Blogs from Abu Simbel, Upper Egypt, Egypt, Africa


Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Abu Simbel September 9th 2022

Early start today, in the van at the tender hour of 4:30am and off to today's destination: Abu Simbel...must say I really had no idea what to expect, it seemed excessive to drive four hours to a site with a two hour hang and then four hours back to Aswan, boy was I wrong! The journey started by crossing over the Old (Low) Aswan Dam, arguably one of the most famous dams in the world...built around the turn of the 20th century by the British, it was designed to provide storage of annual floodwater and increase dry season flows for greater irrigation development in the lower Nile...not much to see in the dark but still cool to say I have seen it... As mentioned the drive took about four hours, and while long it was nice ... read more
Ramesses II kicking ass...
Ramesses II statues at the Great Temple

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Abu Simbel January 19th 2022

This morning we welcomed the new arrivals at our 7 am breakfast. Now we totalled 33 tourists, plus Rabbi Berman and tour leader Cindy accompanied by Egyptian guide Migo and Egyptian tour operator John. By 8 am we were on the bus for our three hour drive south to Abu Simbel. Unfortunately this was the first of several occasions of what I will call the mask war. I politely asked a member of the group to wear a mask to be told that he couldn’t do it for three hours! . En route we learnt some more history and geography of Egypt. In the Pharoah’s time there were seven branches to the Nile delta – today there are only two as five have dried up. Between the years 1500 - 1200 BCE was the zenith of ... read more
entering Abu Simbel temple
Rabbi + Migo show Nubian slaves
Battle of Kadesh in Abu Simbel temple

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Abu Simbel November 22nd 2021

21 - 22 Nov Dernier poste frontalier avant de rejoindre le Soudan, Aswan est une ville commerciale hautement stratégique. Pour les marins du sud, la ville a toujours été un passage obligé pour rejoindre la Méditerranée par bateau. À des milliers d'années déjà, les commercants remontaient le Nil d'aussi loin que de l'Éthiopie ou de la Tanzanie (le Nil est le deuxième (ou premier) fleuve le plus long du monde après (avant?) l'Amazone... fleuve qui (peut-être) le dépasserait en longueur d'à peine 140 mètres). Le Royaume des Pharaons accueillait alors les voyageurs par un puissant avertissement: les grottes d'Abu Simbel, et particulièrement ses quatre immenses statues de pierre, les prévenaient de la grande puissance de Ramsès II (-1279 à -1213). Postés à l'entrée maritime de l'Égypte, les colosses d'Abu Simbel fascinent depuis leur découverte en 1813. ... read more
Intérieur Abu Simbel 2
Elephantine island

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Abu Simbel March 2nd 2020

I can't believe how incredible the Abu Simbel Temple is. Before I get to that I want to include a few details. I am traveling with GAdventures for the "Best of Egypt, Jordan, and Israel". I have taken many GAdventures trips before and I've been pleased with all of them. Our group consist of mostly Australians, 1 Brit, 1 Columbian, 2 Canadians, and 3 Americans (14 in all). Our guide is Khaled - has great stories, very knowledable, very funny, and very talented (he is a musician and has an Egyptian cooking show). The group is compatible and fun. Also, I haven't labeled the pictures for 3 days because I'm using someone's hotspot and I have limited time. Tomorrow we get on a Felucca and do an overnight to Luxor - so I won't have wifi ... read more
On the bus
Rest stop on way to Abu Simbel
Yeah - recycling in the wilderness

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Abu Simbel November 20th 2019

So our boat trip on the Royal Ruby along the Nile from Luxor to Aswan was 4 nights....though the boat was actually docked late at night in Aswan so we had 2 nights there. After leaving Luxor and heading through the Esna Lock we docked at a small place called Edfu and sailed through to Aswan the next day. En route we had gorgeous views and sunsets on the lush Nile with a very rich green delta each side of the river with lots of crops, veges etc. Whilst sailing sellers would come along in their tinnies and throw their ropes and hook onto our ship....they were hilarious...yelling out from the water to 4 floors up selling their wares....they would throw the item all the way up in a plastic bag and you returned money back ... read more

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Abu Simbel March 28th 2019

We passed through a lock yesterday after being entertained by local traders trying to sell us outfits to wear for tonight’s party as well as tablecloths and towels. Many of us had already purchased an outfit on board or at a local market but they continued to throw things to the guests, haggle over prices and then either return the goods or send money. Some goods eneed up in the water but I think they did OK. The galabyea party on board that night is where everyone dressed up “like an Egyptian”. An early night for us though as we had to get up early for our trip to Abu Simbel. We listened though as the bass thumped through the boat. Up at 4am for our trip to Abu Simbel. It is a 3 hour road ... read more
Tablecloth- genuine Egyptian cotton
they even followed us into the lock

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Abu Simbel October 21st 2018

Un chapitre assez court cette fois-ci pour vous parler de l'endroit que j'ai préféré de tout ce voyage, mais également d'un sentiment d'humilité auquel j'ai souvent été confronté en Egypte. Engoncé dans le bus qui cahote dans la nuit noire du désert, je me force à me réveiller à 5:30 pour assister au lever du soleil. Le ciel commence déjà à s'éclaircir à l'Est, et le bleu fait place à des nuances de vert, rose, orange, jaune, alors que le sable, encore ébène, est tapi dans l'obscurité. Un croissant orange finit enfin par déchirer l'horizon, foudroyant les alentours de toute sa puissance. Quelques secondes plus tard, le dieu scarabée Khepri a tôt fait de le pousser entièrement jusque dans le ciel. Il n'est pas encore six heures, mais la puissance de l'astre solaire dardant ses rayons ... read more
Western Saharien
Le temple d'une vie : Ramses adulte à gauche, et vieillard à droite
Ramses II, assis d'égal à égal avec le dieu suprême Amon

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Abu Simbel August 21st 2018

Today, Renata and I are heading early in the morning to explore the temple of Abu Simbel. Then we are going to check out the Philae Temple and end our evening boarding a felucca to cruise along the Nile. Abu Simbel We arose early in the morning at around 3:00 a.m. to head towards Abu Simbel. Abu Simbel is an elaborate temple constructed by the ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses II. The temple is mainly cut into a solid rock cliff, and depicts the victory of Ramses II during the Hittites at Kadish battle in 1274 B.C. The Grand temple entrance has four seated colossi of King Ramses II on his throne at different ages. In the inner sanctum there are four statues: Ra, Amun, Ptah and Ramesses himself. The temple was built in such a way ... read more
Abu Simbel
Philae Temple
Abu Simbel

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Abu Simbel November 25th 2017

A brief Stay in the town of Abu Simbel Turning the narrative back to Egypt. Day 5 of my journey. Mohammed my driver is taking me overland from Aswan to Abu Simbel. A journey of many hours. He speaks little English so we can't chat but he stopped driving in the middle of nowhere (this perfectly describes being in the desert) to point at what looked like a very large lake near the horizon. A mirage! A huge one. I remember hearing tales of thirsty ancient travelers being deceived by mirages and losing their lives, dying while trying to reach the water that doesn't exist, always in the distance. We stopped, again in the middle of nowhere, at a shady hut festively decorated with flags of many nations ,a llittle oasis in the desert. This was ... read more
A curious sight, natural pyramid shapes are scattered across the sand
Our Rest stop in mid Sahara, flying international flags. It was a welcome break for my driver.
Arched entrance from the desert to the rest stop

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Abu Simbel November 20th 2017

The Ramsis and Hathor Temples at Abu Simbel. Abu Simbel is a Nubian town in Southern Egypt near the Sudan. There is no way to avoid one simple fact - Abu Simbel is all about Pharaoh Ramsis II. Born 1303 BC died 1213 BC at the age of 91. He ruled for 69 years. His colossal figures tower above his wife in the temple he built to honour her, even over the God Horus of whom he was the living representation. The Temples took 20 years to be carved into the sandstone cliffs on the banks of the Nile. That was 3,300 years ago. Today they are a UNESCO World Heritage SITE. RAMSIS II carved two Temples in the cliff face. The Great Temple of Ramsis II and the lesser Temple of Hathor to his wife ... read more
In the far distance are the two colossal Temples now set in a duplicated cliff face at Abu Simbel
The Temple of  Ramsis II dominates the site
Nearby is the lesser Hathor Temple dedicated to his favorite wife Nefertari by Ramsis II

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