Blogs from Arequipa, Peru, South America


South America » Peru » Arequipa September 26th 2023

Peru I took and overnight flight to Lima followed by a flight to Arequipa and got there early in the morning. Arequipa The second largest city in Peru. High altitude, surrounded by volcanoes. The centre is very cool architecturally with cathedrals, monestaries, lots of Juliette balconies and courtyards. Lovely coffee shops, nice place to hang out for a day. The main reason why I wanted to do Arequipa was the Colca Canyon which is a very Deep canyon in the Andes. I did this with a 2 day trek tour with a very early pick up of 3am! We arrived at the Canyon after having breakfast in a town along the way and stopping to watch Condors. We then descended into the canyon and walked along the bottom for the day. We stopped for lunch and ... read more
Colca canyon
Colca window

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Chivay August 15th 2022

Our second day in the Colca Canyon region was dedicated to exploring the valley and some of the towns founded in colonial Spanish times. Our first mission was to arrive at the Cruz del Condor Mirador early enough to catch the condors gliding with the help of thermal winds, so we set out early in the morning as the viewing site was some distance from the lodge. On the way, we did take some time to stop at the nearby village of Yanque, to watch some of the children dancing in the square, a morning tradition. Along the way, we passed other settlements that dot the valley. I was constantly surprised by the small size of a lot of the houses we passed. They seemed more like Hobbit holes than real houses. Also amazing was the ... read more

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon August 14th 2022

On Sunday morning I was sad to leave Arequipa behind, although I was looking forward to our next destination, the Colca Canyon. Thanks to the location of our hotel, we were able to witness the Military parade that takes place every Sunday through the Plaza de Armas in Arequipa. Nearly every division of the army was represented and marched through while singing the Peruvian national anthem. I do hope that they rotate the divisions, or it must be really tiring for them to do this every Sunday morning. Loaded with boxed lunches for the day, we climbed our transport and headed out of town, through neighborhoods that became poorer as we approached the outskirt of the city. One particular sculpture we passed was dedicated to a major pastime in the city, bullfighting. Bullfights are an Arequipean ... read more
Plaza de Armas
Plaza de Armas

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa August 13th 2022

A very early morning call saw us on our way to the airport for our flight to Arequipa. I really dislike these internal flights that seem to waste a lot of time dealing with airport procedures, occasional flights delays, etc., although I realize it's the only option when visiting distant locations within a country. We arrived in Arequipa late in the morning and were greeted on our exit from the airport with free beers being handed out by an Arequipa beer company in celebration of the festivities currently going in the city for the anniversary of the city founding on August 15, 1540. Then we had enough time to stop at the Mirador de Yanahuara to view the iconic backdrop to the city, the beautiful Misti volcano, before an idyllic lunch at Tio Dario, some yards ... read more
Mirador de Yanahuara
Plaza de Yanahuara
Plaza de Yanahuara

South America » Peru » Arequipa September 25th 2021

Arequipa: The White City Arequipa is known as the White City because of its architecture, built with white volcanic stone, called sillar. Elizabeth gave a great insight into the history of this city. We learnt about the still-functioning Santa Catalina Monastery, constructed in 1579, like a city within a city. The Catedral De Arequipa, constructed between 1540 and 1656, with its ornate façade in the Baroque style, it's the only cathedral in Peru that stretches the length of a plaza. It also has a history of rising from the ashes. The original structure was gutted by fire in 1844, rebuilt and then flattened by the 1868 earthquake. Most of what we saw has been rebuilt since then. An earthquake in 2001 toppled one of the enormous towers and made the other slump precariously, yet by the ... read more

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon July 7th 2021 Coporaque Village The tiny village of Coporaque is a great way to take in the stunning region & enjoy glorious views of the distant volcanoes, including the active Sabancaya which spews ash into the sky, gorgeous terrace views, flowering cacti, and crumbling stone ruins. We walked through pastures, visited the church which was badly damaged in the 2016 earthquake. This is a small town located on the right side of the Colca River, in the Western part of Chivay (Capital of the Colca Canyon), it has 900 inhabitants, it is located at 3583 meters above sea level, most of the inhabitants they are still cultivating their land following the knowledge of their ancestors and they are still wearing their typical costums. The temple of Santiago Apóstol de Coporaque, is a Catholic construction, which is located ... read more

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon May 16th 2021

The Colca Canyon is one of the most beautiful areas in Peru famed for its colourful and traditional towns and for its wildlife. There are over 100 species of birds including the giant Andean condor. The Colca Canyon is also one of the deepest canyons in the world. It is, in fact, twice as deep as the Grand Canyon. Another location I never dreamt I would be able to visit but with heygo virtual guides another place I can cross as having seen, although not the same as actually physically being there it will do for now. The Colca Canyon 11,975ft & Valley are paradise to nature lovers. The Colca Valley is 186 miles north of Arequipa, and holds one of the world´s deepest gorges, cut by the Colca River, which flows 250 miles from its ... read more

South America » Peru » Arequipa March 14th 2020

Encore un bus, et après quelques 14-15h de voyage de nuit, et quelques 600km de virages, heureusement dans un bus VIP, allongés à 120 degrés, repose pied rembourré, repas du soir, pti dej et toilettes a bord (il est précisé que c'est uniquement pour le pipi lol, je me demande qui vérifie...), nous arrivons à Nasca. Quasiment enlevés par la compagnie aérienne Air Paracas qui nous attend, transfert à l'aérodrome, et sans presque savoir ce qui nous arrive (attendez j'aimerais me brosser les dents!), on est embarqués dans un petit coucou pour 6 personnes qui fait de la haute voltige (enfin presque, c'est ce que m'indique mon estomac tout retourné), pour nous montrer à gauche puis à droite, les fameuses lignes de Nasca, tracées dans le désert entre -500 et +500 ans, par une civilisation pré-inca, ... read more

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon January 15th 2020

After the days spent in the dusty desert we were excited to arrive in the mountains. A long bus journey obviously but the scenery was amazing, seeing the nature changing from desert to mountains, passing through a wetland desert, llama and alpaca everywhere, water coming from the mountain give us the welcome to a new kind of strength of nature, small kind of pointy hairy bushes were everywhere, looking like the hair of puppets, are just desert bushes shaped by the wind. I was happy to see green grass and snowy peaks behind the hills. We were already at more than 3000 meters. Daria was already scared of the cold that was awaiting us outside the bus. When we arrived in Yanke at circa 3300 meters it was 6 o’clock and raining. We had a hotel ... read more
Beautiful green landscapes of the Colca
Daria removing the tripe, liver and the other rough bits
Alpaca and Llama friends

South America » Peru » Arequipa November 8th 2018

We were driven to Yanque to meet up again with the same group as yesterday. When we arrived, Peter said we had 10 minutes to look around as there was a local market on in the main square with local women and men (dressed as women) dancing around the central fountain. Peter explained later on that the men dressed as women is a tradition passed down from the past when families always tried to match their daughters with a rich family, so sometimes boys would disguise themselves as girls so they could go out together. After 10 minutes I couldn’t see Daisy and Peter was also looking for her as well. I assumed she was shopping and checked all the market stalls but it turned out she was just watching the dancing and Peter found her. ... read more

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