Blogs from Torres del Paine, Magallanes, Chile, South America - page 5


South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine October 25th 2014

I'd read other traveller's accounts of Torres del Paine, and so expected a lot of this remote Pategonian national park with its towering granite massif, exotic wildlife, fields of ice and snow, glaciers calving into crystal turquoise lakes, fast flowing rivers, powerful storms and biting winds, and a hardy horse culture at the far end of the Americas. Pristine Torres del Paine is all these things and some more..... ahh, how the temptation is to launch into superlatives.... Like all vast wilderness areas it makes you feel small yet somehow connected, daunted yet somehow reassured. Like the Kimberley in Western Australia or the Great Barrier Reef, it feels like I was emersed in something magnificient. We spent 5 days in the park, staying at the Rio Serrano Hotel, directly to the south of the massif, and ... read more
Red fox (Zorro) at dawn
The towers (Torres) del Paine
Guanaco, food for just about everything

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine October 19th 2014

Punta Arenas to Torres del Paine National Park, a beautiful road trip through southern Patagonia. We were so lucky, the weather on Saturday was as spectacular as the scenery, warm and sunny in the car but with a reminding bite from the wind when we got out to take photos. The journey took 3 hours north across the pampa to Puerto Natales where we had lunch beside a sparkling lagoon with snowy mountains behind. The local kids looked pretty excited by the building of a new skate park, and there was some impressive public art beside the water. Puerto Natales is a port town which services southern Patagonia, and is launching pad for Torres del Paine National Park. Soon after we left town we caught sight of the towers and they are impressive, even from a ... read more
Torres del Paine
The road to Puerto Natales

der tag beginnt noch strahlender, wolkenfreier als gestern und hebt damit die stimmung noch etwas an. der perfekte tag, um den berühmten parque nacional del torres de paine zu besichtigen. natürlich hätten wir gerne mehrtägige wanderungen dort unternommen, aber wir haben schon beschlossen, einmal im chilenischen sommer wieder zu kommen und unter dem torre grande zu campieren! schon vor dem park sehen wir erstmalig alpakas (oder waren es lamas?!), wie sie uns mit ihren großen kugeligen augen mustern und für ungefährlich einstufen. wir dürfen ihnen recht nahe kommen ohne, dass sie aus ihrer andächtigen gras-fresserei aufschrecken. riesige schafherden, umgeben von treuen hunden und berittenen hirten, auf der weitläufigen pampa, sind ein beruhigender anblick. eindrucksvoll sprintente nandus vollführen am rande der straße ihre wettläufe, während große greifvögel ihre bahnen durch das blitzb... read more
me gusta!

patagonien zeigt sich uns heute mit neuem gesicht! der klare sternenhimmel von gestern abend erweist sich heute als guter indikator - das wetter ist regen- und schneefrei, die wenigen wolken geben immer wieder den blick auf blitzendes blau frei. wir marschieren also quer durch das dörflein zu einem der tour büros und besteigen gemeinsam mit anderen passagieren den bus, der uns zum hafen bringt. an bord nimmt mich gleich mal der kapitän unter beschlag, fragt mich alles mögliche und sein bemüht deutlich und langsam gesprochenes spanisch ist sogar für mich verständlich. markus meint nachher, ich wurde total angeflirtet… pünktlich legt das eiserne ungetüm ab und bahnt sich seinen weg durch grau-grünes eiskaltes wasser richtung glaciares balmaceda und serrano. entlang des canal senoret und des fiordo ultima esperanza bieten sich zu beiden seiten fantastische ausblicke. die vergangenen ... read more

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine April 27th 2014

PATAGONIA: Torres del Paine...The most beautiful place in the World. In Europe all roads lead to Africa to Mto Asia to Australia to Antartica to Mawson's North America to Yankee Stadium...and in South America to the front gate of Torres del Paine. But for the latter its not always easy to get through...and its definitely not easy to get to. ****** When planning our Patagonia trip...I took one look at the picture of La Explora Hotel and its staggering view...took another look at its prices of over US$2,000 per night...and made two decisions. We are definitely going there...and we are definitely going to find alternative accomodation. Our friends planning the trip were suggesting we stay in Puerto Natales and visit daily...which seemed more affordable but a hassle...but what would I know? ... read more

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine April 26th 2014

Réveil 3h30, tout le monde commence a émerger, je suis dans les premiers à me réveiller. Les filles ne sont pas encore prêtes, vers 4h on prend la route. C'est la première fois de ma vie que je fais du trekking de nuit, ça sera l'occasion de tester la lampe frontale achetée chez Décathlon deux semaines auparavant ! L'ascension est assez lente mais on a le temps. Sur le milieu du chemin je remarque une empreinte tout fraiche, soit il y a un énorme chat dans le parc qui n'ont rien à envier à Garfield soit l'histoire du puma est vraie...Dans le noir, dans un endroit que l'on ne connait pas, sans réelle défense c'est toujours rassurant de voir ce genre de chose! Des fois je ferais mieux de regarder ailleurs...mais quitte à l'avoir vu autant ... read more

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine April 25th 2014

On approche de la fin, aujourd'hui route vers les tours du parc, le spot du parc. J'en ai déjà pris plein la vue avec la vallée des français et le mirador britanico mais il reste encore plein de chose a voir pour mon plus grand plaisir, même si mes jambes demandent un peu de repos ! Depuis plusieurs jours l'un des campings (le plus près des tours) est fermé pour cause de problème sanitaire, les campeurs se rétractent donc sur le camping le plus proche à savoir Los Chilenos (au pied des tours) on avait donc décidé la veille de quitter assez tôt le camping pour espérer avoir une place pour notre tente et éviter de devoir redescendre jusqu'au 3ème camping, 2 heures de marches plus loin. Au réveil mauvaise surprise, on m'a volé mes bâtons ... read more

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine March 7th 2014

DAYS 16-17 Today we had the full Patagonia experience. Heavy rain overnight but cleared to cloudy & misty in the morning, cold (about 5 tops for the day) & very windy especially in exposed areas. This is what we expected & put all of our cold weather gear to full use for the 1st time. Ruth slowly improving but weak so fortunately not a big day involved. Checked out of our hotel onto our mini bus for our next night at the hotel Los Torres for 2 nights. The hotel seems to be in the middle of the Torres del Paine national park but is part of a large tract of land that is privately owned and occurred when all the surrounding estancia owners gifted their land back to the govt. except one family who are ... read more
Big Blue again
Ice berg from Grey Glacier

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine March 5th 2014

DAYS 15 Ruth woke up feeling a little better after hitting the virus hard with drugs & made a late decision to stick to the itinerary instead of travelling with the bags to our next hotel. What a good decision as we have has such a fun day. We left Puerto Natales by ferry travelling up the Esperanza fiord with a 3.5 hr trip passing huge Mt Balmaceda & Serrano hanging glaciers and entering a very fast flowing Serrano River which in turn is fed by the Rio Grey making for a huge amount of crystal water heading down to open waters. The evidence of retreating glaciers is very evident loosing 20-30 mtrs pa. After a brief stop at a Serrano glacier view point we kitted up into wet weather & safety vests for a quick ... read more
Ruth getting in wrong zodiac
Found the right boat
Paine from the river

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine March 4th 2014

DAY 14 Unfortunately today was a moving day with an approximately 6 hour drive to Puerto Natales with a border crossing to Chile in between. With a virus at its peak it was slow torture for Ruth. Fortunately we arrived at a great hotel with a comfortable bed and straight to bed for Ruth & off to the pharmacy for me to stock up on medical supplies. Somewhat difficult exercise as no english spoken. Restaurants in South America don't usually open till 8 pm which makes for long days after early starts and no time to catch up on the blog! Puerto Natales a small city set on the shores of a glacial lake with a working port. The town has a nice feel about it but is increasingly reliant on the tourist market as it ... read more

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