rock formations. This seemed to be a pretty poverty stricken area with a lot of people living in tents by the side of the road. It was about 5 p.m. when we pulled into Jijiga. We got a tuk-tuk to bring us to a hotel ... read more
Photo 7
Photo 9
Photo 2

Africa » Ethiopia » Somali Region » Ogaden Desert January 29th 2012

An opportunity to make a business trip to the 2nd most populous nation in Africa was a bless for me. The trip to Addis Ababa, capital city of Ethiopia took abt 10hours from Kuala Lumpur with stop over in Dubai. Arriving Addis, we were welcomed with friends whom had been waiting us outside terminal building since afternoon. The temperature was comfortable ranging between 19-24 C. Located at 2300m above sea level, Addis enjoying cooL weather all year round and because of the high altitude, I had short breath almost at all times? Probably due to lack of oxygen :) Ethiopia is also known as one of the oldest sites of human existence,and the site is well acknowledged by Muslim world as one of places which has close relation to expansion of islam througout the world. Habsyah, ... read more
Cruising over 20000ft
Mandi - delicacy from Lebanon
Hotel in Gode

Africa » Ethiopia » Somali Region January 28th 2011

11:51 This morning we got up and dressed and helped out in the refugee camp. I helped…well played with some of the children in the camp, There were some adults but mostly children that only had a few days left. It was heartbreaking watching those mothers watch their children slowly get weaker and weaker, skinnier and skinnier and ever so far away from survival. Most people were from Somalia who had travelled up here across the border to find help. This afternoon, we (Me and the family) are going to look after and feed the crops because yesterday the few cattle left died, leaving us with only the crops as food. They still aren’t ready from when we last checked them but we are very hungry so we might pick them anyway and cook them for ... read more

Africa » Ethiopia » Somali Region January 27th 2011

18:02 I woke to the smell of baking porridge. I got up and found the family sitting round a small table eating. I took my bowl and carefully started eating, making it last, knowing it would probably be the only thing I eat for another 3 days. The family were bursting for joy when I exposed my 12 big bottles of clean water. We soon had a big queue outside the house waiting for some water. It cleaned me out but I knew they needed it more than me and that I could have lots to drink at home and at my next stop. The family’s joy of the clean water was soon taken over when we went to milk the last group of cows and found them all dead on the floor. I was astounded ... read more

Africa » Ethiopia » Somali Region January 26th 2011

15:41 I was sickened by the sight of how desperate these people are. Some were so skinny that you could have mistaken them for a skeleton…it was appalling. Suddenly I was angry and I didn’t understand why people didn’t take it seriously and why Countries, other than the U.K aren’t giving as much they can. I tried to help them but I’m no medical advisor. They really need help. They live in tatty, graffiti covered, old, mouldy and worn out houses. On their last legs they try and survive but millions are dying every day. Only 1 in 8 people have access to safe clean water. The population in Somalia has gone down as many are traveling to Dolo to try and get into the refugee camp but they can only take care of so many ... read more
Skeletal children

Africa » Ethiopia » Somali Region January 25th 2011

7:14 The journey, Addis Ababa – Dolo, took us 20hrs with a great driver (I didn’t know but in Ethiopia you get your own personal drivers because the roads are so rough and rocky) for some other trucks it took 4 days but for us only 20 hours. Some of the things we saw on the journey were indescribable. They were so exceedingly eye-catching and amazing. There were unique plants, exotic trees, scary animals, peculiar people and wonderful sights. We were driving through the night and halfway at a stop point the driver swapped jobs with another driver so he wouldn’t fall asleep…well that’s what I heard anyway because I was asleep most of the journey! This afternoon I am going out for a walk and meeting a local family that I am staying with during ... read more

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