Blogs from Valparaíso, Valparaíso Region, Chile, South America


Woke up at 6:30 to get ready for our trip to the coast, the Pacific Coast. Had a bit more leisurely breakfast as we were ready sooner than normal. I really have to teach the people of South America to make scrambled eggs. They put way to much liquid in them and zero seasoning of any kind. We did learn a good tip from a British couple, at the omelet station just have them cook you eggs any style. The man looked like he had the perfect over easy egg. After breakfast, it was off to the car for our 90-minute drive to the coast. Traffic was a bit heavy getting out of Santiago, but once on the autopista you can drive 75 miles an hour. Not that everyone else isn’t driving more like 100. I ... read more
La Concepcion Ascensor
Chilean Scallops
Reineta al Mantequilla

South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Valparaíso March 29th 2024

Chile is an extremely long country, apparently as far from top to bottom as from Scotland to Nigeria (thanks Barney), so before we faced another long bus journey, we decided to take it easy with a short hop to Valparaiso. The city was an important port during the Gold Rush, used by European and American ships on the route from Cape Horn to California, but fell out of favor and fell into disrepair early in the last century. However, the city has now been revived as the cultural capital of the country and is certainly a unique place, with 42 cerros (hills) surrounding the city center and port area, full of colorful houses and beautiful restored mansions, with chaos still in between. dilapidated.We forgot that it is also the second largest city in Chile, so when ... read more

Thursday. We took a double decker bus to Valparaiso and had front seats upstairs. It was about a 90 minute ride. The landscape was arid with wineries. It was relatively flat at first but got hilly. We went through a long tunnel and crossed low mountains and through an area that had suffered a very recent fire. Near the bus station is the less than beautiful modern Chilean Congress that the dictator Pinochet had built after he came to power. We took a taxi to the Pablo Neruda House on a hill with sweeping views of the old city center and the port. It is one of his three homes. It has five levels of small rooms that are packed with interesting memorabilia and architectural details. After our self-guided audio tour we set out on foot ... read more
en route to Valparaiso, Chile
en route to Valparaiso, Chile
en route to Valparaiso, Chile

South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Valparaíso January 9th 2020

Our cruise came to a rather abrupt end when we couldn't moor at Puerto Montt because of an approaching weather system. Storms are not called storms any more but weather systems. The captain made the decision to run for home before the storm otherwise we may have become stranded there and not been able to make it to San Antonio, the port for Santiago, in time for us all to make our onward flights. Our last two days were very relaxing playing cards and Rummicub, reading, doing puzzles, swimming (me) and probably eating and drinking too much. We did go to the gym twice. The sea was as calm as a mill pond. We have been so lucky with the weather. Arriving in San Antonio at 2pm a day early every was keen to get off ... read more
The Promenade
Permanent chess set up on the promenade
The caricature artist at work

South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Valparaíso February 14th 2019

Our last morning in Valparaiso and we decide to walk to the Parque Cultural; according to Lonely Planet it’s the city’s No 2 attraction and, I quote; “has a little bit of everything the thinking traveler could ask for. There are excellent murals in the old exercise yards, rotating arts exhibits, live theater and dance and… other intellectually stimulating events.” Meanwhile, back in the real world, after a steep 30 minute walk we find ourselves in a yard surrounded by concrete and filled with stray dogs. We return (via a shortcut through the cemetery, which isn’t a shortcut because we get lost and end up back where we started) up the Cerro’s 285 stairs for the last time. The park was rubbish but at least we got a good workout. We check out and head for ... read more
Valparaiso murals
Valparaiso murals

South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Valparaíso February 13th 2019

I wanted to love quirky little hotel Winebox but to be honest, shipping containers aren’t very soundproof so we had a restless night of traffic, barking dogs and plumbing noises, compounded by the continued fallout from the Fritz & Franz pigeon poo lunch. However, they redeem themselves at breakfast with fruit salad, smashed avocado, poached egg and fresh orange juice. I’d almost forgotten what fruit juice tasted like! We spend the morning in Valparaiso with no specific plan (we consulted 3 maps and they were all completely different) other than a combination of murals and funicular railways. We walk down our hill (Cerro Florida) then take the Ascensor Espiritu Santo up the next hill (Cerro Bellavista) to the Museo a Cielo Abierto, an area my guidebook says is adorned with colourful murals. Unfortunately, the museum and ... read more
Stairs down Cerro Florida
Cerro Bellavista
Ascensor Espiritu Santo

South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Valparaíso February 12th 2019

Today we head to the Pacific coast. Our original plan to spend a few days driving up the coast in our fantasy hire car has been changed to two nights in the port of Valparaiso. We receive a message from the hotel warning of a gang that targets hire cars, puncturing a tyre then robbing you which you change the wheel. We tell them not to worry, we were robbed before we reached the hiring of the car stage. It’s a trek to Valparaiso by public transport (taxi, tube, tube, bus, taxi). Also, we haven’t booked bus tickets in advance to avoid using our last bank card unnecessarily. So when we reach the bus station, the first two buses are full and we have to wait 40 minutes. It isn’t a disaster but further fallout from ... read more
Valparaiso murals
Valparaiso murals
Valparaiso murals

South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Valparaíso December 19th 2018

K – We had a limited time in Santiago so we probably did not do it justice. We felt it might a great place to live but it seemed to lack the “must see” tourist attractions of some other major cities. That was fine with us and we enjoyed walking around the Plaza des Armas and the surrounding districts. We did go to Cerro San Cristóbal planning to walk up the hill to see the full view of the city and the mountains beyond. Plan B was to catch the funicular up the hill. Plan C ended up walking out of the queue and heading to a nice restaurant for lunch. Plan C was great. Unfortunately for Santiago, when you look in to “what to do in Santiago”, one of the top tips is to go ... read more
Loved this one...
Dogless hot dog
Off with her head?

South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Valparaíso October 7th 2018

Pakita and Emanuel picked us up at 10:45 for our day trip to the port city of Valparaiso. Traffic was quite good and we got there around noon. As we got closer to our destination we saw a large market where locals buy and sell everyday items, a bit like Paddy’s but not touristy at all. Our first glimpse was of a typical port with container ships and cranes for off-loading containers. However as we drove up a very steep road we started seeing a lot of graffiti and then some fantastic street art. We parked the car and then walked to the Palacio Baburizza (Municipal Museum of Fine Arts), but it took longer than it should have because we continually stopped to take photos. The Palace was a very interesting and beautiful building . It ... read more

South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Valparaíso August 1st 2018

30-31 juillet et 1 août (À San Pedro de Atacama) "Valparaiso, how absurd you are... you haven't combed your hair, you've never had time to get dressed, life has always surprised you" Pablo Neruda Mon retour à Santiago s'organise tranquillement alors que j'étudie mes options: A- San Pedro de Atacama vers Santiago en bus: 23h de transport Premium = 49 900 peso (100$ cad) B- San Pedro de Atacama vers Santiago en avion (Jetsmart): 2h d'avion = 28 000 peso (56$ cad) + 12 000 peso (24$ cad) pour le transfert vers l'aéroport de Calama + 15 000 peso (30$ cad) pour le bagage. Choix presqu'évident: pour 10$ de plus, je me sauve un 21h de bus. Voilà. Je me rendrai donc à Santiago par les airs. ... Dès mon arrivée à la capitale chilienne, je ... read more
La Ville Verticale
Saw you

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