Blogs from Auckland, North Island, New Zealand, Oceania - page 4


Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland April 11th 2019

“It’s a dangerous business going out of your door…You set out in to the street and if you don’t keep your feet there is no knowing where you might be swept off to…’– Gandalf . It was an early(ish) start for us today as our flight from Sydney to Auckland was at 09:55. Or so we thought!! We woke up at 06:45. In the old days, Roisin would have reached for her ciggies but in this modern day the rectangular shape of a cigarette box has since been substituted for a mobile phone. She immediately tapped on the email icon. ‘You’re having a laugh’, she said to no one in particular (although there was only me and her in the room!!) The next line was directed at me, though: they’ve ... read more
Welcome to Hobbiton
Now, who lives in a hole like this
A Hobbiton butterfly

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland » Central March 12th 2019

Hi everyone Well, I have 3 weeks to go before I set off on my first solo MLCOE (Mid Life Crisis Overseas Experience). Checklist nearly complete: Backback - tick (my first ever backpack and my first backpacking experience...ever...) Boots and sandals - tick Ugly hiking pants and shirt - tick Medicine - tick...last rabies shot this week get the idea. Lots of stuff and I haven't tried packing it all in the backback yet. Many of you are a little worried about how I'll manage and some of you have concern for my safety. I get that and I share your concerns! I probably won't be on the phone much so, here's my blog page to keep you up-to-date with my travels, and a place where you can see (most of) what I'm up to...but ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland February 28th 2019

This March, I’m taking part in the Himalayan Trust Summit Challenge and walking 8,848 steps a day (1 step for each metre of the height of Everest - 8,848m) to raise funds for the people of Nepal. Ever since Sir Edmund Hillary built the first schools and hospitals in the Everest region in the 1960s, the Himalayan Trust has been transforming lives in remote mountain communities: opening up new opportunities for young people through quality education, providing life-saving medical care, building water systems to provide safe drinking water and increase income from farming; and rebuilding schools following the 2015 earthquakes. I’m taking part in the Summit Challenge because I have always admired Sir Ed, not just his physical achievements but his passion to help the people of Nepal. I visited Nepal many years ago and feel ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland December 11th 2018

11th December I woke up with that bloody magpie stomping on the van roof. Made a cuppa and emptied all the know and crannies if the van to make sure I did not forget anything. Was going to go for another cuppa but realized it was 8.15, I need to be at the volunteering place at 8.45. I quickly wash up and throw stuff out that I no longer need, including some very smelly slip on beach shoes that I bought. How the they got so smelly on such a short period of time I do not know. I got to the volunteering place and no rangers or wardens today just us volunteers. I head along to the nursery and help pot up native tree seedlings. The reserve is gradually replanting farmland with native species and ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland December 11th 2018

9th December Woke up early, 6ish, feeling very hot the van was like an oven, the rising Sun was shining through the gap in the curtains. Flung open The doors and snoozed whilst listening to the local birds, although I was not very impressed with the magpie stomping around on the van roof. I dozed until 7.30ish when I started to hear other people wandering around. Tea and toast for breakfast. Quick shower and dressed and wanders over to reception to book another night. Hand washed a few clothes, washed up, stashed my food in the fridge and had a well deserved cuppa. I might have to ration the tea, only got a dozen tea bags left to last me til the 11th. Also almost out of milk. I walked along the coastal path towards town ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland December 11th 2018

10th December Random breakfast is sardines in toast, not forgetting tea as well. I sort my van out and cook up some pasta and quick noodles and no with tuna ready for my evening meal as the campsite I am headed to does not have a kitchen. I left about 10 and initially planned to have walk, but I am a bit wary of another hypo, so ending up getting my chair out and reading my book whilst overlooking the beach. I head towards my final campground and read a bit more, make a cuppa, have a snooze. Generally take it easy and watch the world go around. In between all if that busyness I managed to cram everything into my rucksack, and put an outfit to one side to travel home in. I have crackers, ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland December 9th 2018

8th December No idea what time I woke up. Tea and egg sandwich for breakfast. Away from the site by 9.30 ish, set sat nav for a place called Thames, with a view of find a walk an route. Just before I got to Thames I saw a sign for Kauaeranga Valley, so ignored sat nav and followed the signs. I was also long for a cafe as I need caffeine, but I was soon out in the sticks and realized there was no chance of a cafe, all my hopes pinned on the visitor centre. No cafe at the visitor centre. Oh no! I had a look around all the maps and the walks were all pretty serious, any thing from 6 to 7 hrs to 4 or 5 days. I was seriously out of ... read more
Morning walk along gravel road

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland November 14th 2018

SC writes: A couple of days in Auckland has gone very quickly. Yesterday we took a ferry over to Waiheke Isalnd, about 40 minutes away. We explored by bus and on foot, finally climbing way up finding a very nice winery which overlooked he sea and had the added attraction of Guadiesque mosaics. We enjoyed some wine tasting - much more laid back and reasonably priced than in California recently. Lovely weather, but out in the sun all day meant that I caught the sun. Cathy was OK as she sheltered unter her posh new hat. Today we set sail again to nearby Devonport for a wander. Pleasant but unremarkable. In the afternoon, we visited the Aukland Museum - excellent Maori section but the most stunning point came as we exited (via the front not the ... read more
A winer that thinks it is inn Park Guell, Barcelona
Wine tasting - again
Summer Aphrodisiac - Risque labelling

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland » Central November 12th 2018

SC:Internet problems...not convinced that this blog post actually went, so I'm sending it again... Cjwrites: An easy getaway from our Guatemalan hotel at 04:30 on Friday 9th November and a reasonably comfortable flight to Dallas. Fortunately we spotted the need to change terminals before it all got too tight! but there was an anxious wait for seat allocations once at the gate. The flight from Dallas to LA is clearly hugely popular, with a lengthy list of stand-bys. Time in Dallas is as in Guatemala: 7 hours behind the UK. (SC adds: This was a good flight with a fabulous sunset and some great early evening views of LA.) A much longer period hanging around LAX - and no lounge available that will let us in (this Priority Pass isn’t nearly as useful as we’d hoped). ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland November 12th 2018

SC writes. We have been in Auckland for two nights now but it seems that our "Safe Arrival" blog was not published properly, despite two attempts. Not sure what's going on but the wifi in our hotel is up and down and frankly unreliable. So this is a quick update. If you see this please let us know. You should alo be able to view the "missing entry" by clicking a "view previous link". Yesterday we did a pretty thorough exploration of the city and its more desirable areas: Parnell Road & Ponsonby Road. All very pleasent with loads of chic shops, nice eateries and some nice view of the city. Unfortunately / fortunately Cathy came down with a bad case of .... SHOPPING. She hit her stride and just kept going. For my part I ... read more
Auckland Cityscape from the east
Breakfast - Gigantic omelette

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