David McNeill


David McNeill

Currently travelling around the world for up to 2 years. Travelling with my French girlfriend Anne. AT the moment we are in South America planning to move on to New Zealand in Feb and then onto Australia for a year in March. From Dublin in Ireland and will most likely be moving to France after all our travels!

This Map is a list of all the countries of I ever visited....enjoy

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago February 28th 2010

So we arrived in Santiago at 8.30 in the evening and made our way to the hostel where we met the rest of the people in our dorm. We were pretty starving by now and headed out for dinner and organised to meet Matius who we travelled with in Brazil. After dinner the three of us headed into town and had a few drinks but we were falling asleep so headed back to the hostel and retired to our beds around 1.30am. I think I must have been asleep within 10 minutes. At approx 3.30am I woke up to a deafening noise and for some reason my bed was moving crazily against the wall. I tried to look around and could see someones light outside. I looked quickly at my watch and noticed it was half ... read more

South America February 28th 2010

We arrived in Mendoza delayed of course but not too long on this occasion. The jounrey was fine and we had our meals and a great view out the front two seats. Once we arrived we set out for the local campsite. We did not realise how far out this was ad took us 50minutes on a local bus to get there. The campsite itself was nice aart from the ants and the price. We decided to stay one night and head back to the town the following morning for a hostel as the price was almost the same as camping and it included breakfast. On the second day we headed off to the Bike Wine tour. This included 4 stops including two wineries, an Olive Oil farm and a Liqor place. The day itself was ... read more

So we have finally finished our last trek in the South American Andes and it proved to be quite a task. We arrived in Barriloche after a 9hour bus from Puerto Montt in Chile. It was midnight and unfortunately every hostel was booked out. Eventually we found a cheap hotel and jumped straight into bed. We woke up early the next morning as we ad to get to the national park for our last three days of trekking. We went to town and got a map of the park, booked a hostel for our return and set off with heavy bags. I think my bag was around 20 kgs and Annes was around 10kgs. The first day of the trek was beautiful. We gained around 700 meters in 4 hours of trekking alongside Lake Guitirez and ... read more

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Puerto Natales February 22nd 2010

What better way to recover from a trek than spending 4 days on a boat watching the scenery and sipping red wine!!! We arrived for check in to our ship at 7.30pm. We spoke to the check in attendent and after we got the greetings out of the way he asked if we would mind changing from a dorm room to a cabin with only two other people. He said there was no catch so we said no problrm. After check in we had to board the ship at 9pm where we met our two cabin buddies. Theses were Huw from Bristol and Eoin from London. Both were the same age and really nice so we were happy we got put in with nice neighbours. That first night all we had to do was attend a ... read more

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine February 22nd 2010

The trip is beginning to come to an end so it was time to really organise what we have to do in our last 12 or so days. One of things I did not want to miss out on was The Torres del Paine in Patagonian Chile near the city of Puerta Natales. So after we had seen the biggest continental glaciar in the world we headed for Puerto Natales for one night to get ourselves ready for a two day trek to Torres. Our one night in Natales was nice, we camped near the main centre and met a nice French couple. That evening we went to the Banff Film Festival and enjoyed some short movies on mountaineering etc. We headed to bed after as we were up at 6am to head to the National ... read more

We arrived into El Calafate ahead of time which was quite a surprise to us. It was 11pm on the dot when we pulled into the bus station! Thankfully the luck was still on our side and the night was crisp and dry. We quickly made our way to our campsite to head to bed as we had been in transit for 18hours all of which was during the day! The campsite was nice and we found a nice sheltered site for our new tent. We had a quick shower and headed to bed. The following day we had a good look around the city which is beautiful but as with everywhere else in Patagonia it is expensive due to the amount of tourists with money to burn!! There is a nice reserve 15 minutes out ... read more

South America » Argentina » Tierra del Fuego » Ushuaia February 11th 2010

We are really starting to feel like proper adventurers now as we have been camping almost all over Argentina and barring our stay with Carito in Buenos Aires we have not stayed in a hostel since Montevideo in Uraguay. We arrived in Rio Gallegos hopeing we might catch a bus straight to Ushuaia but had little hope as our guide book says to book a week in advance. We had a plan that I would wait for all our bags off the bus and Anne would run straight to the ticket desk to see if there was any seats left. Our plan worked perfectly and we got two of 4 seats left for the following morning whereas all the other groups were three people and had to wait longer!! Once our tickets were bought we headed ... read more

South America » Argentina » Chubut » Valdes Peninsula February 2nd 2010

We arrived at 9am after our 18 hour bus trip to a small town called Puerto Madryn which was founded by the Welsh!! The town itself is nice but would be nothing without its local peninsula which is the only reason we were there. On arrival we found out where the campsite was and set up camp straight away. We headed back into town to see what we were going to do about the Peninsula. We went to a few agencies and they were all charging extortinate rates for a day trip which we politely turned down. After w while of thinking we bumped into a couple we met the day before at the bus station from spain (Vivi and Gustavo). They too were in the same predicamint. I suggested we rent a car and DIY ... read more
Our Beach
The Whale skeleton in the museum
The Seals chilling on the beach

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires February 2nd 2010

So as we parted way with Richard from Alaska we were back on our way to Argentina, more specifically Buenos Aires!! We got the boat across the Rio Uraguay to the small BA suburb called Tigre. Once back on Argentine soil we jumped on the local train and were BA bound. 40 minutes later we were in the hustel and bustle of the big city. Luckily we had organised with a friend we met in Bolivia to stay in her apartment. The apartment ws only 10 blocks from the station which was perfect. We walked the 10 blocks up hill with our big bags to friend that our friend, Carito was not at home. We gaver her a quick call and an hour later were safely in her apartment finally having a wash!! That evening she ... read more
The cemetary in Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires
Anne in Buenos Aires

We arrived in Montevideo after over 24 hours of buses and walking from Peurto Iguazu in Argentina. We immediately realised the price was much higher than anywhere else we had been to date. We asked the man in the tourist office at the bus station how much the cheapest hostel was and he said 16 dollars per person. Wow, thats a lot we thought, coming from Bolivia where that would by you food, accomodation and even a night out!! We jumped on a bus to centro and headed for the cheapest place in my book which was of course 16 dollars each but we had our own room and a bathroom too, the novelties!!! We were so tired by the time we arrived we crashed to bed even without having dinner. The next morningwe decided to ... read more
Anne having a coffee
Having a coffee and stealing Wifi

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