Blogs from Guam, Oceania


Oceania » Guam August 19th 2023

My past history with Guam is actually a fun one. I first stay here by mistake back in 2006. How can you visit a place by mistake you are going to ask me. Well, it happened to me twice. I stay once overnight in Lillongwe, Malawi after our flight couldn't land in Congo. That was a fun experience! But back to Guam, we were supposed to land in Manilla from Hong Kong. Superb rain on landing, I was in the front of the Cathay flight, sitting right next a flight attendant. We attempted the landing...and few meters from touching the runway, the Captain put the gas again! I told the flight attending we are going to Cebu. She told me no-way...but yes way, 5 minutes later the Captain advised that we were on our way to ... read more
Tamuning, the tourism magnet of Guam...
It's pretty green...
My cheap ride for the day...

Oceania » Guam January 7th 2019

On our last day in Guam, we spent the day with Shelby’s friend Amanda. We were lucky enough to have her take us to the Guam Museum. Amanda has served in the Guam government to various capacities since she returned and is passionate about the decolonizataion of Guam. She has spoken as the Guam representative to the United Nations and was recently defeated in a run for the United States House of Representative. A new museum building was finished in 2014 and it is magnificent. It is very interactive in digital display and has many cabinets filled of treasures for kids and adults to discover. The two periods of Guam’s history that intrigued me most was prior to colonization of the Spaniards. During this time the Chamorros sailed on boats and built canoes to explore the ... read more

Oceania » Guam January 6th 2019

We explored the northwest side of the island today. This included stops at Two Lover’s Point and Mushroom Beach. Two Lover’s Point is the site of Chamorros’ myth: a young man and woman fell in love, but their families did not approve of the relationship. The two met at the cliff and tied their beautiful black hair together so they could be united forever. With one last look of lasting love and young beauty, they jumped from the cliff. Now you can forever see the woman in the cliff face and the man in the shoreline united forever. Next on the adventure was Mushroom Beach (actual name is Hilaan Beach, Mushroom is it’s white person name). Here the rock structures have small bases and large tops with greenery growing on top (giving the appearance of mushrooms). ... read more

Oceania » Guam January 5th 2019

The purpose of the trip to Guam arrived today with the celebration of a wedding. Today in front of family and friends, Jules and Zach celebrated their wedding. They had a beautiful service at the Cathedral. It was a very traditional Catholic wedding with a beautiful choir. My favorite was the singing of the Our Father in Chamorro which filled the church. The reception was quite the affair with a feast of various foods equivalent to Nobena. One plate was not enough to try everything, but too much to have room to go back for seconds. The one regret of the evening was not having enough room in my stomach. During the speeches, Jules’ mom brought out their German tradition which has been passed down since her grandparents. The story goes that her grandparents wanted to ... read more

Oceania » Guam January 4th 2019

Today was a chill day in preparation for tomorrow’s wedding. I had a lovely work morning at the Guam Hive enjoying time to catch up on emails and indulge in a BBQ pork waffle sandwich, strawberry spinach salad, and delicious homemade ice cream. The afternoon was spent at the beach and losing track of time. But after a quick sprint back to the air bnb to change close and a sprint down 3 blocks, we were able to make it into a gentle stretch yoga just as the doors were closing sweat running down our faces. Yoga is interesting, especially after I have not done it for some time. I never realize how tight I am until I start to move and focus on something as simple as my breathing. No thoughts to distract, no tasks ... read more

Oceania » Guam » Tamuning January 3rd 2019

Things were pretty chill today so I took the opportunity to get in a run and go to a new beach. Beach Bar is known for having sand volleyball and a little deeper ocean area with waves. My biggest disappointment of the island is the reef that surrounds the majority of it. The reef protects the island from typhoons and tsunamis but also prevents waves from getting close to shore and most areas are relatively shallow. Getting out past the reef is possible but if you get taken by a wave you get tossed into the reef which I am going to guess is painful. Here there is a channel that leads out past the reef and it is deep enough to take you over the top of the reef if you get taken. So much ... read more

Oceania » Guam January 1st 2019

Today was the last of the nine days of Nobena for Jules’ family. This means a very large celebration of prayer, food and community gatherings. The Nobena is a celebration of Jesus and due to the large Spanish influence here Mary as well. The Techa came in again and read the prayers and there were more songs than the previous days. Then there was the eating. The spread put our Thanksgiving to shame. There were 4 tables of food, a fully roasted pig, a table of desserts and then the Bonelos (a yam based donut). I was lucky enough to go through the food line with Cam and her daughter Frankie who advised me to go minimal on the carbs and stay away from the American dishes because I can get them any time. Not only ... read more

Oceania » Guam » Tamuning December 31st 2018

Today we were able to get a hike in thanks to Jules’ friend Ko. Shelby and I just did not understand why everyone was so adament that we did not hike alone until we got out there. We did Waterfall Valley which was an easy 30 minute hike down and 30 back. We added a little additional extra trek down the river to see if there was another fall nearby, but the mosquitos quickly put an end to this trek, but not before we came to a bambo patch growing over the river in arches. There were 3 waterfalls. The first was extremely tall but not much water power. The second reminded me of Havasu because of the wide rock structure and many tiers of water coming down. There was a pool that you could swim ... read more

Oceania » Guam December 30th 2018

Today we were given the task of getting Jules out of the house early so her sisters could get ready for the surprise wedding shower and out of the house. Easier said then done, but only 10 minutes late we were out of the house. The tricker part was getting Jules to let us go to the shower. With the Guam hospitality, letting guests walk anywhere is not acceptable. Plus Jules was on a mission to get Shelby a pair of normal flip flops so she would get out of her chacos. Quote unquote ”Those are so embarrassing for me! Everyone will know you aren’t from here and make fun of you.“ From there getting her to drop us off was far from easy, but again only 10 minutes late we were at the shower. It ... read more

Oceania » Guam December 29th 2018

We made our way to the family ranch located on Anderson Military Base. Getting people on base is a process: First, immediate family members need to become sponsors by: 1.) being a land owner, 2.) proving heritage to the family. Each sponsor can bring up to 7 people onto the base. Every sponsoree has to bring 2 forms of ID to get on base. However, it’s not uncommon for the rules to change especially when new commanders come in every 4 years. After 9-11, they refused to let landowners in for 6 months and all the livestock and horses on the land died from starvation. Today was a fairly quick process. Jules’ dad took us and told us how this land had been in his family for generations. However, after the US came into the country ... read more

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