Blogs from Wanaka, South Island, New Zealand, Oceania


Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Wanaka November 10th 2022

Bonjour à tous, Ce matin le gars qui servait le pdj, devait être un ancien joueur rugby des Alls Blacks, 2.10m, 130kg, j'ai été très poli avec lui. Il m'a fait une omelette au micro onde, je ne savais pas que ça pouvait se faire, aussi bonne qu'à la poêle, avec une énorme tranche de saumon fumée, pour la coiffer. Perso je n'aurais jamais osé cet assemblage, mais très bon. Hier au soir, difficile, encore une fois de trouver un restaurant, que des fast food. Le seul resto que j'ai trouvé, j'y ai très bien mangé, une entrecôte de boeuf, mais j'ai du payer le boeuf entier. La viande un délice, accompagnée d'un verre de pinot noir local. A mon retour à l'hôtel, 21H personne dans les rues. Un demi somnifère et 9H de sommeil plus ... read more
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Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Wanaka November 8th 2022

Bonjour à tous, Ma soirée d'hier, croisière culinaire. Pourquoi je m'étais fait à l'idée, que ce serait en petit comité?. Sans doute que toutes les activités que j'avaient faites l'étaient. Rdv 18H, sur le port de Queenstown, au bateau le TSS Earnslaw. 20minutes avant, comme demandé j'arrive, pas de bateau, mais au lieu indiqué un rassemblement d'une centaine de personnes. C'est entre 120 et 150 personnes qui vont embarquées. Un bande de jeunes excités (pas de banlieue) entre 50 et 90 ans. Direction Walter Peak Farm. le bateau, un vapeur, au charbon. C'est le seul navire commercial à vapeur dans l'hémisphère sud. Il a été mis en service en 1912. Il propulsé par 2 moteurs de locomotive de 500cv. Longueur 51m, largeur 7.3m, pouvant transporté 350 passagers vitesse 13 noeuds. (23kmh).Il fonctionne toujours au coke, l'aménagement ... read more
TSS Earnslaw
vue du bateau
vue du bateau

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Wanaka March 21st 2021

Today was a Wanaka day so up and over the Crown Range again. This is our most favourite place in all New Zealand so we wanted to go and soak it up while it's still peace and loveliness without mass tourism. The weather was perfect - clear, sunny and windless apart from the cloud at the top of the range to drive through. My gosh, I just LOVE this climate. No wind. Unbelievable. And the best part (I can hear the detractors already) you don't have to walk through hours of bush to see the view! I should mention that despite our love of the area it is very barren, rocky and hilly. No doubt winter is pretty severe too. The hills are covered in tussock, rocks, matagouri and merino sheep. Beauty with a rough background. ... read more
Diamond Lake set in a rocky basin
250 steps.  Are we there yet?
A view of L Wanaka from the Rocky Mountain Track

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Wanaka January 31st 2020

Když jsme se dnes loučili se západním pobřežím (neboli West Coastem), navštívili jsme v Haastu malé infocentrum spojené s muzeem. Zaujala mě jeho přezdívka "Wet Coast" (mokré pobřeží) a zároveň jsme si ho autenticky vyzkoušeli. Pršelo celou noc ze čtvrtka na pátek a ráno byl ještě velký opar, takže počasí na létání nebylo ani dnes. Ještě budeme mít jednu příležitost, tak snad se už zadaří. Je potřeba zdolat spoustu kilometrů, jelikož místa našeho zájmu jsou od sebe dost vzdálená. Mezi nimi dost často nebývá žádná civilizace, ale silnice tu udržují v dobrém stavu, i přes mnohé sesuvy půdy či kamení na vozovku. Otevírají se nám nové pohledy do krajiny, většinou projíždíme údolím a kolem nás se tyčí vrcholky. Cestou do Wanaky máme možnost obdivovat množství vodopádů, které se tříští o skály. U jednoho z nich jménem ... read more
Cestou k vodopádům
Jezero Hawea
Vrba v jezeře Wanaka

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Wanaka March 29th 2018

Bicycle ride from Lake Hawea to Lake Wanaka... simply stunning scenery. Approximately 35km travelled by mountain bike. Jana did great. Then in the evening there was an amphibious landing by the USA... nothing new there then.... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Wanaka March 28th 2018

8am bus to Wanaka via a very steep series of switchbacks. Into next AirBNB accommodation dumped the bags and off up Mount Iron. A quiet Italian lunch then out to Stephenson's Island within Lake Wanaka on a cruise boat.... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Wanaka March 28th 2018

New Zealand has every shade a green. It's the most beautiful country I've ever seen and I'm so grateful to have traveled there. Wanaka is in the South Island, and was my favourite spot, specifically because it had great food, great climbing and a lake to swim in. Frankly, it was the Boulder of New Zealand, but with water. While I have lots of stories, there is one memory that stood out more thank others: I stayed at a hostel in Wanaka one day and there was a man in the kitchen that couldn't stop sneezing. He looked quite sick so I asked if he was okay and he said, "no, someone just mowed the grass and I'm allergic to it." I said, "that's your liver. If you detox your liver, then you won't experience those ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Wanaka March 26th 2018

And so our 12,000 mile journey home begins. Today we drive to Wanaka. The SatNav can’t cope with the mountainous terrain so I have to resort to old fashioned navigating. We successfully reach our destination despite the old man’s inability to follow basic instructions. For several miles we drive alongside Lake Wakatipu, also known as Thunderbolt Lake as it resembles a flash of lightning. If Zorro created a lake, it would look like this. We stop for lunch at Queenstown. My guide book informs me it is NZ’s adrenaline capital and lists various bungee, sky swing and luge opportunities. We have brought up 2 children and spent our working lives in schools, airports and visa sections. We don’t feel the need to jump off a cable car attached to a piece of elastic for extra adrenaline. ... read more
Lake Wakatipu
Lake Wakatipu
Queenstown park

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Wanaka March 19th 2018

Day 22: Haast to Wanaka, 152km. Life's a bitch and then you die. The Donkey woke up the next morning with Rain patiently waiting outside. Rain did not want to make the same mistake as last time (day 20) when he lost most of his contents while the Donkey was standing, waiting indoors, laughing, behind the safety of the sliding doors of his Top Ten holiday Park motel unit, till the worst was over. This time Rain timed it better, holding himself back, but he was bursting to overflowing so had to let go of some showers. The Donkey set of in a drizzle at 7.30 a.m. on the Haast Pass Highway with Wanaka his destination for the day. When Rain decided that the Donkey was far enough from Haast so that it was unlikely that ... read more
Haast Pass/Tiorepatea
Rain and the Donkey on what the Donkey thinks is the highest point of Haast Pass, photo check point
Lake Hawea

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Wanaka December 31st 2017

Another morning and more time on struggle street. We had a 9:30 start this time but it was our last shift and was New Year’s Eve so couldn’t complain! As soon as it was over at 3:30 we got straight on the drink again. We spent a good few hours with all of the Volly’s at our campsite, headed out to see a band called Ocean Alley which was great. We then returned to our tent for some more substances and then headed out to see Tash Sultan first and the Fat Freddie’s Drop afterwards to see in the new year. It was such a great moment with everyone, surrounded by star lit mountains and good music - perfect. 01/01 Happy new year! As with most New Years days it was spent horizontal wondering why you ... read more

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