Blogs from Solomon Islands, Oceania


Oceania » Solomon Islands » Honiara September 2nd 2023

Well, this place is a surprised in many ways! My aim on this trip is to discover the South Pacific a little further. I did my research, but no extensively. So after spending 2 relax nights in Fiji, I'm on to Honiara, Solomons, three hours away from Nadi. The closest place to here is actually Papua New Guinea, so you are deep in Melanesia. My first feeling on the taxi to my hotel in downtown Honiara is the I'm back to Africa. This place looks so much like what I know in Congo. First impression, not impressive at all, and yes, nobody is smiling around here! This is like night and day when you try to compare with my last blog in Kiribati. First rule, there are very very few tourists here. Nothing is neither cheap ... read more
Central Market Honiara
Well, I guess this is better than no golf at all...
Nemo and friends...

Oceania » Solomon Islands » Guadalcanal January 15th 2019

As the years pass by and I gradually add to the number of countries visited, it seems a more spontaneous travel approach is beginning to flower within your intrepid travel correspondent. I'm happiest when the experience of a country begins to unfold as a result of my visit, and lately have shied away from burying myself in information about countries prior to arrival. It goes without saying the occasional surprised look comes my way in the first few days after arrival, nevertheless I bury myself in each destination and the experiences on offer to ensure I'm enriched by the country and her people. The inaugural visit to Solomon Islands has been the latest example, where it all magically unfolded for me over the course of ten days, and what a wonderful experience it's been! For a ... read more
Vilu outdoor museum
Tenaru Falls
Park Heritage hotel

Oceania » Solomon Islands » Honiara August 14th 2018

Tuesday Honiara Guaranteed a shore day with Honiara having a port berth, we looked forward to seeing some military sites on some sort of tour. This cruise with PNG and Solomons being the shore destinations has meant less chances for us to do our own thing ashore with most destinations having little infrastructure such as taxis or buses to take us independently to where we wanted to go. Today was no exception. Honiara which means place of east wind is the capital of The Solomon Islands, population 80,000. Rich in WWII history with much of the major fighting between the Japanese and the USA and its allies occurring in this area.There was a lot set up on the wharf with stalls and maps and the advice from the information desk to seek a tour outside of ... read more
Rabaul bruised and beaten
Every shack sells mobile upload
Bloody ridge

Oceania » Solomon Islands November 29th 2017

SOLOMON ISLANDS LIFE ON THE LIVEABOARD What is there to say about diving on a liveaboard? Well…we do a lot of diving. I was on the Taka for seven days and did nineteen dives. Most days four dives are scheduled. That seems like a lot, but diving on a liveaboard is easier because your dive gear is always set up. Each diver has an assigned tank secured to the bench and it is filled between dives by a long air hose attached to the compressor. We each have our own dive station and our loose gear, fins, mask, booties, etc. are in a bin under the bench below our tank. Because we were doing so many dives each day we were all using Nitrox, which is a mix of air and oxygen and means you don’t ... read more

Oceania » Solomon Islands » Honiara November 23rd 2017

THE RAIDERS HOTEL While I was reviving at the Lime Lounge I came to a decision. When I first arrived I made reservations for the Raider Hotel. It was reasonable and I liked the name because the Raider’s football team is THE football team in my family. My late husband grew up next to the Raider’s home field in Oakland and spent a lot of time there as a boy. My three daughters are huge fans. Then I found out it was on Tulagi Island. I had no idea how to get there so I cancelled my stay. Now the Raider Hotel looked like the best choice for me until I could get on the liveaboard. I took a taxi back to the hotel for my luggage and then asked to go to the yacht club, ... read more

Oceania » Solomon Islands » Honiara November 21st 2017

THE SOLOMON ISLANDS OFF TO A BAD START The Solomon Islands…the name conjures up stories from my childhood memory. When I was young I had a set of Christian books about Kings, and of course King Solomon is one I remember. On the other hand, I know next to nothing about the war in the Pacific. I don’t even know where my uncles served during the war, and now family members who could have told me have all passed away. The first time I visited the Philippines many years ago there were still remnants of the military presence in the Philippines. On this trip I discovered wrecks abound in Papua New Guinea. The German Channel in Palau was a site of military activity in WWII. But I didn’t learn about the war in the Solomon Islands ... read more

Oceania » Solomon Islands » Honiara November 13th 2012

This is my second trip to the Solomon Islands but the first time that I've travelled here alone. I arrived about 10 days ago to work with colleagues in a Government department as part of a Capacity Development project. My Solomon's counterpart (David) had visited me in Melbourne in June which was a bit of a climate shock for the poor guy - I doubt that he was ever warm during that visit. By the time I left the airport, collected a hire car and checked into my hotel it was probably about 3:30 pm and so the plan was to start work proper the following day. I arrived at work the following day at about 9:30 only to find that David wasn't around. It turns out that he was at my hotel looking for me ... read more
Fruit & Betel stall near work
Snorkelling at Mbike

Oceania » Solomon Islands » Santa Isabel January 1st 2011

After our debacle 10 years back in the Solomons, courtesy of Solomon Airlines, confidence wasn't at its peak with the narrow changeover between our international flight from Oz and the subsequent inter island flight scheduled only 45 minutes after touchdown in Honiara. But, Hey Presto, our fears were unfounded, initially because Solomon Airlines have lifted their game dramatically and also because we were assured the ongoing flight would wait for us. Wait for us? How many airlines would delay a flight for 2 plebs like us? As it turned out, we 2 plebs comprised 40% of the entire passenger list so they really couldn't take off without us. Five passengers plus pilot nestled into a lawnmower with wings skating up, around and under cloud banks with textbook tropical islets dotting the ocean below. The landing strip ... read more
Village dancer

Oceania » Solomon Islands » Guadalcanal October 14th 2010

I have had the luck of pretty much being able choose my jobs at sea. Last year I had the pleasure of conducing a beaked whale survey in the tropical waters of the coral sea. This year I would be sailing from Cairns to the Solomon Islands. The trip started as most trips to sea do; rough and with about half the crew spending most of the trip lying down, praying that the seas would calm and they can again resume some sort of normal life. The rough seas started a few hours out of Cairns and didn’t stop until we rounded Guadalcanal and headed into Honiara many days later. While in the Sol we had the great opportunity of spending a considerable amount of time in the Russell Islands, a beautiful part of the world. ... read more
when in Rome
sink me if you can
jumping ship

Oceania » Solomon Islands » Guadalcanal February 26th 2010

In 2003, the Australian-led Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands (RAMSI) arrived in Honiara. Foreign troops and police quickly stopped the violence, restored security and disarmed the militias. RAMSI's nation-building efforts, however, have been less effective. Australia is now trapped in the Solomon Islands for the long haul. A new strategy is required and I propose a more decentralised government. For all its troubles, the Solomon Islands receives much foreign aid and assistance. Like many developing nations, the Government has become aid-dependent. 2008 estimated GDP for the Solomon Islands was US$642 million (nominal GDP). url= aid was A$223 mil... read more
Marovo Lagoon

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