Angel Falls

Published: October 19th 2009
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We left Ciudad Bolivar three days ago for our 1 and a half hour flight to Canaima National Park. Our plane turned out to be a six seater airplane which was awesome. It reminded me of the little mini that my dad used to drive us to school in. The inside felt like it was around 20 years old with huge circular dials for the speed and altitude. It took off after around 50 meters on the runway, was like we were only going around 50 miles an hour.
On arrival we were greeted by our tour guide "fready" who is also indiginous to the area. Our first day was spent going to the local waterfalls and swimming every 10 minutes in the ice cold river. We got to walk underneath two of the waterfalls which was amazing. The force is so strong. We had about 2 hours of trekking that day before heading back for a lovely fish dinner. Our group was 12 in total. It felt like the UN as everyone on the group was from a different country in Europe except for Yoshi who is from Japan. Crazy guy spent 3 months travelling around Ireland and is only
The CockpitThe CockpitThe Cockpit

Not much room eh?
spending about 2 weeks in each South American country!!! On the first night we went to a little bar which surprisingly had the premiership so I got to see Chelsea lose to Villa....thats always a beautiful sight. After a couple of drinks we went to bed.
THe second day we were up at 7am. We had breakfast and heading off for Angel Falls. The first boat journey took one hour which was followed by a one hour walk through the Savannah. We then had a 4 hour boat ride up river through the rapids occasionally having to jump out of the boat to put it back on track!!
We arrived at the base of the falls at around 3pm and then had to trek to the falls which took another hour. This was definately worth the travel. It really is a breath taking sight. We walked very fast to the falls to beat the other groups and when I arrived there was only a couple of us there. At the base of the falls there is a pool you can swim in. We spent 30mins swimming in the falls even though it was ice cold. You cant exactly pass up the chance to swim in the worlds highest waterfall.
After our swim we had to trek back down and to our camp and then spend the night in our hammock under the night sky.
This morning we went woke up at 5.30am. Went back our boat early and travelled back to Canaima where we picked up our plane and flew back to Ciudad where I am right now. Tomorrow we leave for a place called Los Llanos which apparently I am going to find an Anaconda so I better be able to hold it. I am now going to try and load up some photos.

Additional photos below
Photos: 20, Displayed: 20


Jimmy Angels planeJimmy Angels plane
Jimmy Angels plane

The first plane to find the Falls
Pushing the boatPushing the boat
Pushing the boat

getting stuck in the rapids

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