Blogs from Auckland, North Island, New Zealand, Oceania - page 5


Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland » Matakana November 10th 2018

9th November. Had a great night's sleep, a the fresh air is certainly making me sleepy. I took advantage of all the facilities at my new campsite once I had breakfast. Long HOT shower and used the launderette. Finished my book whilst waiting for my washing to finish and went for a little walk by the shore when the drier was on. I left camp about 11.15 and headed to Brick Bay. The journey there reminded me that driving in New Zealand can be a bit like riding a roller coaster; all up and down, and twists and turns. The views en route were stunning, but far too dangerous to pull over to take a picture, so you will have to take my word for it. Brick Bay is so called because bricks were made from ... read more
Brick Bay Beach
View from the shop.

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland » Snells Beach November 10th 2018

10th November It rained all night. Another lesson learnt; push the fold up table further under the van at night. I slid it out this morning in preparation for breakfast so it was full of water as it was upside down and is has a lip running all around it. Bacon butties for breakfast; always a good start to the day. After I tidied up I was not sure where to head to, then I overheard a couple talking about a local farmer's market which I seen advertised. I have something approaching a plan for the day, farmers market then Tawharanui Regional Park for lunch and a walk. Ending up parking about half a mile out of town for the farmer’s market, it is very popular. Bought some supplies for lunch and beyond. On the way ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland November 8th 2018

2nd night went without incident. I was getting a bit steamed up so I opened the door and was woken up gently by the bird chorus. I head early to get to use the loo and washed and read for the day; because I learnt yesterday that Department of Conservation cleaning technique is very basic, just hose everything down. After breakfast I pack up the van and head away relatively early as I had seen a sign about Volunteer Tuesday’s with DOC; as I had no internet access or phone signal I took a punt and headed to the sign I had seen for Volunteer. Almost perfect timing I got there at 8.45 and volunteers had to report to the office at 8.50. I picked a good day to pitch up; saw a video of a ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland November 8th 2018

Right I am almost up to date. Here are my antics for 7th November. I have no idea what time I woke, made tea and had breakfast, then washed a few clothes by hand and made lunch in preparation for my walk to Lookout Point. More tea and settled to reading the book I bought an eternity ago a Heathrow. Left for my walk about 10.30. The first 30 minutes was on a flat piece of road. No problem; the next section was more of a problem, all up hill. I stopped severely times to take in the view or catch my breath. I was beginning to realize that I am VERY unfit. The next section was a much gentler gradient, got to the lookout and took well needed sit down. The walk up had not ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland November 8th 2018

Final night at my 1st Campsite a Shakespear Nation Park. Headed north in search of a campsite with more facilities such as a hot shower and a washing machine. Left about 9.30, filled up the van at Manly and bought sunscreen as I a was starting to look like a cooked lobster. Bought some bacon to supplement my pasta and sauce tonight; I finally finish the jar of pasta sauce tonight. Set sat nav for Whangateau Holiday Park, and stopped off at a beach en route and took in the view and wrote my last blog. I carried on my journey, thinking that I would go straight to the campsite but got side tracked when I saw a brown sign indicating a tourist attraction to a Pioneer Town. I parked up and found a walk which ... read more
Little Library

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland November 7th 2018

If you of a certain generation you will know all about Frank Spencer's mishaps and DIY disasters. Well last night was a little like an episode of Some Mother's Do 'Ave 'Em. Where to start after picking up food and toiletries en route I get the camp site all well and good. Finally, time to put kettle on for a cuppa. The first one was wet and not very warm. I had left the kettle on for ages but the flame was losing its battle against the wind.The second cuppa was much more succesful, I improvised a windbreak by laying the fold up table on its side. I had bite to eat, washed up and went for a wonder, it was starting get dark on my way back. I know BAD planning, it won't happen again. ... read more
Evening Walk

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland November 3rd 2018

November 2018 08:29 Arrived safely at Auckland this morning. It was not without incident. It is a good job that I am no longer a stresshead. The last 48hrs has included a few minor irritations, which a few years ago would have had me stressing; but not anymore. Finally learned not to stress about the small stuff. Where to start with the annoyances. First one was my medication not being delivered. I called my surgery to do an emergency prescription on Wednesday, but it would not be ready to pick until Thursday afternoon. I intended to leave my house on Thursday morning. My landlord, bless him, decided, as I was home Thursday morning, to do some jobs. This did not help on the cat catching situation. So the long and the short of it was ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland September 19th 2018

We awaken on our first day surprisingly early, around 6.30 am. Although we probably could have gone back to sleep, we decide to get up, as we have many things to sort out today. Luckily, our to-do-list is now one job shorter, as we set our phone number up at the airport. Breakfast is our priority, we haven’t yet done a food shop, and so grab ourselves a McMuffin Meal, complete with proper Barista Coffee! Stomachs full, we start our mission, first stop - the bank, so we can set up a New Zealand bank account. Upon arrival at the bank however, we realise that none of them open until 9 am, and it’s not even 8 yet. Even with just walking around for this small period, we are sensing how relaxed everybody seems to be ... read more
Auckland’s Under Ground.
Sushi, yes please.
My chopstick skills are improving.

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland September 17th 2018

7 a.m Monday morning, the alarm rings. The day we board the plane and begin the 25 hour flight has begun. 13 hours from London to Singapore, then an hours wait, then a further 11 hour flight from Singapore to Auckland!! Knowing we arrive in Auckland at around 10.30 pm on Tuesday is still rather mind-boggling. We’ve decided that trying to sleep on the first flight, and not on the second will hopefully allow us to get in to some kind of routine, and hopefully be able to sleep when we arrive. Although our body clock will still be telling us it’s 11.30 am. It’s first time at Heathrow. The only stories that I’ve been told are those from my mum, who has always avoided the airport due to its daunting size. However, upon arrival, it ... read more
Coffee Spilage!
G&T and Bloody Mary.
Ready to jet off!!

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland May 15th 2018

Kia Ora NZ! Kia Ora, a Maori greeting used in place of 'hello', literally meaning 'have life be well'. Arriving in Auckland we were greeted with 22C, and very unexpectedly, 100% humidity! It's Autumn here, others are in jumpers and boots, feeling the cold of 'Winter' as they're terming it already. There is no Spring or Autumn as such, Summer runs into Winter with a sudden switch - except it's late this year and hasn't yet reached North Island. Collecting Hermie, our motorhome, went very smoothly we're pleased to say thanks to a great job of importing by McCullough Ltd here in Auckland. So with the bank account activated and NZ sim cards in hand, our next job was to have Hermie certified self-contained. To freedom camp - ie use permitted overnight stops outside of paid ... read more
Takapuna Beach Campsite, Auckland
Dormant Volcano, Takapuna Beach
Muriwai Beach Campsite

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