Blogs from Torres del Paine, Magallanes, Chile, South America - page 41


South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine January 26th 2006

After a one night stop-over in Rio Gallegos way down on the Atlantic side of southern Patagonia, we caught the bus over the border to Chile (best bus ride yet with the energetic, helpful bus assistant who made me turn over my salami though at the border crossing- boo hoo), passing through lovely Punta Arenas (the outskirts of town reminded us of Mendocino in CA) and on to Puerto Natales- the jumping off point for our fabulous no-guide 3 day tour/trek through Parc Nacional Torres Del Paine. The torres are towers, and we are talking Lord of the Rings, Mordor-type towers! These craggy mountain towers are surrounded by glacier lakes of colors you never see- milky grey and aquamarine/turquoise. Somehow we booked a trek-tour through an agency and we never spoke to our agent or met ... read more
Good times on the boat
Next boat required some new attire
The Torres!

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine January 21st 2006

English We have managed it. We have completed the "W" trek in Torres del Paine, Chile. This is one of those things which usually appear in the "list of things to do before I die", beside becoming an opera aficionado and analysing the Ulysses of Joyce (as Mariela read in the travel diary of an american tourist sitting next to her in the bus). We spent five days hiking around the towers, walking more than 70 km, in the sun, rain and strong wind. We have discussed with everybody about which side to tackle the "W", pretending to know all the names of the "refugios", as we had lived all our lifes in the national park. We even tried to convince a german tourist that there is no point in hiking more than that. Of course, ... read more
Landscape at the entrance
Mystic lakes
Glacier Grey

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine January 18th 2006

While down in the south of Argentina we took a trip to Chilean Patagonia to see the Torres del Paine, part of a montain range in the southern Andes.... read more
Flat tyre

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine January 5th 2006

From Santiago we flew to Punta Arenas, took a bus to Puerto Natales and from there to the national park of Torres del Paine. Packed with food for a week and all our hiking gear we set off for the W-trail in the park. The name "W" comes from the shape of the trail with three separate branches. The trail took us to see the 2km high granite towers of Paine, rugged snowcapped mountains, beautiful turqoise lakes and the huge Glacier Grey. Of course we were not the only ones to enjoy this all. The peak season had just started and there are almost 100000 visitors to the park yearly, most of whom come during January and February. So there was a couple of buses full of trekkers going to the park at the same time ... read more
First glimpse of the towers
Climbing the valley of river Ascencio
Torres del Paine just before sunset

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine December 30th 2005

I've decided to open the museum of blistered feet with my own feet as the key exhibit. I think at this point in time my feet are actually more blisters than skin, and I also think that my boots are somehow not going to find their way back to Australia. I used to love Scarpa boots, now I'd love to hire a terrorist to blow their factories up. However, I more than survived our five days walking the 'W' in Torres Del Paine, I loved it, we had near perfect weather the whole trip, the views were magnificent and it was another real highlight. I'm sure that there are hundreds of descriptions of the walk out there, so I won't bore anyone with details of the route other than to say that if I had taken ... read more
Day 1: Heading up the Valley
Day 1: The Torres (and Christie)

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine December 25th 2005

...But it´s really about a backpack. Read on... So everyone said that Torres del Paine was one of the most spectacular sights in South America. It´s a national park with pink granite spires, lying at the foot of the Northern Patagonian Ice Field near the tip of the continent. There are two ways to see the park: the first and more popular way, by hiking the "W" route, and the other, longer, windier, avalanche-prone, and presently closed, back Circuit. Well if this was one of the best things to experience in SA, then I was going to go all the way, and hike the Circuit. The hotel owner had said that people had managed to complete it even though a massive avalanche had forced a closure near the pass; and if they could do it, so ... read more
Flooded Meadows
Second Day´s Hike
Second Day

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine December 20th 2005

After another wobbly, 5 hour long journey back to El Calafate, we only had a couple of hours to spare before our next bus; this one would take us through the border into Chile, and our next destination, the small town of Puerto Natales. As we were arriving quite late (11pm), we had decided to book accommodation ahead. It wouldn’t have been necessary; as soon as we stepped off the coach somebody offered us a room in a hostel. This has happened a few times already, and we wonder why is it that whenever you need accommodation nobody harasses you, and when you don’t there’s always at least one punter trying to get you to his hotel?!? Anyway, we later came to wish we had risked it. The place we had booked via the internet proved ... read more
Puerto Natales - disco Church / Iglesia disco
Curious Bin in Puerto Natales / Curiosa papelera en Puerto Natales
Salto Grande - Torres del Paine

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine December 2nd 2000

Found an old triplog journal, slowly converting these to blogs. Seno Ultimate Esperanza (Last Hope Sound), the name evokes the feeling of somewhere desolate yet exotic. Arriving around 9 pm, the sun was still shining throught he clouds and illuminating the mountains around the sleepy town of Puerto Natales. Now overrun with tourists, travel agencies and Internet access, this once-remote town is now easily accessible from Santiago i less than a day. The town still retains some of its character with brightly colored metal-clad houses. dec 02 - Enroute to Puerto Natales It's been an eventful 24 hours, all traveling and still have an hour to go. Arrived at the airport yesterday to find that the first leg of my 5 flights was delayed, not a good sign. We ended up leaving nearly an hour late, ... read more

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