Blogs from Cusco, Peru, South America - page 5


South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco August 8th 2020

Sunday, 2 August, 2020 142 days since Covid arrived in Cusco It was quiet this morning. For the first morning in fifteen straight days, the construction workers were not a few yards from my windows, cutting rebar, mixing cement and blasting their radio. We are back in quarantine, with another all day Sunday curfew. Nobody leaves the house today, except for emergency medical care. No pharmacies are open, no grocery stores, only hospitals and clinics and even then for emergencies only. Starting March 22nd, Sundays were a complete shutdown through the end of June. That was 15 weeks in a row when nobody went outside on a Sunday. Then, in July, we were allowed out on Sunday not only to buy food, but we also had the freedom to go for a walk, without a destination. ... read more
Sanity-saving walks
Worn stairs
Walking in the wind

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco August 1st 2020

Sunday, 26 July, 2020 Today I was woken up by the sound of construction out my window. The past few weeks, the obnoxiously loud construction out my windows has woken me up every morning and distracted me from just about everything all day long. Sunday was the only day they didn’t work. Even all day Saturday was fair game. I woke up this morning with the realization that I have lost my one day of peace and quiet. I have to get out of this apartment. This will be a four story building, which means that soon it will not only be the sounds of cutting rebar and mixing cement right outside my windows. It will be construction workers up at the level of my second story bedroom and living room - then looking down into ... read more
Social distancing
School supplies and maná
Coloring books and pencils

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco July 25th 2020

Sunday, 19 July, 2020 Today I really gave in to taking a day off. I sat in the sun on the roof, read Amy Schumer’s book The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo and ate popcorn and two packages of cookies. If I’m going to be unemployed, I might as well do nothing on Sunday. There’s no reason to try to get things done around the house. I’m not working all week and now I certainly have plenty of time to do things like laundry Monday through Friday. Happily, this week I will be a little less unemployed than last week. Since I got laid off, I’ve been working two hours per week, one hour teaching Spanish to a woman from England and the other teaching English to a Cusqueñian guy. This week I will get ... read more
El palacio de Huayna Capac
Qhapaq Ñan from Urubamba

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco July 18th 2020

Sunday, 12 July, 2020 Day 123 of Covid in Cusco The stats, the numbers, everything just keeps going up. How many cases of Covid in Cusco, in Peru, in the world? How many people have died? How many people have lost their jobs? How many people have slipped back below the poverty line after recently working their way out of poverty? How long have we been dealing with this virus? Are there any numbers, anywhere, that are going down? What questions do I have to ask to get numbers that are going down? What questions do I have to ask to find some positive news? I keep going back to air pollution, with so many flights cancelled and so many people staying home. That’s definitely been good news for a while now. Is there any other ... read more
Prohibido el paso
Puente en riesgo de colapsar
Pre-Inca Ankasmarka

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco July 11th 2020

Sunday, 5 July, 2020 Today I woke up in a tent, in the middle of the Huchuy Qosqo Inca archeological site. Last night was a full moon and it really was a magical experience to see such an important Inca site lit up by moonlight as if it were daytime. For breakfast today, the same kid from a nearby farm brought over boiled potatoes, hard boiled eggs and a thermos of hot water. The Inca didn’t have chicken eggs, or anything like the cheese that we had brought with us, but they certainly ate boiled potatoes here. The family had sent a mix of several varieties, each potato about the size of a golf ball. Some were yellow, some a deep purple, some white with a pink center and several other varieties and color variations. Dinner ... read more
New helper
Founding member

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco July 4th 2020

Sunday, 28 June, 2020 Day 109 since Covid arrived in Cusco Today is going to be the last Sunday that nobody is allowed to leave home. I doubt that many businesses will be open next Sunday, but at least leaving the house won’t be cause for arrest. As things start to open up in Cusco, everybody I know is worried about case numbers going up. I think it’s unavoidable. We can’t hide in our homes forever, but any increase in contact between people is going to bring more contagion. There are a few things that reassure me that a spike in cases won’t be a complete disaster. First, we know a lot more about the virus now. Countries all around the world are studying every aspect of this virus and we know a lot more about ... read more
Rural Cusco Region
Entrance to Huchuy Qosqo
Mt. San Juan

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco June 27th 2020

Sunday, 21 June, 2020 Day 99 of quarantine, 9 days to go Like last week, I’m at a loss as to what exactly I am counting down to. With case numbers surging around the world and a vaccine still a distant dream, what’s the point of counting down? Should I be counting up? Once quarantine is over, I’m going to have to switch to counting up from the day that the first case of Covid-19 was officially diagnosed in Cusco. That was Friday, March 13th. I hadn’t actually realized that it was Friday the 13th until I wrote that just now. Cusqueñians are superstitious about a lot of things, but Friday the 13th isn’t one of them, which is probably why I didn’t even notice at the time. That was a great day, as Fridays go. ... read more
Organizing the donations
Masks for all
The people of T'astayoc

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco June 21st 2020

Sunday, 14 June, 2020 92 days of quarantine down, 16 to go … and then … What exactly do I think will happen? With the State of Emergency extended into September and the hope of a vaccine still in the distant future, what can I expect to happen in 16 days? I’m hoping that the all day Sunday “curfew” will end and that there will be more transportation options, although I certainly don’t want anybody from Lima coming near Cusco. I do hope that it will be easier for me to travel to small villages to take emergency food aid to people who really need it. I don’t actually think anything will change 16 days from now but maybe I should look for a new title for these blogs. What comes after quarantine? Post-quarantine? Extreme Social ... read more
The look
Apu Ausangate

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco June 13th 2020

Sunday, 7 June, 2020 85 days of quarantine down, 23 to go Yesterday was an incredible success! Frustratingly, Travelblog is not uploading photos this weekend, so If you missed last week or want to see the photos of the second event of the Covid Relief Project, check here. Also, here's the link to the video about yesterday (which I don't finish until Friday of this week. Sneak peek of the future!). Another Sunday means another day at home. This is the twelfth Sunday of quarantine, when nobody is allowed to leave their home except for emergency medical services. Only hospitals and clinics are open, no pharmacies, no grocery stores or any of the handful of other businesses that are allowed to be open. That leaves me with birdwatching, reading The Hummingbird’s Daughter by ... read more
Taking back the Plaza
Plaza de Armas
Inca and Spanish

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco June 6th 2020

For more information about the Covid Relief Project go to Sunday, 31 May, 2020 78 days of quarantine down, 30 to go Today I got the wonderful news that Canoe Island French Camp directors Meg & Ben had their baby last Wednesday and will bring her back to the island today. I spent a fair amount of time on Canoe Island when I was a baby and am so happy that there will be a baby living on the island full time. As sad as they were to cancel camp this year due to Covid, the silver lining is that they will have more time to spend with baby Odette during her first year. Also born last week, Miriam and Henry had Samin on Tuesday! His name means lucky and blessed in Quechua. Unsure how ... read more
The road from Urubamba
Hiking up

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