Attitude with Altitude

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South America » Peru » Arequipa
October 15th 2010
Published: November 18th 2010
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 Video Playlist:

1: Julia sings a song 8 secs

this little girl worked the crowd and made herself a few soles.
We arrived in Arequipa after an overnight bus ride from Nazca.

Neglectively, no one bothered to mention that the road was going to be a washboardy, dirt nightmare of beyond twisty-turny, horn-honking belief! I tried hard to sleep in the comfy reclining chairs, but alas, not a wink. We rumbled into town as the dawn rises sharply behind the peak of a gigantic volcano. Suddenly, I am very aware of the not-so-subtle altitude changes creeping up (we are now at 3800m).

Anyone who says they aren't bothered by altitude is, 1. Lying. 2. Has an iron lung. 3. Is a space alien - or 4. is of Swiss ancestry.

Case in point, my new friend from Switzerland doesn't seem bothered at all. I do see her eating a lot of chocolate though. Suspicious.

Ricola (not her real name) appears to be right at home here in she never left the Alps. If she starts yodeling after breakfast, I may have to smother her. Me, I'm a stupid head. I should have started my altitude tablets about twelve hours ago in lowlying Nazca. But I knew they were a strong diuretic, and the idea of peeing every
cheeky vacunacheeky vacunacheeky vacuna

See, I swear they are posers. Same one has probably has had its picture taken a million times
three seconds on a non-stop overnight bus did not sound appealing. So, my bad.

I decide at this point is to ignore the irritating symptoms, and explore this gorgeous city that UNESCO has put their stamp approval on as a world heritage site. Three volcanoes loom eerily around Arequipa, most noticeable is Misti. The entire place is referred to as the "La Cuidad Blanca" because it is built from the white volcanic rock.

Founded by the Inca, "Ari’quepay" in Quecha means "yes, you may stay." So I guess they did. The Spanish took it over in 1540, and of course built over anything resembling Inca. But the whole town has an extremely interesting vibe. The people here are freakazoid friendly and greet us like old friends.

We go to the local farmers market to take in all the sights and sounds while picking up vegetables and fruits for our trip. I try to identify things I have never seen before - are those frogs? They all seem very fond of frog meat here, I pass on an offered bowl of skinned frog soup - opting for a more familiar fruit smoothie instead.

Anyone need a dried
Chivay hot springsChivay hot springsChivay hot springs

ahhhhhhh is all I can say
llama foetus wearing a party hat? You'd be in luck here.

We visit the Monasterio de Santa Catalina, an active nunnery which is just stunning with its brightly coloured walls and fussed over gardens. An oil painting adorns a wall, the portrait of a Sister whom resurrected this place from its doom, and freed the slaves. Nuns had slaves? Her eyes follow you around eerily...I worry that if I make sudden eye contact...I might be forced into becoming a Nun. Moving on.

At the Museo Santuarios Andinos, it is where they keep the "Ice Maiden" named Juanita. She's a fifteen year old girl who was sacrificed by Inca priests on Mount Ampato. They did a carbon dating thing and figured it all went down around 1440. She was found not too long ago when the ice melted, bundled in alpaca wool and buried with gold. Considered one of the world’s best preserved mummies, I morbidly notice she looks an awful lot like the little old grannies telling people's fortunes with coca leaves on the narrow streetways outside. I wish I knew how to speak a little Quecha, maybe I’d gotten more out of my reading...and perhaps the coca
waving friendlywaving friendlywaving friendly

Some of the most friendly lovely people in Arequipa
leaves may have really told me what is in store for me.

The highlight in Arequipa was the visit to the orphanage on the far outskirts of town called CasaVerde. Providing a safe home for abused and neglected children, if you are ever in Arequipa, you can always patronage their cafe (same name) - all the proceeds from food & drink go directly. They do good work.

We arrived late in the day and the kids go bonkers. There is a whirlwind of helping with homework, cooking up a giant pot of soup, arts and crafts, and play time before we all settle down to eat dinner. Some of my companions are disappointed that their lack of Spanish is hindering their interaction, so we play a game of "say the English word" which the younger kids love.

The pre-teenage girls snap gum and look at us suitably bored, but as soon as I mention Lady Gaga and let them listen to my iPod, I have a following. Overall, these children are well rounded and extremely well behaved, the older ones helping with the smaller children. Ricola bonds with a little boy named Daniel who is so excited
La Cuidad BlancaLa Cuidad BlancaLa Cuidad Blanca

The white buildings of Arequipa
we are there, that he won't even eat his only meal of the day.

I try not to cry when we leave.

Two days later we are on the move again. This time our bus climbs to the Pata Pampa pass (5100m). We stock up on coca and my Peruvian friend Patty Cho-la makes up little bundles of leaves with ash that you tuck into your cheek and chew gently, while sucking out the juices. I feel my lips going numb and get this weird nervous energy. Great....they'd better not do drug testing at work when I get home.

The plan is to hike through the Aguada Blanca National Vicuña Reserve. I am so ready to stretch my Vamanos! It's all easy flat plains, and we come across a herd of wild Vicuñas that appear to have been expecting us, and I'd even venture to say they actually posed for pictures. Then the snow starts.

Freezing, we meet up with our bus and start the descend into the Chivay valley. Chivay (3635m) is the first town where I actually witness real Peruvian culture and lifestyle, and not just for tourism. But I'm also witnessing lots
stunning fountain arequipastunning fountain arequipastunning fountain arequipa

The do fountains nice in Arequipa. The Plaza de armas
of ridiculous looking tourists who are dressed from head to toe is crazy woollen Peruvian items. I mean really - do you need the hat with flaps, a sweater, mittens, man-purse, AND leg warmers??? However, by the end of the chilly day - I too deem them necessary and join in on the ridiculously colourful tourist parade.

Did I's freezing here in Peru. And, I know freezing - I'm Canadian - yes, the same Canadian whom mistakenly brought a shitload of summer shorts & tops for my trip to Peru.

After a wonderful soak in the La Calera hotsprings for what was four blissful hours and five cervasas, we retire early so we can get up early to go to the Colca Canyon. We will be doing some more hiking there in order to get acclimatized and ready for the Inca trail.

We spend our day on a jaunt through the valley that was created by three different civilizations. The endless agriculture terraces are a postcard. All the peoples here were known for their practice of malforming skulls to identify who they were. The Spanish came along and put an end to this practice, so now
For saleFor saleFor sale

Anyone want a llama fetus with party hat?
the women wear different styles of hats to identify where they belong to. I took probably 400 pictures of the valley and the terraces. Never as good as the real thing. Sorry. You'll just have to go there.

At the Cruz de Condor lookout (4900m), the Andean condors showed up and put on a pretty nice flight show for us. Me and about 10,000 other tourists, all frantically snapping pictures. Those without a telephoto lens go away with loads of pictures with a black speck in the middle of them. Still breathtaking. Speaking of breathtaking - I am starting to notice that, in addition to a constant headache, I am now having trouble catching my breath. Damn you stupid altitude - you will not ruin this for me.

Overall, the most memorable part for me, was our homestay in the small village called Canocota. We arrive in the early afternoon, all the townsfolk come out to meet us, and our home stay madre Julia leads us to her quaint homestead where her husband Pedro and their grown son Edgar live. Julia is no nonsense and she immediately puts us to work herding cows to a water source, as
frog soup participantsfrog soup participantsfrog soup participants

yum. Skinned alive while you wait.
well as preparing for supper. I help Pedro chop wood for the fire, and we all end up in their kitchen telling stories and singing into the night around a cozy stove. I’ve attached a video of Julia shyly singing us a little ditty. Dinner was a delicious Alpaca steak with what else, potatoes. We tuck in early and spend the night sleeping under a pile of alpaca blankets in zero celsius.

Next morning, we are supposed to hike back into Chivay with Pedro, but when I wake with a strange rattle in my chest and a feeling of malaise, I opt out.
I realize it was probably just the wood smoke, but I'll play it safe.

Back in town, we catch a bus to head for the town of Puno of the famous Lake Titicaca region. I am looking forward to seeing the floating straw islands and having another homestay on the Isla Taquile, as well as witnessing some of the diablo celebrations in the town of Juliaca. I love Peru!

Additional photos below
Photos: 31, Displayed: 28


Bustling market Bustling market
Bustling market

Arequipa market where you can buy anything you may or may not need
peru road workperu road work
peru road work

couldn't believe how hard these guys were working. It was freezing out, and hot due to intense sun.
Lovely nunneryLovely nunnery
Lovely nunnery

Brightly coloured walls and beautiful gardens of the nunnery in Arequipa
Casa Verde OrphanageCasa Verde Orphanage
Casa Verde Orphanage

kids waiting patiently for dinner
View of MistiView of Misti
View of Misti

One of the volcanos in Arequipa looming in the background
Nun Laundry-MatNun Laundry-Mat
Nun Laundry-Mat

Washing habits can get very habitial
Is she watching me?Is she watching me?
Is she watching me?

Loved this painting of the Nun that established the current nunnery in Arequipa. Her eyes followed you.
Volcano outside ArequipaVolcano outside Arequipa
Volcano outside Arequipa

Not sure which one this is.
alpaca hood ornamentalpaca hood ornament
alpaca hood ornament

glad none of the alpacas took this sign literally while we screamed across the plains.
At the passAt the pass
At the pass

cold and snowing at the pass. People leaving rocks and wishes at the top
Collagua terracesCollagua terraces
Collagua terraces

fantastic views along the colca valley on the way to the condor lookout
Collagua frocksCollagua frocks
Collagua frocks

One of the Collagua gals in her distinctive clothing for that region
Colca Canyon lookoutColca Canyon lookout
Colca Canyon lookout

I'm not much of a poser, granted I had a dolor in me calabaza at this point

19th November 2010
frog soup participants

Ahhh...Gotta try the frog legs !
You just gotta try the froggies ! They are cute and yummy :) Honestly, they taste like chicken. Simply delish in congee ! LOL
19th November 2010

wonder how an alpaca taste like? really loved this post !!!
20th November 2010

Hi Cabo! I enjoyed your blog very much and the photos look great! Your info will come in handy on my upcoming trip! Had you gone to Arequipa to work in Casa Verde (as in was it planned ahead of time?) or is it an orphanage where you can go and sign up to volunteer a day or two there? I have been looking for a project/ do my part for the country hosting me and most things in Peru it is looking need to be booked ahead of time. Please be sure to let me know!
20th November 2010

Hi! Just a couple of corrections: - It's "LA Calera", not Caldera. - It's "Taquile" island, not Tranquilla. Keep posting!
20th November 2010

Volunteering in Arequipa
Hola Yo Gabba Gabba. I'm sure they would be appreciative of your help, or donations. I think that's great. Go to this website for contacts, or you can always arrive in Arequipa and go to the cafe there to make contact. Enjoy your trip!
21st November 2010

Andrea, you are an amazing blogger! Your blogs are my favorite type to read--hilarious (most important), informative and great pics! Don't stop blogging! Your people need you!!! Anastasia78
5th February 2011

Blog of the year, 2010
Congratulations! :) This blog was nominated one of the best of 2010 in the South America, Adventure category.
18th February 2011

Anyone who walks around with such a cute llama is sure to be a winner!

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