Blogs from Gondar, Amhara Region, Ethiopia, Africa


Africa » Ethiopia » Amhara Region » Gondar March 13th 2019

7 mars "Un homme affamé n'a souvent qu'à se lécher les doigts" Proverbe Éthiopien (Toujours à Bahir Dar) Il est 9h00AM et je quitte mon auberge pour rejoindre la station de mini-bus de Bahir Dar. C'est un 20 minutes de marche qui me sépare du chaotique enclos à transporteurs. Malgré que je sois sur la route historique et que les villes que j'ai prévu à mon itinéraire sois aussi les arrêts prévilégiés de la majorité des touristes en Éthiopie, clairement, encore peu d'entre-eux osent sortir de leurs tours organisés. On m'offre beaucoup d'attention sur le chemin de la station. Les regards se tournent vers moi et me fixent sans gêne comme si j'étais infecté par une quelconque maladie de peau. Les passants, les shoe shine boys, les vendeurs de montres ou de lunette-soleil bas de gamme, ... read more
Rond-Point à Gondar

Africa » Ethiopia » Amhara Region » Gondar December 10th 2018

We made it to Gondar – the Camelot of Ethiopia. The trip here wasn’t too bad but ended up being 4 step journey and as expected a long day as buses leave at 5am! It turned out to be a easier than I expected as we didn’t have much waiting time and once we reached Gashena about 2 hours south of Lalibela, the roads were excellent (the road is called the Chinese road – built quite recently by guess who). The only annoying part of the trip was that our bus does not take us all the way into Gondar but drops us about 10km outside meaning we need to take a local bus into the town. The town here is something of a revelation after Lalibela. We are staying in what could loosely be described ... read more
Gondar Royal compound
Church interior Gondar

Africa » Ethiopia » Amhara Region » Gondar March 8th 2018

Arrived 10th Feb Saturday morning in Gondar, one of the ancient capitals of Ethiopia, developed in the 16th cent up to the 18th.After two hours sleep on the plane I could do little more than have a juice drink (layered mango, guava, avocado and pineapple) before I had to lie flat and close my eyes. Saturday evening meal was a buffet in a local restaurant which was as lovely as the food in Iran (my favourite world food). Even the carbohydrate staple, injera, which I’d heard was as inedible as nsima (Malawian staple) was ok. Slightly sour as it is made from fermented tef flour (a type of rye grass) but a most unprepossessing colour – a sort of grubby dishcloth shade. It is made into a pancake which can wrap around meat or veg, or ... read more

Africa » Ethiopia » Amhara Region » Gondar December 18th 2015

18/12/15 Kick off our Simien trek with a drive to Debark and meet (Josi) Joshua our guide & Sanet our scout. Start our trek at 4000 meters and reach first camp by 5pm. Day 2 cover 10 miles and camp above a hill, learn how cold the nights are! Day 3 11 miles, day 4 11 miles, day 5 drop further into the lowlands with its fascinating agricultural landscape and large community, covering 9 miles. Day 6 cover 9 miles again before reaching our final camp/private farmyard paddock with with livestock inside a small village. 24/12/15 walk 5 miles to the nearest town to catch our return van to Gondar. A brilliant week minus some frosty cold nights and blisters for me. Lots of birds & vultures spotted, Ethiopian Wolf, impressive Ibex, other deers, Gelada, vervet ... read more

Africa » Ethiopia » Amhara Region » Gondar June 21st 2014

Traveling from Bahir Dar to Gondar is a shocking change in scenery: we went from a muggy, tropical atmosphere to a mountain town in just three hours. We barely missed the 7AM bus, but after a fist fight or two between bus station touts, we found a minibus and headed to the foothills for 60 birr per person (about $3, and the same price as the bus would have been). I woke up with a bit of a stomach bug, so the winding rode made for a difficult ride. I started to feel more and more ill along the way, and by the time I arrived in Gondar I was running in and out of the bathroom every few minutes at the house of a Peace Corp volunteer friend of Hannah's. But after a day of ... read more
Coffee with Ladies
Me on Castle Steps

Africa » Ethiopia » Amhara Region » Gondar May 11th 2014

I prešao sam taj most. Doduše i granicu je bilo malo teže naći jer su je nekako skrili u grmlje, a nitko se baš nije ni potrudio me zaustaviti. Na granici je bio jedan čuvar koji se poprilično iznenadio kad me ugledao. Naime, obzirom da sam došao zadnjim busom i zadržao se poprilično na Sudanskoj izlaznoj papirologiji nisu očekivali da će još netko doći pa su službenici otišli kućama, pa ih je morao zvati da se vrate. No bili su vrlo ljubazni, ponudili me kavom i poželjeli mi dobrodošlicu. Tako sam ušao u Etiopiju, zemlju mnogih skrivenih ljepota, zemlju na neopravdano lošem glasu zbog mračnih sjećanja na priče o ratu i gladi i zemlju za koju nisam ni sanjao koliku će ulogu odigrati u mojem životu. Metema je bila poprilično skromno mjesto. Jedna glavna cesta čije ... read more
dashen beer

Africa » Ethiopia » Amhara Region » Gondar January 11th 2014

CUSO needs the help of all friends of volunteers. Please see attached link. The best part of helping CUSO with your tax deductible gift is it's generously matched by Government of Canada. A small gift can do a heckuva lot. ... read more

Africa » Ethiopia » Amhara Region » Gondar January 11th 2014

A gallery of friendship moments from 2013. Human contact is woven into life here in a way that would likely be considered "different" or uncomfortable at home. It starts with infants being carried on the backs of mothers, or when, mothers are occupied, the backs of older siblings. Boys and girls alike hold hands and even adults (including soldiers on public patrol) out for a stroll hold hands. So putting one's arm around the shoulder of a friend and affirming, "you are my friend" (guar-dane-ya in Amharic) is an every day occurrence. I go most places by foot, although a 3 wheeled bajaj (better known as tuk tuks in India where they're manufactured) is handy for longer trips into Gondar's main square (the piazza) where North American staples like corn flakes and Snickers bars can be ... read more
With guide and scout on Simiens trek
With Simiens Lodge manager, Ato Tamirat, and Heather
Florida International Hotel head waiter extraordinaire, Birhanu (r.)

Africa » Ethiopia » Amhara Region » Gondar January 11th 2014

I began my CUSO International volunteer appointment in Ethiopia in April, 2013 believing it wouldn't be long before I opened a blog and began sharing stories and photographs with friends who asked me to stay in touch. Telling about experiences here always seemed less important than, well, doing them. At any rate, some 9 months later than expected blogging begins on December 26, 2013. I chose the title, "view from the roof" because the city where I'm located, Gondar, is close to the beautiful Simien Mountains frequently referred to as, yep, the roof of Africa.... read more
Valley life

Africa » Ethiopia » Amhara Region » Gondar January 6th 2014

It's been a while! Since my last blog I have been pretty busy. I won't bore you with all the details but will highlight a few recent events... I went to Bahir Daar for a weekend (see photos) which was great – a refreshing change from Gondar. The town is situated by lake Tana and has the Blue Nile falls and source of the Nile close by. We visited monasteries and even saw a hippo in the lake! Went to an “Asmari bet” one evening which is a place where they have traditional music and dancing. I got dragged onto the stage and had to dance with the professional dancers in front of everyone. It was so embarrassing. Then disaster struck – I ran out of dental floss (no joke!). I promptly booked a flight home ... read more
Bahir Daar, Teller - traditional beer
Bahir Daar
Bahir Daar monastery

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