Blogs from North, Benin, Africa


Africa » Benin » North May 14th 2010

May 14, 2010 Hotel: Hotel de la Pendjari, Benin Today was the start of our two-day safari to Pendjari Park, on the border of Benin and Burkina Faso. It is one of the best organized parks in West Africa, well maintained and has a list of accredited guides. We left the hotel around 6AM for the 2-hr drive to the park entrance. There are several guesthouses near the entrance to the park, but the only hotel inside the park is some 75kms from the entrance, quite a drive! The road from Nati to Tanguieta was paved, followed by dirt piste to the park gates. From there it was rattling washboard road all the way to the hotel.. I felt a little dizzy so popped a Dramamine which helped immensely. We arranged for 60,000 CFA per day ... read more
Park entrance

Africa » Benin » North » Natitingou May 13th 2010

May 13, 2010 Hotel: Hotel Bourgogne, Natitingou, Benin A LONG day of travel planned today, covering over 400 kms north to Natitingou (Nati). We went back to the maquis where we had dinner, the book had mentioned that a Belgian tourist had taught the chef how to make crepes. They were delicious with homemade mango jam, yummy! Our guide Marc picked us up on the moto-taxis for the ride back to Bohicon.. this is where the main north-south road passes. We bought a bus ticket around 9:00AM and waited.. and waited as bus after bus arrived from the south (but not our bus). Finally our bus arrived, only to have no seats available.. that was one problem we were worried about as the buses start in Cotonou. We managed to get on anyway and sit ... read more
Zebra woman
Cute girls
Pounding the fufu

Africa » Benin » North July 7th 2008

Framleis er alt vel. Eg kjem ikkje inn paa yahoo mailen og for derfor ikkje skrive mail. Dette beklagar eg. I ettermiddag vert det eit moete med CHRISC styret her i Mbulu, og der haapar vi aa faa mykje nyttig informasjon som vi kan vidareformidle til StudentKRIK i Bergen. Naar dette er gjort vert det truleg volleyball med dei lokale heltane! Jaja, det var no berre ein liten beskjed. Ha det bra!... read more

Africa » Benin » North » Natitingou February 25th 2008

FORTUNE’ (a new angel) Notes from the last journey to Benin Sometimes, during our journeys of responsible tourism one may encounter human dramas that lacerate our hearts and imprint images in our minds, that will stay for a long time. All facts and people are real. Our holiday in Benin was over. Pierre and Elodie, the two young French that we left in the north of the country, would be back in Ouidah in one day. I thought, possibly, there would be some time to show them Ganvie, the lagoon city. Therese, my Beninese wife, SORROWwas preoccupied. “Do you remember that young girl that we met in that village up in the north? Just 14 years old, she's pregnant. Once the child will be made, she will be expelled from the village. I fear both for ... read more
responsable travel in Benin and togo

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