Blogs from Rotorua, North Island, New Zealand, Oceania


Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Rotorua March 24th 2024

When I arrived in Dunedin around lunch time 4 weeks ago, I went to the hostel to drop of my bags and went out to discover the city. This let me to a streetart scavenger hunt which was very fun. Sadly one of the artworks I had been looking forward to the most had been over painted (there was a reference foto). The next day I went on a nature cruise to see the albatros and sea lions. We were very lucky as we saw three of the four sea lions that live in the harboor. My last day in Dunedin I visited the world steepest street and spent the afternoon at the beach. With 16°C water temperatur the ocean wasn't very warm, but warm enough to go swimming. Beaches really are my most favorite place ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Rotorua November 24th 2023

Tour Day 45, Cruise Day 45 – Napier, a coastal city on New Zealand's North Island, is set amid the renowned wine-producing region of Hawke's Bay and is sometimes referred to as the "Nice of the Pacific." The town was virtually flattened by the 1931 earthquake, was rebuilt in the art deco style and, therefore, is more commonly referred to as “The Art Deco Capital of the World.” Given that wineries and art deco architecture haven’t made it to my A-list, there were no shore excursions I found appealing. Given the weather was uncooperative, I stayed on the ship. Tour Day 46, Cruise Day 46 – The Living Village Experience (5.5 hours) - An authentic, living Maori village steeped in history awaits you, along with the best of Rotorua's geothermal activity. Enjoy a panoramic drive from ... read more
On the Way to/from The Living Maori Village Experience
On the Way to/from The Living Maori Village Experience
On the Way to/from The Living Maori Village Experience

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Rotorua February 18th 2023

After a relaxing and enjoyable 2 day stay at Kinloch it was time to move on. We were ‘just-going-to-drive-and-see-what-tickled-our-fancy’. Before we departed a friend had sent us a photo of a place they had visited and enjoyed. We made note of it but were not going to seek it out. More of that to come. Our first fancy tickler was Aratiatia Rapids. We deviated off the beaten track and eventually found them … well, we found huge rocks, boulders, a gorge and rock pools. No rapids … until we heard a siren … the hydro electric dam up stream was letting water through. We headed to the viewing position above the gorge and waited and watched as the water rapidly cascaded down and over the boulders and rocks … rapids created. Onto highway 5 and Rotorua ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Rotorua November 27th 2022

Bonjour à tous, Il me semble que depuis que j'ai quitté Wellington, je suis moins dans la culture anglaise, beaucoup plus dans la culture Maori. Les noms et surtout le faciès des gens. Une chose est constante malheureusement la bouffe. J'entends beaucoup plus parlé, je pense que c'est du Maori et que ça doit avoir une incidence sur la prononciation de l'anglais. Le Maori étant une des 2 langues officielles avec l'anglais de la Nouvelle Zélande. Peut être aussi le "bellage" des moutons??. Hier soir pour la deuxième fois avec Queenstown, j'ai trouvé de la vie dans une ville, mais il est seulement 18H . Rotuora est la ville la plus visitée de NZ avec ces 70 000 habitants. Elle est le centre de la culture Maori, et les sources d'eau chaudes et geysers, en sont ... read more
lady Knox
parc séquoia

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Rotorua November 25th 2022

Bonjour à tous, Même si connais la réponse, première chose, ce matin, tirer les rideaux, et voir le temps, encore plus bouché qu'hier, noir à 360°. La pluie n'a pas cessé de la nuit, les toits sont en tôle, de temps à autre, c'était l'enfer. J'ai été réveillé 3-4 fois. Pas question de sortir, pour faire une refaire une photo, l'expérience d'hier soir m'a suffi, mes chaussures en toile ont passées la nuit devant le radiateur à sécher. J'avais demandé au jeune qui m'avait remis les clés, les codes d'accès, chambre et hôtel, et où l'on pouvait souper. Sa réponse à Raehiti, 15km d'ici, où j'étais passé dans l'après midi. A 18H, je cours à la voiture, et m'y rend. Ce qu'il m'avait semblé voir c'est qu'à part le poste d'essence il n'y avait pas grand ... read more
route des geysers
l'hôtel à Horopito
Hôtel Rotorua.

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Rotorua March 6th 2022

Never anything worth watching on the TV on a Saturday evening so I enjoyed a couple of heygo tours in New Zealand. First tour - Government Gardens or Paepaekumana, located on an old Maori battle field. Generously, the Maori gave a large tract of the land including many therapeutic hot springs to the British Crown in the 1880s to benefit the people of the world. Second tour with Louise to Rotorua Kuirau Thermal Park - The Maori folklore has it that a young woman named Kuiarau was swimming in the main lake when a mythical creature dragged her to the bottom. It is said that the gods were angered by this and made the lake boil so the creature would be destroyed. The name of the main lake is taken from that lost woman. Two great ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Rotorua February 18th 2020

I've had an absolute bitch of a fortnight. A fortnight is, of course, two weeks, but saying that sounds less cool. The job I came to Te Puke for fell through because those asshats didn't deem it necessary to mention little old me would be needing a car. The hostel staff were literal saints, and the manager has reached a level of iconic I can only hope to match someday. He gave me the much valued advise to "tell those fuckers to screw off". A legend in the shape of a man. He also found me another job. I ended up putting in two half-days and one full day there before I was essentially fired for having a sunstroke. I had a sunstroke, which was fun. I had to move out of my tent I had ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Rotorua January 25th 2020

Příjezd do města Rotorua jsme poznali již s předstihem, jelikož jeho typická "vůně" se nedá zaměnit. Měli jsme tu čest čichat zkažená vajíčka celou předchozí noc, jelikož jsme byli ubytováni nedaleko epicentra odkud to vycházelo. Místo zvané Te Puia nás navíc vítalo nejen odérem síry, ale také drobným kouřem, který stoupal ze spousty míst. Co se taky divíme, když jsme v aktivní sopečné oblasti. Vidět jsme mohli krátery, ve kterých se doslova vařila voda, bublající bahno a jeden z aktivních gejzírů. Co byl však největší zážitek byste neuhodli - viděla jsem ptáčka kiwiho. Živého, sice v zajetí a ve velké tmě, ale je to další z mých splněných přání. I samotné město Rotorua stojí za prohlídku. Vyniká polynézskými lázněmi a nádherně upravenými parky. V jednom zrovna probíhaly trhy a tak jsem měla možnost koupit malou chuťovku ... read more
Polynézské lázně v Rotorue
Jehněčí kebab na špejli
Jezírko zvané "Malířská paleta" ve Waiotapu

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Rotorua November 28th 2019

“Have you ever paddle boarded before?” Called one of our guides, Matt, as we bumped down the track to the lake. We all answered in the negative. “And you’re choosing to learn and do it for the first time in the dark?!” This was obviously meant as a joke, but we looked nervously at each other. We had just been collected from Rotorua, our 3rd stop in New Zealand, for paddle boarding and glow worm cave exploring. I had already started to become a little apprehensive at the prospect of falling off whilst in a cave and struggling to get back onto the board again, feet dangling in the dark water with goodness knows what lurking. “Are there eels in the cave?” I asked, nervously. “Not any more,” he said, cheerfully. Matt went onto explain that ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Rotorua April 29th 2019

This is just a quick update to let everyone know where we are and where we are headed next just in case you should want to touch base. We always love to hear what you are all up to too so feel free to drop us a line anytime and I can then also confirm that you are not hitting the delete button as soon as you see who it is from! lol After returning from Aus in October last year we moved back into our very comfortable home and have appreciated the space if offers after so long living in a motorhome plus we had forgotten what stunning views we have of Lake Rotorua and farmland. We had hoped to then sell the house to move to a warmer area of the North Island but ... read more
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