Day 96 - to Willare Roadhouse

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July 1st 2015
Published: July 9th 2015
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Scott and Kate from Hobart Scott and Kate from Hobart Scott and Kate from Hobart

almost finished a 2,000 plus kilometre ride from Darwin to Broome (via the GRR)
To get a head start on our trip to Derby the next day we decided to take a leisurely drive out to Willare Roadhouse (and Caravan Park) which is about 50 kilometres from Derby. It was only about 170 kilometres from Broome so we headed off late in the morning (after coffee and toast in Chinatown) and got there early afternoon.

As we looked to organise a site with power we saw that there were two cyclists near a BBQ shelter. It might have been a camp kitchen under construction but it wasn't finished yet.

We introduced ourselves and found out that they had cycled from Darwin to Willare (including the entire Gibb River Road) and were completing their journey in Broome. What a feat. Take a bow Scott and Kate from Hobart. Lovely people too. We shared a table with them at dinner time and wished them well when they departed next morning.

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