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September 30th 2014
Published: October 16th 2014
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September 30 – Today we visited the Dunedin Botanical gardens and saw more rhododendrons than I knew existed! (and this was early spring – there are more to come!) There were numerous gardens with plants from various countries, some that I even recognized! We stopped at Signal Hill in Dunedin which offers wonderful views of the city. While the wind whipped around our heads, Brian painted a picture of the first ships coming into the harbour led by Scottish evangelists from the Free Church of Scotland standing on the ship's bow reading the bible -- they really must have thought they were creating a new Eden!

We then headed off for a brief view of Baldwin Street which is considered to be the steepest road in the world! Following lunch, we did a short tour of downtown Dunedin, stopping at the university, the railway station and the beach. The city has a number of ornate building that were built in the late1800's when the area experienced a gold rush. Today, Dunedin's main industry is post-secondary education, and it is filled with young people. I spotted several of them studying?

Our final stop in Dunedin was a visit to Brian’s grandchildren – mostly so young James could see David’s photos of his really big rockets. Five year old James and his three year old sister Natalia? (I hope I have her name right) were delightful. I love the energy of the very young – I wish I had more of it!

It was then onto Allan and Mina’s home for a drink and snack on the deck overlooking their garden and the ocean. (Brian and Diane’s kitchen has a view into this garden where their hedge has died back creating a “secret garden.") Mina has an art room just off the deck which sits at the back of the property, and Allan has a sunny room at the front of the house, so they both have their own ‘space’ in this wonderful retreat they call home. It is truly a special place.

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New friends!New friends!
New friends!

David, Diane, Brian, Allan, Mina & 'Brin' the dog

18th October 2014
First Church of Otago - Dunedin

Love this town and loved seeing the penguins come to shore at sunset.

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