Blogs from Lake Titicaca, La Paz Department, Bolivia, South America


South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Lake Titicaca February 9th 2022

A fabulous collaboration of tours from the lowest and highest lakes on the globe. Mark in Amsterdam, Netherlands & Renan Lake Titicaca, Bolivia In Amsterdam we learnt how The Ijsselmeer an artificial lake had been developed with the aid of maps showing how the land had been reclaimed and dammed from the sea & ensuring that Amsterdam and the surrounding areas are protected from flooding. We also visited an area of floating villages, individual floating houses moored around slender jetties like house boats. These floating neighbourhoods are a solution to the problem of rising sea level and housing shortage in the dense metropolitan areas. In Titicaca Renan introduced us to his friend who was a craftsman at making reed boats using Totora. Renan also explained the background of Thor Heyerdahl's experimental archaeology and how Heyerdahl had ... read more

30th April - Isla del Sol (Sun Island) - Colombia Revered as the most important site within Inca mythology. According to Inca history, Isla del Sol (Island of the Sun) is both the birthplace of their revered Sun God and the world’s first two Incas. The story goes that following a great flood, the province of Lake Titicaca was plunged into a long period of darkness. After many days, the bearded god Viracocha rose from the depths of Lake Titicaca, traveling to Isla del Sol where he not only commanded the sun to rise, but created the world’s first two Incas; Manco Capac and Mama Ocllo (the Adam and Eve of the Andes). While the story is indeed dramatic, it’s fair to say that the Incas didn’t actually originate on the shores of Lake Titicaca. A ... read more

8th May Lake Titicaca is the second largest on the planet. It also is the navigable lake at the highest altitude in the world. It has an area of 8562 km2. The Bolivian part occupies something less than half of that surface, the rest belongs to Peru. Our guide Renan took us by small boat to one of several floating islands where we were greeted by some of the locals. These floating surfaces are constructed by the people of the Uru Chulluni tribe from braided roots of totora and we were shown with the use of models just exactly how the island & dwellings were constructed. It is the men who collect the totora, because they are the ones who know which roots are good for building the island. If they have a lot of ... read more

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Lake Titicaca September 6th 2018

Country number 4, Bolivia! What better way to enter the country by spending some time at Lake Titicaca, the highest navigable lake in the world at 3800 masl that's almost equally split between Peru and Bolivia. We decided that the Peru side would be too touristy and heard that a small town called Copacabana (not to be confused with the Brazilian beach) was a more idyllic and relaxed place to be. It surely didn't disappoint! It coincided with our 3 year wedding anniversary so we treated ourselves to the iconic Los Olas accommodation with rooms that have no doubt been inspired and built after a trip to Barcelona accompanied with a sensational view of the bay. We reckon we had the best accommodation (each room being a different design and size, including a sea shell!) and ... read more
Our Accommodation View
Isla Del Sol
Isla Del Sol

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Lake Titicaca October 24th 2017

Torta de Chola Sandwich De Chola Trucha Tomatada: Picante de Pollo: Picante De Pollo Lechón al horno: Papas Rellanas: Papas Rellenas Salteña:... read more

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Lake Titicaca October 21st 2017

"Bolivian ganja be the best. Heed these words..." And so I continued my journey on my own. I arrived in La Paz early in the morning and grabbed the next bus ticket to Copacabana. Copacabana is a nice little town set up for tourism, but it was quiet. I checked in to my guesthouse and check my facebook messages. The group of travelers I'd traveled to the Salt Flat with were in Chili and sent their regards. I felt alone. I spent my first day at Copacabana strolling locally. Checking out places and looking for street food. The trout there was delicious and was pink, like salmon. The next day I took an early ferry to Isla del Sol, an island, which contained numerous Inca ruins. Dating back to the 15th century AD. I visited the ... read more
Basilica de Nuestra Señora de Copacabana

It is not every day you take a bus and are asked to leave the bus, take a boat across the water whilst your bus travels on a small wooden boat across the water, for you to hopefully meet it on the other side, but that’s exactly what happened on the way to Copacabana. The town itself, Copacabana is situated right on the bank of Lake Titicaca. When we arrived we hadn’t noticed google maps had decided to change our hotel to a different hotel. After checking in and getting to our room we then realised we were in the wrong place and had to sheepishly check out and find our right hostel. Our first day we headed up the hill next to the ... read more
Top of Cerro Calvario, Copacabana

Il taxi ci scarica appena fuori città, dove inizia il blocco. Camminiamo per file chilometriche di tir sparsi lungo la strada, gente che campeggia ai bordi delle strade, che dorme sotto i camion, anziane che camminano con il loro aguayo carico sotto il sole e noi con le valigie. Ci tocca il solito bus tra le galline, a meno che non vogliamo camminare per altri 10km di tir. Appena dopo il blocco comincia la guerra di taxi abusivi e pseudo bus a caricare la gente disperata. Anche la benzina comincia a scarseggiare in un paese immobile, ogni bus potrebbe essere l'ultimo! L'unica destinazione possibile è Potosì. Aspetteremo circa 3-4 ore prima che Alessia riesca a trovcarci un....qualcosa per muoverci da lì. L' autista ci avvisa subito che il bus non sta messo bene. Tradotto, facciamo un ... read more

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Lake Titicaca September 2nd 2015

16/06/15 Op naar Bolivia. 16-17/06/15 Lago Titicaca/Copacabana/Isla del sol Ik vertrok gisterenavond rond 22 uur vanuit Cusco richting Puno om vervolgens na enkele uren wachten in de busterminal rond 7 uur s'morgens een tweede bus te nemen richting Copacabana. De grensovergang ging heel vlot wat best wel aangenaam was. "Lago Titicaca", het werelds grootste hoogst gelegen meer op 3808 meter. De inca's geloofden dat dit hun geboorteplaats was. Het Zuid gedeelte van het meer is in Bolivia gelegen met als grootste stad Copacabana, een toeristisch maar best wel aangenaam stadje. Vandaar uit vertrekken de meeste ferry's richting het gekende "Isla del sol", het grootste eiland in het meer gelegen. Na enkele inkopen en mijn eerste "mercado" maaltijd in Bolivia vertrok ik met twee Brazilianen, Flora en Jorcelino, richting het zonnige eiland. Het werd gelukkig een uur ... read more
Lago Titicaca
Lago Titicaca
Lago Titicaca

The view from our cabin on Isla del Sol was superb! The mighty Lake Titicaca (titi and caca in the same word – hee hee!), the snow-capped peaks of the Cordillera and incredible skies surrounded us. The surface of the lake is over 3800 metres above sea level and our cabin was a very challenging hike up another hill. Dave’s GPS showed our cabin just shy of 4000 metres! We spent most of our four day stay wandering around exploring the trails and beautiful landscapes of the traffic-free island. The island is dotted with Inca ruins and small villages. We loved the terraced gardens and we enjoyed the exquisite tranquility. Everywhere we looked there were burros (donkeys) and llamas. Sheep, cats and dogs were also a lesser part of the domesticated animal population and we may ... read more
Inca Ruins

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