Blogs from Cusco, Peru, South America - page 440


South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco September 3rd 1999

1999……….6wks SOUTH AMERICA-ARGENTINA, PERU............ Today was a day of getting things done. I decided to do the parasailing course- 3 days starting 6am to 11am and then some training at night. (US$95). There are only two of us doing it. The first day is running on a slope to get the idea. The 2nd day is going off an 8m hill. Day 3 is off at 800m. I didn’t sleep terribly well knowing that I had to get up at 5.15am to be ready. What an unforgettable experience! I hope I haven’t bitten off more than I can chew. We drove in a minibus- the two of us and three staff for about 45 minutes out to an amazing hill overlooking the Sacred Valley with snow capped peaks. We were about 3,800m. We even saw the ... read more
With Joseph in Cusco
Joseph resting up for another attempt

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco September 1st 1999

1999……….6wks SOUTH AMERICA-ARGENTINA, PERU.........It was absolutely freezing last night. Trying to read my thermometer was difficult but I think it was -10 degrees at least. When I got up at 6.30am, Martin was tucked in amongst his rocks and all you could see was his nose and eyes. He still had colour in his face, which was a relief. Puddles of water were frozen over and everything was white with frost. We must have been fairly high already (& that’s why it was so cold ) as trekking up the Campa Pass at 5000m did not seem as high a climb as yesterday...demanding never the less with taking one small step with every breath. Even when one is standing around or lying in bed sometimes you feel out of breath. We got to the top ... read more
With Martin at Campa Pass
From Campa Pass

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco August 31st 1999

1999……….6wks SOUTH AMERICA-ARGENTINA, PERU.........Martin woke me at 6am I think as it was light and he would have been so cold as the ground was white with frost and small bits of water had frozen ice sheets on them. It's crazy, thinking of Martin, but my problem during the night was that the TWO compressed mattresses I have are not enough for my hip and I got too hot during the night! The cooking stove seems to take forever to boil...because of the altitude I guess. After breakfast of a stale roll (again) and a carrot, we set off about 8.30. Martin had made lunch of rice and beans so that we wouldn't have to unpack the horse. We came across a Peruvian guy with an American accent who was travelling alone like me. He lives ... read more
Spectacular turquoise lake (Ausangatecocha)
From the top of Palamoni Pass
Llama looking cute

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco August 28th 1999

1999……….6wks SOUTH AMERICA-ARGENTINA, PERU..................“This 5-6 day hike has everything: herds of llamas and alpacas, traditionally dressed Indians, hot springs, turquoise lakes, glaciers, ice caves, and even vicunas. Not surprisingly it is popular with trekkers. The route takes you right round the massif of Ausangate and over three high passes before returning you to your starting point, the small village of Tinqui.” Bradt Ausangate is South East of Cusco. The mountain, which is revered by the Incas, is actually a collection of high mountains with Ausangate the highest at 6372m. The whole area lies above the tree line. .................................................... Distance about 80km Altitude 3,800m to 5,100m Rating Difficult Timing 5 days ................................................... I met down at the Top Vacations Trekking office at 8.30am. No one ... read more
Martin's dad's hut
Martin with his Dad
First night's camp

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco August 24th 1999

1999……….6wks SOUTH AMERICA-ARGENTINA, PERU............ In Cusco there is a ticket (US$10 for 10 days) that allows you into a variety of sites, Cathedrals, Monasteries, and Museums etc. I first went to the Cathedral which commenced being built in 1559 and took 100 years to complete. The Cathedral is actually 3 churches in one. The earliest dates back from 1536. In the Sacristy there were several people doing restoration work to restore the wooden carved statues. There are many splendid side chapels etc. There are many paintings from the 16th/17th cent. This church was an over the top experience of religious fervour with blood and guts everywhere, self flagellation, Mary dressed up like the doll on top of the Christmas tree with tears rolling down her cheeks and that guy on the stick everywhere looking very miserable ... read more
Charming people
Cusco Weaver
The Battered Christ

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco August 20th 1999

1999……….6wks SOUTH AMERICA-ARGENTINA, PERU........Cusco is like the Kathmandu of South America. There are so many interesting & colourful items in the market. The large pottery plates are tempting but not in a backpack. The old looking Spanish Christian paintings done with oils are interesting. There is a huge variety of food here of all standards and largely all well priced. Most of the market activity centres on and around the Plaza de Armas. It is very picturesque with its Spanish colonial natural history museum, church and cathedral which are beautifully lit up at night. They look after this area well with police patrols and keeping people off the grass- a great place to hang out on the steps or seats and watch the activity and get the feeling of really being in the mysterious city of ... read more
Decorative Gourds,Pisac Market
Dolls for Sale, Pisac Market
Pisac Market

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco August 19th 1999

1999……….6wks SOUTH AMERICA-ARGENTINA, PERU....19th August, 1999........ The flight from Lima to Cusco was an awe inspiring one- taking off in the dark, seeing sun rise over the increasing height of the Andes with its snow capped peaks to finally feast our eyes on the ancient Inca capital nestled amongst hills and mountains at 3,310m. From the LHS of the plane we flew over Cusco seeing the air landing stretching out. The plane took a sharp turn and the small Lego type houses with their tiled rooves came to life as we landed. “Cusco’s beauty cannot be overstated. It is a fascinating mix of Inca and Colonial Spanish architecture: Colonial churches, monasteries and convents and extensive pre-Columbian ruins are interspersed with countless hotels, bars and restaurants that have sprung up to cater for the hundreds of thousands ... read more
Hotel Ninos
Hotel Ninos
Hotel Ninos

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