Blogs from Kimberley, Western Australia, Australia, Oceania


Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Kimberley February 11th 2024

I am not indigenous by blood, yet I am Aussie through and through. How is it that indigenous art from a culture that has inhabited our sunburnt country for 40,000 to 60,000 years fascinates and grabs my soul so profoundly? I look into the Shailyn Peris Bungle Bungles "Purnululu" hanging above my screen monitor and drift into its allure...into ancient country that I have trekked in the physical and the spirits of the Dreamtime inhabit. But as a white man I am not supposed to have any place in the Dreamtime. Yet I enter that spiritual realm and am welcomed to take my place around the campfires where we become one. Where art overcomes prejudice and indigenous culture becomes the baton that may not be passed to me by right...but I take hold of nevertheless...and embrace. ... read more
 "Purnululu" by Shailyn Peris
'Borlokko' by Trevor Yganjmirra
 Two Echidnas by Steven Jabaljarri Sutton

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Kimberley July 25th 2019

We managed to score the same camp spot that we had three nights earlier and there was again only one other vehicle in the camp. Another swim, a meal of curry and a few beers sorted us out before bed.... read more

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Kimberley July 25th 2019

We slipped down the road toward Mt Barnett to grab fuel, food and beer only to discover THERE WAS NO BLOODY BEER!!! WTF??? We quickly found out that there is nowhere East of Derby that sells take away grog which was a bit of an issue. Therefore we (that night) broke into the emergency stash of beer inside the spare tyre in my trailer - times were getting desperate! Not too mention that I noted the trailer was sitting a bit low on one side and we found that I’d lost a U-bolt on the axle and things were troublesome. In at the MTB roadhouse they said “go see Nev at Over the Hill Tyre and Mechanical. So in the meantime we used some chain and shackles to get us to Nev. After a quick fill ... read more
Jen @ Galvan's Gorge
Amy @ Galvan's Gorge

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Kimberley July 25th 2019

We have hit the camp spots that we were hoping to! Water, fish, camp fires, sand (or dirt, maybe). Happy as a pig in poo! We left Home Hill bright and early to beat the grey nomad traffic, which worked out pretty well as we had the road to ourselves for a couple of hours after 7am. Still a heap of corrugations in the road but if you take the right speed and have the right tyre pressure they aren’t too bad - quite a few of the people we meet do not agree. I have NFI what they expect but I suspect it is something along the lines of bitumen or daily graded roads. Related to the above we found two vehicles with punctures during the morning. THe first bloke, and his wife and kid, ... read more
A much needed wash for Tony
Miner's Pool/Drysdale River
Random bird from 'Suz the photographer'

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Kimberley July 25th 2019

We thought that we had hit the jackpot at Miner’s Pool but bugger me if Honeymoon Bay is not one of the best camp spots I have ever seen! We are currently parked up around 30 metres from the high tide line enjoying the morning breeze after arriving yesterday after another early start to beat the travelling hoards. The drive up was quite nice with a lot of different country between the hills - a bit similar to the Simpson Desert between the dunes in that each time you go over a rise you do not know what you’ll see in terms of terrain and plant life. Nothing major to report from the 200km trek into Kalumburu except that my trailer light plug bracket has broken. Nothing that a cable tie and gaff tape won’t fix ... read more
Suz reckons the cattle are cute
Campsite sunset
Having a crack with balloons and floats

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Kimberley July 25th 2019

We had heard from a few other travellers that MTE was a great place to stay, that had only opened their property to travellers in the last few years. It was a fairly standard drive in (around 160km odd from Drysdale Station) except for the store we found in the Dodnun Community. There were plenty of signs stuck to trees about ice creams, biscuits, soft drinks, etc. that got our attention. When we arrived a young fella came across to let us into the store for us only to find out that he was also Tasmanian! From Burnie/Somerset area. A nice young fella, as they mostly are up here, so we had a good chat. And the ice creams did not disappoint. The advertising on the trees suggested the prices were the cheapest on the Gibb ... read more
Wunnamurra Gorge 2

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Kimberley July 25th 2019

The drive from Nev’s camp to our eventual camp at Lennard River was a good one. Lots of different terrain and hills - imagine that! Good fun times. On the way Tony and Di kindly took the dogs (Bella and Jack) to camp while Phil and Jen, and my lot headed into Bell Gorge. Wow! What a spot. A short walk in to a gorge that had a waterfall flowing and a river system that we followed (swimming) for several hundred metres to another gorge that had no-one there. It was a sensational spot - one that will stay in our minds as the cameras couldn’t swim with us. So cool to see these sorts of places. A lot of fun swimming down over mini-falls and through small, but deep, rock pools. Well recommended by us. ... read more
More Tunnel Creek
Winjana Bat
Winjana Gorge

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Kimberley May 28th 2018

We woke to a beautiful sunrise and a quick decamp - the memories of the previous evening’s discussions almost forgotten. Note to self – don’t touch on emotions after several beers and three bottles of red. Best to stick to topics as the ABC, Fairfax and the Banking Royal Commission. WCGW? After a minor false start we met our tour guide, Ronnie, a Slim Dusty soundalike, for a tour of the Mimbi Caves. The caves are set in a limestone range, remnants of a vast barrier reef, laid down 350 million years ago. I felt like a cross between Miranda from Picnic at Hanging Rock and David Gulpilil exploring a space so ancient and quiet that goose-bumps were not optional. Through a labyrinth of caves and tunnels we found ancient waterways and rock art and a ... read more
Why you don't take photos directly in to the sun.

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Kimberley May 23rd 2018

We managed to complete the 88ks to the Kalumburu Road with all 4 wheels and stopped in at Drysdale Station for fuel, lunch and a shower. Otto, the WWII fighter pilot, wouldn’t let Becs have a shower even if we paid for it as we hadn’t stayed there that night. She had one anyway. Given it had taken us 5 hours to go the 160 odd ks to the Gibb River Road we felt reaching Wandjina NP that night was a stretch plus the unthinkable had happened. We’d run out of alcohol. This was potentially worse than the wheel falling off. No alcohol at Drysdale Station, none at Mt Barnett Road House, the only option looked like Mount Hart Station. It seemed to have a bar. The Gibb River Road is not that bad and there ... read more
Lunch at Drysdale

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Kimberley May 23rd 2018

We are miraculously on schedule and it seems that Wilko, Brooksie and I will be able to get the car back from Broome (I just need 4 wheel nuts, a new rim would be good but I have a spare). When we arrived last night the campground was chockers which is bad. As I’ve discussed with Adam choosing campsites is an artform. Don’t choose the first camp area, look for things that might turn people off. For instance the “Generators Allowed” camping area at Mitchell Falls. So it seems that every would be camper makes the assumption that past this sign there will be 500 campers happily running their generators. Actually there was one couple in a tent, admittedly they were wearing matching wife beater t shirts and she had black tights. They also had a ... read more

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